General Discussion

General DiscussionIdeal Averages

Ideal Averages in General Discussion

    What are the ideal GPM, KDA, Hero dmg dealt, building dmg dealt and other statistical averages as a position 1 safe lane carry? what about offlaners, supports and other positions?


      Hmmm, really makes you think :thinking:


        Idk but if you play TA you must get 1k GPM no matter what. Win or lose doesn't matter, get that 1k GPM.


          1k GPM huh does that also apply to other carries?

          I'm not even half on this 1k GPM hahaha


            700, 700, 50000, 12000

            Dire Wolf

              as long as it's more than the other team you're good

              seriously there is no magic number, it depends on a ton of factors like what hero you are, team comp, opposing team comp, pace of game, how close the game is etc. Though I do feel hero dmg dealt is one of the least important stats for a safe lane carry, and kda is meaningless on its own. You want to farm an advantage and then win the game which means gpm and tower dmg.


                Situational, every carry is different really and there will be games where it isn't safe for you to farm all game, a good game you'll have 650+ gpm an okay game will be 550-649 gpm and a bad game will be anything lower than that. But as said above no matter what if you play ta rush hand of Midas and get a 1k gpm or you just lose even if you win.


                  700 gpm (for slowpokes like ursa CK maybe 600)
                  700 xpm (same as above)
                  45k+ HD
                  10k+ TD
                  But you shouldn't focus on stats that much


                    It depends on ur mmr, technically if ur a cookie 5k+ level player u shud be hitting over 900 gpm every game, but that clearly isnt the case. There isnt a magic number (besides the 30 min 600 lh challenge) and u shud just try to maximize the numbers as much as possible. Also dont get caught up in hero dmg, its coop but u win by destroying the ancient, doesnt matter if you wipe them constantly to do it or rat constantly to do it, only thing that matters is killing the ancient.

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      if u don't get at least 461 gpm and 521 xpm every game u should uninstall

                      casual gamer

                        it depends on the game mate


                          "ideal" gpm etc. is a nonsense
                          its a reflection of playstyle, not skill

                          Dire Wolf

                            guys 5k players don't get 900 gpm in the games they lose, and they don't win every game, contrary to popular belief.


                              580-600, 700+ if dominating hard


                                u can look my past games
                                20/3/7 od 787 gpm 706 xpm 49 k HD 8k TD
                                but its was OVERFED game
                                but anyway u can keep ur creep stat like min*10
                                works after 15-20min

                                Story Time

                                  90-60-90 is my favourite average numbers, k for kappa

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    On any kind of pushing hero though 10k tower dmg is about the minimum if you want to win. Heroes like luna, tb, drow and to a lesser extent sniper and jug. Though it depends a lot on your team. If you have supports who do a lot of dmg to towers then you naturally will do less cus they'll eat into that stat. Like lesh, shadow shaman, jakiro. Not unusual for those supports to have 2-5k tower dmg.

                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                      The ideal GPM is infinity of course


                                        ideal average is impossible to achieve in your own mmr

                                        to get every single game needs to be a 10-20 minute stomp, meaning you're above your average and you'd be getting increased mmr till you get to where you belong, then you'll have the average for that mmr.

                                        it's impossible to get ideal average, as it'd require for you to stomp 8-9k players like they're 1ks every single game.

                                        registered flex offender

                                          Compared to your team, you should be the highest or a very close second in each category


                                            So averages is completely situational then it depend on what skill bracket you are currently in, the flow of the game, and the heroes draft.

                                            OK2. And the most important thing is to destroy the ancient.

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