General Discussion

General Discussioni hate 3k mmr and feeder

i hate 3k mmr and feeder in General Discussion
Lil uZi verT <--Nari

    help me for booost my mmmr im always high net worth and kill and .....

    casual gamer

      you focus on your teammates, so you will stay bad forever. the fact that you focus on nw and kills shows how little you fucking understand dota

      heres my last ranked game. you think these 4ks played as well as me, or even played well? they fucking didn't. but i don't focus on that because i'm not a goddamn animal

      casual gamer

        i can REALLY see your teammates holding you back

        nice aether lens btw. imbecile

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          You actually belong to where you currently are.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            Nice winrate m8


              Why don't you guys try being helpful? It goes a lot farther than posting irrelevant nonsense and insulting some random stranger. He's looking for advice so he can better himself as a player.


                Because he blame his team maybe ?


                  I hate 1k mmr and feeder

                  Story Time

                    all those noobs masturbating on their number of kills and not even bothering to take objectives... so typical


                      ? 3kers carry me every solo ranked game i play

                      ur just too incompetent to make them do that


                        You made 2 threads about the exact same thing. If you rage this much you got a serious case of Dunning-Kruger and deserve LPQ.

                        [VAL] igp

                          I saw this guy before. I was spectating through friend game. Ive heard about this kid isnt good at any heroes beside flame.


                            tbh tanky playmaking offlaners are possibly the best heroes to spam for solo mmr in 3k bracket in my opinion. unless you are way ahead in terms of personal skill, then ofc my heros of choice like sf riki or slark would be better - too bad im not far ahead lol.

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              Net worth and kills mean nothing.I got a friend that like to play Fucking BH safe lane carry,he buy a Quelling blade and rush Dagon after that he just roam non stop to find kill which irrelevant to any objective, high kill and net,you think it's good?