General Discussion

General DiscussionI feel satisfied, after beat trashtalker in real life.

I feel satisfied, after beat trashtalker in real life. in General Discussion
Jonas Kahnwald

    Life with the feelings that you may hardly to buy. I wondered yesterday I took fucking 13 mins to find match. In-game, 5v5 (full of Vietnamese). And I met 2 trashtalkers, they are friends of my brother !

    Troll game, and trashtalk, throw. That is all he did, I want to kill him or at least beat him once. Damn, so lucky he beside my brother at cafe internet, not so far from my home.


    I'm feel very satisfied, after I beat this asshole !

    Did you ever try it ?

    Nice fucking update :

    Matchmaking now considers geographical distance when finding players for your team.

    You guys is just a fucking sophisticated persons, in this thread.
    So, tell me what the fuck you felt when someone insult you in the game, although you can find out him? Cause of you and him living at same city, and address isnt hard to find.
    Be gentleman and man. A man should talking with hands and brain, not keyboard.

    I'm 25, btw !

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      u have some issues

      Jonas Kahnwald

        @ inx4c : did you ever meet Trashtalker ?


          u got issues


            want some cookies?

            Jonas Kahnwald

              You guys should be in this situation, to know my felt. Dont paper dota! They are players, and they are people, not robots.

              So, nothing wrong when I meet and beat them. I bet you all ever have bad mood, trashtalkers in your game. But what is a point ? You mad but you cant find them, right ?

              So, reach my thing first!

              fear is the mind killer

                learn english please

                doc joferlyn simp

                  How is that profile picture not censored?

                  Also it seems OP does not have a life outside of Dota 2 lmfao


                    op needs halp


                      There is a kind of ppl who play video games not to win but to piss everyone off. They do troll builds, trash talk, throw etc. If you cant accept it or get over it its better for you to get out of the internet. And you got issues cuz physical abuse is worst than verbal abuse even if you gave him a small punch you should be ashamed.
                      U got issues [3]

                      mom said it's my turn to ...

                        U got tissues


                          And yeah lord Gabe N actually implemented a mute button in dota.


                            U beat them irl? Lol. Over a vid game? U sure you're 25?


                              btw your profile pic...

                              not arin

                                U got tissues

                                underrated post

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                Giff me Wingman

                                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                                    Btw where is the one-push-mute-everyone button now? It used to be there when you open chat but now I have to manually mute everyone

                                    Vem Comigo

                                      open the console and put like
                                      bind f5 disconnect
                                      f5 disconnect chat
                                      f5 disconnect mute_all
                                      them press f5

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        i wish i knew where trashtalkers/gameruiners lived in my games so i could use them as a sandbag to punch. u lucky shit. Im 22 btw

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                        not arin

                                          im 12 btw

                                          Jonas Kahnwald

                                            @Prizm : Exactly he is friend of my brother in same party, and he is the one insult me first. Say "dota 2 is just a video game" - sophisticated.

                                            @Haffy : I have a job since 6 AM till 10 AM. So, tell me what you have outside dota 2?

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                            Jonas Kahnwald

                                              @ Dog : Its not just only mute or anything. He insult me in chat allies, voice.

                                              Are you man or woman ? Most of DotA 2 players is just cowards. See the way they replay at this topic.

                                              Jonas Kahnwald

                                                @ Parte : We have same perspective mate, if people said "Its just a video game, man. Chill it" - It was fucking sophisticated thing ever.

                                                Jonas Kahnwald

                                                  You guys just a fucking sophisticated persons, in this thread.

                                                  So, tell me what the fuck you felt when someone insult you in the game, although you can find out him. Cause of you and him living in same city, and address isnt hard to find.

                                                  Be gentleman and man. A man should talking with hands and brain, not keyboard.


                                                    I have problems with understanding such england

                                                    Jonas Kahnwald

                                                      @bws : Im not good with English. Forgive me for that, but I tried to say a thing I want.


                                                        Yes, we are all sophisticated gentlemen here aren't we guys, with sophisticated profile pics. Mind telling a fellow sophisticated gentleman here the name of the sophisticated woman in your profile pic? For sophisticated research of course


                                                          tbh anyone who straight-up insults someone shouldnt be surprised if they get punched in the face... and the only difference between online and irl is that you can't ever knowingly encounter the person who insulted you online in like 99% of the cases.


                                                            If you genuinely get triggered by such simple thing that you actually blew up and goes physical for the sake of a video game i think it's better for you to quit the game or seek for psychological help

                                                            Jonas Kahnwald

                                                              @Desolated : I understand ! But at this situation, he is friend of my brother. And they are just friendship for only 3 days ago, cause of first time he met this guy in Ranked Solo MMR. So, itsnt difference between online and real life, right ?

                                                              Jonas Kahnwald

                                                                @ bws : Lol ! Really ?? Hey man, I do that because I know where fucking he is, ok ? I dont need to go fucking psychological help or quit the game. ok ? And how old are you ? Did you enough to say that ? Guess I have more life knowledge than you, from moment you are born, Kid.

                                                                I understand what u mean, but like I said. I felt satisfied because I want to beat this asshole. Ok ?

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                  OP have some issues


                                                                    So are you saying beating a kid for the sake of a video game doesn't make you an asshole?


                                                                      i dont know if its a kid or not, and its not over a video game. insult is an insult, no matter where did he say it.
                                                                      it would be a beating over a video game if the guy beat someone up because he stole the lane or sapped xp or took cs.


                                                                        lets get him some tissues

                                                                        Jonas Kahnwald

                                                                          @ bws : let me tell you, this asshole is friend of my brother, and hes 27. What is the problem in this situation ?

                                                                          Btw, beating an asshole is make dota2 community more clean, and more civilized.

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                          Jonas Kahnwald

                                                                            @ Desolated : You are the one understand the problem.


                                                                              its not about a video game ffs. Its about teaching little spoiled brats to be respectful against eachother coz it seems like their parents failed to teach them so.


                                                                                or 27 years old manchilds that still doesnt know how to communicate properly.

                                                                                Jonas Kahnwald

                                                                                  I think Parte is right in anyways.

                                                                                  Jonas Kahnwald

                                                                                    @Parte : You right, most of guys here think this fucking situation is just a video game ? Really, just a video game?

                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                      You probably a bitch boy


                                                                                        Trash talk in a game is normal. In any other situation u may be right. I guess since u know the guy irl, and he's in the same space as you you'd get mad. I understand. But still, it's just a game. Trash talk in a game is normal.


                                                                                          Dont think u can beat anyone up lookin liek that LOL

                                                                                          Jonas Kahnwald

                                                                                            @ Kylextazy : Of course, always know who we are, and check enemy ^^ !

                                                                                            @ Jacked : Exactly, nothing is right in my situation, even me. Maybe I can move on, forgive him, or etc... Trash talk is difference between insult.