General Discussion

General DiscussionLet's talk about elo hell

Let's talk about elo hell in General Discussion

    So over the past month or so I've got a few friends together (ranging from 5-6k mmr) we have all purchased 1k mmr accounts in order to experience the joys of low tier dota (jokes its all for research purposes) Now i should explain that for the first year of playing dota I always thought climbing was a natural process and it should be fairly easy to (in my opinion) scale away from the 1-2k bracket. Now as a mid 5k player 3 years on I find myself looking through numerous threads and seeing people complaining about how their team are total grabage, constantly holding them back etc... with the whole underlying whinny tone of 'mmr has a lot of luck involved' I am here to shoot these people down in a nice big ball of flames and hopefully bring them out of their frightening delusions of 'elo hell'

    Over my games in the 1-2k bracket there were so many things which both amused and shocked me greatly. I will briefly list a range of things that I noticed in particular, have a look yourself my young 2k pleb and see if you're guilty of these things:

    Failing to realise when opponents play well, gross over simplification of situations. Usually always ending in flaming one person for 'being bad' without any evidence or reason to back it up:

    So many times have I had total shit Lords with complete ass mechanics go to me 'oh wow you got so lucky this game' or if our mid wasn't such a noob we'd be winning this'
    no sir, you're losing the game because your mechanics are sub-par, not to mention all the awful trading decisions for objectives and total lack of map awareness or basic understanding of hero abilities.

    Failing to acknowledge own mistakes:

    Now when you fuck up in dota, admit to yourself you fucked up. Don't frantically start mashing on your keyboard "for fucks sake why do we have no vision retard supports every game do die tnx" look at how you died, could it have been avoided? Should you have been farming there? Do you know it's warded? Is everyone missing etc... think before you open up the chat to allies and start flaming

    Giving up to easily:

    For the love of the Virgin mary stop whinning in all chat like a spoilt 4 year old everytime a bad fight goes down, think ahead. Keep the team morale up, try to understand why you lost the fight and how to stop it happening again


    Your attitude stinks. No really I can smell it from here,
    Being successful at dota is as much about communication and positive thinking as it is being mechanically proficient. Realise this and that instantly makes you better than a filthy casual


    Of anyone has anything to add please feel free to post on anything I forgot.

    Peace out, let's keep getting working on improving at the game and getting rid of the cancer

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      I dont think party ranked with other 5k players is a good way to experience the "trench" of low mmr solo queue..


        Of course not, it's merely a window into interacting with lower tier players. Im showing I've had exposure to player in the lower brackets and therefore I have an understanding of how they think. And how if you're good enough relative to the game's skill average you can carry almost all your games between 70-80% I would say

        Bu yorum düzenlendi
        1-IceTea 🌟

          Good point


            I actually got stuck in 2.5k - 3k mmr bracket for 2 years and i gave up on reaching 3k mmr above because i realize and admitted to myself that's the bracket that i belong to, and for some unknown reason just recently i was able to climb up to 3.9k mmr so i dnt think solo mmr queue elo hell exist, probably haha.

            I think 1 big factor for me to be able to climb a little bit on the ladder is that i admitted to myself that i suck haha.

            basement :)

              People are complaining about bad teammates. It utterly defeats the purpose if you queue with other 5k players.


                i've had lossless streaks from 2k to mid 4k so it's defiantly possible to do it solo

                basement :)

                  defiantly possible to do it solo



                    virgin merry. hehe



                      i woke up like 5 minutes ago and you wanna annoy me with that 1 mistake


                        that's not the first time you used defiantly incorrectly cooky. hehehe


                          i don't proofread every single thing i write

                          actually i don't proofread almost anything

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            Its true what you said. Most 1k player that stuck for too long suffer from some kind of mental retardation. Either cant press r on sky, fighting vlad basher no manta am. They also suffer from some kind of intentional feeding spree, never fight with a hero coz lag. They also have a teamwork but the team work is on networth. 5 ppl goes up on net worth, 5 people goes down and usually the highest networth on the losing team loses to the lowest networth in the winning team.
                            Its me then i carried 70-80% of the game.


                              but, on the other note

                              has LP punishment been lowered recently?

                              because i see waaaaaay more flamers in my low mmr smurfs, way more than usual.

                              i know low mmr people are usually flamey as fuck, but not this much.


                                if you are bad at the game, you lack the very thing needed to accurately assess how bad you are at the game. so they blame their mid instead of realizing there's a smurf on the other team.

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  Here is the truth. If you are better than branket you will win 70-80% of the time. I got tilted when i solo carried the game and 2 of my carry farming the jungle doinhg nothing. Thing is, solo carry at 1k is very very easy so if you are better than you opp you can win most of the time. Once i got an enemy sniper flaming at his teammate because he got most farm and still loss vs me. Its because im better than him in general gameplay, draft.


                                    I also realize that, i normally have 1 flamer in team but now i got like 2-3 flamer at the game.


                                      always check behaviour score when you notice flamers


                                        Hmmm, really makes you think :thinking:

                                        Vem Comigo

                                          Party ranked is shit, look jacked he is 1k solo but 2k party


                                            Play only solo que.. xD


                                              There's no Elo Hell. Anyone who's not capable to get out of 2k/3k/4k is just delusional kiddo with Dunning Kruger if he's blaming anyone but himself.

                                              Party or solo, outcome is the same. Eventually, everyone with 2 hands and common sense will escape any low mmr, esp. 2k and low 3k.

                                              After 3k it does gets harder, but nowhere close to imposible.

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                That's defiantly messed up to correct him tbh

                                                basement :)

                                                  Wow, I am good at trolling.


                                                    @Cookie ur Sk still legit


                                                      staph bashing my mmr im 2k


                                                        I have a friend that's stuck around 1k, however the reason he fails to understand for him being there is that he isn't flexible at all. If all 4 of his teammates for example were to random a jungler, an offlaner, a hard carry and a mid, he wouldn't even think about picking support, instead he would pick antimage/spectre and dual lane with the other hard carry. That's one main issue of playing in 1-2k nobody likes supporting


                                                          that's why I always commend a support picker, makes life easy


                                                            Usually people stuck below 3.5k mmr are really delusional and not flexible at all.

                                                            At least from my own exp. Ofc, newbies trying to climb and improve are different story.

                                                            But everyone with at least 2500+ games and less than 4.2k MMR(I'm talking about highest MMR ever for certain person, not the current one, everyone has ups and downs, mmr isn't fixed, obviously)

                                                            Is doing something really wrong.

                                                            I'm most certainly not the best player, and there are tons of better players than me. There are players worse than me that understand the game upside down or at least better than me, yet, they are just not as good as me, simply because Dunning Kruger hits so hard, to the point that it's almost impossible(sometimes) to realise you're a victim of it.

                                                            I think everyone sooner or later will get out of that loop of "stuck in xxxx mmr", but it's just a matter of time. Not all of us are capable of seeing things as they are immediately. Some people figure out things sooner than others..

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                              Interresting... But i don't understand. What's the point of playing in party with other 5-6K against 1-2K players? It's obvious it will result in a gang rape :p.
                                                              The only way you can lose a match is, if you play against another 5-6K team that have aslo bought 1k account.



                                                                That is exactly the point my friend amognst other things, If elo hell DID exist that would imply there are also players who play to a 5-6k standard but are trapped in the low mmr bracket because of their team. however much to everyone's suprise (sarcasm intensifies) we have yet to find someone who clearly plays to a similar standard to us but is 'trapped'. And naturally we also have yet to lose a single game

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                  I see. The only thing that bugged me was that you played party ranked instead of solo ranked.
                                                                  For the elo hell, i aggree, it doesn't exist


                                                                    1k bracket is fine, wait till u enjoy the 2 digit tier trench adventures.

                                                                    That's where the parties at...

                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      TEAM IS FUCKING BRINGING ME UP I COULD BE 1K BUT SINCE I'M GETTING CARRIED I'M ALMOST 3K.

                                                                      FUCK THIS HELL WHY CAN'T I GET MY DESIRED MMR?/??/


                                                                        You didn't tell us the exact amount of mmr you rose and the time it took you to do so, you and all of your friends.

                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                          I do agree that mmr he'll is not a thing but will only credit you if you play solo que as you shouldn't have lost a game with that party

                                                                          Vem Comigo

                                                                            i can climb, but i dont because i want to get 1k mmr in 10 games, but i must play like 100, and i dont want to play 100 games.
                                                                            Literraly i calibrated, played some ranked, saw that it was worst than my pubs, them came back to unranked, them played the "paid" rank cause of the compedium and climbed 1k mmr in 50 games.


                                                                              @Thomas the Dank Engine

                                                                              I'm not looking for "credit" i'm looking to disprove the whole notion of 'you can be a high level player and trapped in low mmr bracket'. Yes I have mostly been party stacking with either 1 or 2 persons who also plays dota to a high standard but that is besides the point completely.
                                                                              Nevertheless i will be making a new thread for when i take the account and level it to 3k SOLO mmr, i will set myself a week to do this in when my exams are over. (naturally i won't have a 100% win rate it will be in the region of 70-80% when i undergo this task)

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                Nah ah my team is always shit, and opponent always get lucky and farm my team 30 kills every fucking game, I carry so hard but still can't win stuck in 1k help!!


                                                                                  Well sometimes its hard to blame myself when Im playing carry and my support leaves lane for forrest farming or when you do everything as support and you see your carry missing most of the Last hits. How
                                                                                  to blame myself in that.

                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                    u guys do not understand. he is not 5 stacking on smurfs to prove he can climb, but to observe 1ks in their natural habitat, typically deep in de nile


                                                                                      I totally agree but I had to say that as you cant use your friends and say you aren't held down by bad teammates and can always carry to victory or climb slowly as support.( I agree but it would be bad science)

                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                        Observing 1ks in their natural habitat? Lmaooo

                                                                                        Vem Comigo
                                                                                          Yorum silindi

                                                                                            Indeed it has provided many good laughs studying the special breed of players in their "Natural habbitat" lel

                                                                                            The Medic Guy

                                                                                              best thing in 1k is, when i play kotl, rush dagger, jump into cliff, recall them and i tp out, and they need 10 sec to realize their hero was in the cliff lol, and then ask how they got there.
                                                                                              i laugh so f@cking hard