General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it possible for a 3 digit or the lowest mmr lets say 600 can go to...

Is it possible for a 3 digit or the lowest mmr lets say 600 can go to 2k? in General Discussion
in and out

    Lets say a 600/3 digit mmr has the potential to be in 2k mmr? with all the hard games playing like a 1 vs 5 game,do you still believe?
    YES or NO.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      da da me agre


        The MMR system is not an absolute scale where a certain amount of skill should mean a certain amount of MMR. It is relative. Just as a 3-digit MMR player may think he deserves 2k, a 2k player also thinks he deserves 4k, and so on. Of course, it is also possible that the 3-digit player geniunely has the talent for 2k but that means either he slacks off during plays, has bad communication skills or a REALLY bad streak of luck to get the most imbalanced matchmaking continuously (which is VERY unlikely). The main reason why people think they deserve better MMR is because they lose a game in which they think they've performed pretty well but their teammates were not good enough. This sparks the thought, "If they are 2k MMR, I should atleast be 3k". This is but a very wrong thought. Things go bad, people lose games. This happens all the time. A lot of things can happen which contribute to a loss:
        1. Maybe you did not play as well as you think you did. A good positive score doesnot always mean that you were the best player in your team and everyone else lacked. The game is to be understoon, objectives realised, duties distributed among 5 equally important heroes, each task completed in good synergy and execute a better plan than your enemy. That ensures victory.
        2. Maybe someone played bad. Consider what might have gone wrong before blaming him/her in the middle of the game; it drags down morale. Maybe they were focused to countering a hero or going with the meta and ended up picking a hero out of their comfort zone. Or maybe they geniunely are facing ping issues (hey, it happens!).
        3. Maybe your team dominated early game but did not realise you would fall off late game and ended up losing. It happens. We learn.

        These are some things, I believe, most people know, but they choose to ignore and blame it on someone else. Because its easier. You dont need to get better if you are good enough, you just need to wait for good matchmaking. Or atleast thats what some people think.

        At the end of the day its a game meant to be enjoyed. Does not matter if you are 3-digit, lost your last match to a techies because noone bought a gem, or the NP fed 0-10 and 15 couriers. Bad things happen, you move on.

        Yes, I'm this bored, so I wrote this long.

        1-IceTea 🌟

          ^Quality wrote

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Yeah, the learning curve is steep but easy. It's like finding blocks to build a castle, then the blocks gets smaller and smaller, and you will need to find dust later.


              everyone was 600 mmr at some point


                Of course, he just has to buy a 5k account and then lose enough games.


                  Got a friend of mine. He was 1.7k and was playing in this bracket for quite some time. Then he created a new account and calibrated it to 3,2k mmr. Now hes playing in 3k bracket.