General Discussion

General DiscussionNo Boot Weaver

No Boot Weaver in General Discussion

    if your six slotted and you have a linkens or a cm sure cause you can just use sukuchi if you dont have either of those then its too mana taxing. Basically only when your six slotted is it really worth it

    casual gamer



        just watched 2 high mmr games today with bootless weaver (not because they r six slotted)


          This game too

          Lol gotta try this, so basically u rush linken and walk with shukuchi?


            that level 25 talent man. if any hero can go without boots. its probably luna w butterfly and weaver


              linken can sustain the mana cost, also, u should always carry magic stick/ aquila or both (early game of course)
              i think you can go without boot with weaver, but FOR ME, is pretty unconfortable walking that slow without sukuchi, maybe is bcuz i am a bad weaver player

              now... raw boots cost only 400 gold
              and full boots greatly boost your early fighting power, phase gives +24dmg (whch sinergies well with germinate) and power treads gives u 180 hp (9 str), 34 atk speed and 9 dmg (9 agi) or 126 extra mana (9 int).. so.. is situational IMO


                They dont buy boots from the game start.
                If this build based on that lvl 25 talent tree then they would still need to buy boots early game, wouldnt they?

                casual gamer

                  high ms heroes buy boots to leverage their high ms

                  max ms hero does not buy boots because they do nothing


                    for the whole game?? early game u dont need it that urgently either. because of w


                      also heroes with high mov speed can go bootless with only a wind lace (chaos knight, luna, enchantres, pugna, kotl) but i think that is like dont building dedalus on sven only cuz he already hits harder.. i mean, boosting the innate hability of the hero greatly makes them stronger (with the exception of butterfly on pa i guess)

                      fast luna, high hp pudge, high atk on juggernaut, dmg on sven..


                        @JDF8 thats not truth at all, lycan and nighstalker need their boots..

                        casual gamer

                          ns is only max ms with boots

                          lycan has low uptime all game

                          weaver has 75% uptime on spammable haste invis


                            why do you not buy boots it's not like you have 6second cooldown on shukuchi level one


                              Yes! Whole game, not even a windlace bought.
                              By your analogy, boots are bought by weaver for the ms? Shukuchi already gives max ms.


                                I think treads are worth it at some point, in fights you tend to sit around and hit people and just use shukuchi to reposition/chase and the stats on treads are very efficient. That being said I tend to rush my core items before I go back for boots later on.


                                  no no, id said is unconfortable FOR ME, but no need of raw boots.. and also boots offer great bonuses for low price, best cost-benefit items on the game IMO

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    i go treads cause I usually go deso first so I really need the boots and treads can really help early game survivalbility and fighting


                                      what's the standart item progression on weaver btw

                                      everytime i go deso first i get it too late anyway and dont deal damage
                                      everytime my opponent gets linken first i feel like he deals a lot damage even though he has linken and not deso

                                      +dragon lance???


                                        Dlance seems like a must buy item tbh way too good to pass up
                                        Deso for farming, pushing towers, eating low armor targets
                                        Linken for fighting and sustain
                                        Maelstrom for farming, against high armor feggits
                                        Idk I only started playing weaver alot recently, someone pls confirm

                                        SAINT FIGARLAND GARLING

                                          bascially in pro games ,we usually see that support weaver go for bootless build .It is legit in most of the cases but if they have lockdown type opponents .He may have difficult time in Lane.


                                            When is diffusal a good pickup? Or it is just something only pro teams do for the extra control?

                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                              Depending on the game Weaver can be without boots. Did it many times. Including my last WVR game (6k avr)

                                              casual gamer

                                                is your mmr showing? i would not want to pick carry in a game 700 avg higher than my mmr just because people tilt

                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                  I don't display my MMR cause high 5k, 6k and 7k talk shit to 5k dogs.

                                                  I told them mid game when I was owning LUL
                                                  They said it was ok.

                                                  casual gamer


                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                      Another time I took Voker in 6.2k average. (Note: see my Voker win rate). Got BSoD twice in game, first in laning stage, second at around 50 mins. We took only tier one towers and we were down two lanes of raxes + both tier 4s. Won game, got commends. Top kek

                                                      On topic of WVR, best thing to do is convince someone to take Drow and then you go offlane WVR, get RoA, Blight Stone, Medallion and another Blight. You molest carry and supports so hard.


                                                        whats WVR

                                                        casual gamer


                                                          Dune, the Desert Planet



                                                              @Positive Player u post a ez game, enemies take only one tower from t1, they didnt have chance, with boots or not they couldnt even defend theirselves..

                                                              pd: what BSoD means? lol

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                blue screen of disaster


                                                                  So when do you go bootless on weaver? What is the particular situation? Cause i checked some recent recommended weaver guides in dbuff and almost half of them buy no boots.


                                                                    u dont get boots in most of ur games, i believe

                                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                      @ Arin

                                                                      There are different paths, tho RoA, Wand and BS are core.

                                                                      You can go straight Linken. You can go DL into Linken/Deso into Deso/Linken.

                                                                      You can rush Medallion (always get another BS afterwards).

                                                                      Diffusial is good, Crest is good, Mjolnir, etc.

                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                        I don't display my MMR cause high 5k, 6k and 7k talk shit to 5k dogs.

                                                                        never got this btw
                                                                        what's their fault? queuing for a game? ppl didn't ask to get placed in a 1k+ higher avg game either, and they're way lower mmr so ofc they'll underperform

                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          they are angry at the mm system ruining their games, and lower mmr players taking core positions

                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                            not talking about taking core roles, if u take a core role while being way below the average u utterly deserve all the shit u get
                                                                            but i've been seeing ppl just flame lower mmr teammates for just being in the game and performing poorly which is fucking expected

                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                              there are cancerous high mmr retards, just like there are cancerous low mmr retards


                                                                                "5k dogs" learn to play like 6k mmr "aliens" when they play togheter.. is stupid from high mmr ppl trash talk about lower mmr players..


                                                                                  If there's a hero that doesn't need boots it would be weaver. But I don't see why u wouldn't get treads early mid game. Not like ur slot starved


                                                                                    If you look at the build, you will actually slot starved. By 7 min you have (RoA, wand, raindrop, ring of health, tp, blight stone), then you get dlance which mean you need another slot already, and so on.


                                                                                      U have backpack sir. Treads is worth for stats alone


                                                                                        unless ur really desperate in lane or whatever u dont need treads on this hero

                                                                                        wouldnt recommend skipping boots though, u dont go linkens early on this hero anymore unless ur a useless moron and bottle sustain doesnt let u perma shukuchi.

                                                                                        this hero rapes monkey so that alone is enough incentive to pick it i think

                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                          If you have boots I feel like finishing treads is really good value? 1k gold for 34 attack speed, 9 damage and 1 armour as well as switchable hp/mana on demand is far more efficient than an aquila which basically everyone buys for this hero. Especially because everyone is maxing germinate last these days the attack speed is really helpful I find.

                                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                            I trust my senpai kitrak brown boots is enough i guess.
                                                                                            Just tried it, its awesome. Aquila, raindrop and perseverance is enough to sustain shukuchi spam. NS games tho,