General Discussion

General Discussionsome1 with high experience

some1 with high experience in General Discussion

    can tell me why i lost my last match?

    why volvo always teamed me with shitty core ?

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      Dota based on luck? especially in ranked match?

      You meet decent player --> win
      You meet bad player --> lose

      So no matter how good you are, you will still lose in the end if you meet bad player?


        >Doesn't pick up Mek to sustain pushes
        >Neglects to buy Glimmer Cape versus Tinker
        >Gets a fucking Eblade
        >Doesn't finish Arc Boots into GG Boots
        >No Force Staff versus Ursa and MK
        >Ultra greedy rushes an Agh's when no enemy carry- or hero for that matter is countered by it.
        >Creates a thread complaining about shitty cores.



          Mek ? i have bh who want to build that one.
          Glimmer cape ? enemy have gem
          E Blade ? i up it from ghost scepter, for what? for escape ursa or mk or save any1 who get hit by ursa or mk
          Arc Boots to Guardian Greaves ? Like i told you there is bh who want build that but leave to prepare new year intentionally
          Force staff ? yeah i dont build that
          Agha useless ? radiant team won war coz the after effect from my ss
          I will acknowledge my core good if he have better score than his supp.

          yea seems good

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            >Well I don't seem to fucking see a Mek on the BH, who was about to make a Scythe or something.
            >waow alsu u naw that glamer kayp gibs 45% magci resistanance, on top of invisabilitay? yee 45%! greyt fr walkign thru tonker machhenis and rackeT!!1! predik memer plox
            >Use 3200 gold to get the Mek the BH neglected in favor of a Mystic Staff??
            >Still can't see BH was building a goddamn Scythe????
            >Agha is always a good option but since your BH already bought a Pipe, it would make sense you would follow up with Mek to push. Or even a fucking Lotus Orb since most of the enemies are point-targeting.
            >Score doesn't dictate how a guy is doing. A Naga Siren might have gone 0-8-32 but because of his splitpush and Radiance aura you won the fucking game.

            Yea, SeemsVeryGood


              Haha.. pointless.
              i will take that. so the point i get here is if you lose then you should blame yourself.

              okay excellent


                Well of course every game is winnable if you B E L I E V E.

                If you lose you can't change your teammates, but you can always change yourself. Therefore it is pointless to blame others. Blame yourself for not being impactful enough to win the game.


                  Oh my god I just realized you don't build Force Staff as a support hero. You should consider changing that.


                    Well said,that mindset allows ppl to improve


                      Pls get force better than ur menatlity of getting abysal for ursa...
                      Force is better than ur abyasal to keep the bear away from u anyday :)

                      casual gamer

                        you needed to catch the tinker out

                        i wouldve bought atos in addition to the euls, you can stun 2/3 people instantly with cold feet which is pretty game breaking.

                        bots 2 was a useless upgrade. better to save for sheep/glimmer/force or even a blademail lul. always always alwaysSS!!! get force against mk or ursa. enemy team has both and you dont have a force = ur playing without thinking i guess idk


                          I mean the e blade***
                          Ez shit he has agha bitch -_-


                            And he can still slow u down as fuck even after being in ethereal and u will be both dancing together hand in hand untill he comes out of ethreal :)
                            And then that papa bear is gonna tear some ass nigga :* sorry bitch iam high af happy new year anyways...
                            And pls dont post as if this topic needed large amt of experience its just a fuckinf force and some brain :)

                            casual gamer

                              i mean i think you could buy blink hex blademail and jsut right click the tinekr to death and you would win honestly xd

                              as dumb as that is


                                quick look tells me that you didn't catch tinker and he made sure you never took towers.


                                  i like potatoes


                                    i like potatosalad


                                      i like potatosaladleftovers


                                        i like potatosaladleftoverpoop


                                          no tower dmg


                                            i remember u make the similiar thread when i was 4k flat, now im few mmr above u. Just move on, git gud


                                              No idea guys why you are creating such threads and cry. You can't always win. If you lost just get over it and go next. There will always be bad players or game ruiners because lord Gabe N is hiring them. It's really sad losing a won game or losing a streak but nothing special. Sooner you accept = better you will get.

                                              p.s. its like you think you are the only player who has games like this ~_~. everytime I see a thread like this I'm triggered.