General Discussion

General DiscussionRecords - Most experience

Records - Most experience in General Discussion

    Can someone explain me what does 'most experience' in records mean? And what I gotta do to replace it. Thank you.

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      no idea man, the name is so obscure :thinking:


        all it does is multiply your XPM with game time. so you'd a very long game with good exp gain to surpass it. But it stagnates after like 40k since you can't earn exp after level 25


          Its just Im sure that I had some games where I was like 700+ xpm and they were relatevly long. The name of the record just doesn make sense. I was playing activly during the whole 2016 but the record never changed since 2015.

          The Medic Guy

            i think, they still don't fix it yet. not sure tho, but you still gain xp after lv 25, but your level stay 25, the xp you got from creeps and killing hero still count up.

            most experience in record means you got experience as much as you can in a match.

            if you can't gain more xp after 25, then its all just 27500xp in total.