General Discussion

General DiscussionHoliday detox boys

Holiday detox boys in General Discussion

    Hello boys, Deadweight here!

    in case you were wondering - YES, i'm still alive and kicking. I'm still ill - it's been a year now and i mostly feel like shit. Meanwhile they figured out partially what's wrong with me. MRI showed signs of Multiple sclerosis and they're asuming i got asthma too, so it's hard as fuck. Besides other shit i suffered in 2016... sooo i'm kinda glad the year is coming to an end and hopefully 2017 will be (a lot) easier on me and i wish the same to you! :)

    Anyway, i'm on detox for few days now, drinking lots of green/fruit smoothies, using zeolite and best multivitamins i could find, drinking black seed oil and eating some healthy whole foods. About half year ago i also totally gave up dairy, processed foods, refined carbohidrates, oils and sugar. Since doctors gave me absolutely nothing to help deal with my condition (they also gave me no hope of recovery), i'm on my own for about a year now, struggling and studying every day to finally find "the cure" and heal myself naturally.
    The more i study, the more i realize that only the right food can cure us. Most doctors have no clue how our bodies work that's why there are tons of chronical/autoimmune uncurable diseases. So if anyone wants to join and do something good for his body, he's welcomed! Stay healthy guys!

    An example of the smoothies i drink:

    Riguma Borusu

      1) Zeolite doesn't do anything
      2) Whole foods mostly don't do anything (unless you're talking about extra dietary fibers which are beneficial)
      3) You have a liver, you aren't detoxing by eating fruit
      4) Your sugar intake might actually be too high, eating what you'd shown in that picture is in no way good for you, actually
      5) You have no idea what people who study medicine know, because you don't understand anything about medicine
      6) I'm sorry you have to deal with MS (I have a similar disease) but please don't spread this shite if you have no idea what you're talking about

      I understand that the medical system is shit where you live, but getting scammed by people who promote zeolite and other types of snake oil doesn't help either, in fact, a lot of it can make you even sicker. Just drop it. I mean, do it yourself if you want, but I hate when this snake oil is being spread, and charlatans profit off of it.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        Just water therapy, anyways good luck

        Riguma Borusu

          ^Ignore this too.

          1-IceTea 🌟

            ^^Last time Renshin suggest other to do 'water therapy' he end up knot up people,don't trust his 'water therapy'

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              Dat water gonna break soon my boi l0l


                @Mladen - if you came here to spread your "knowledge", you can easily fuck off. I've done my share of studying, read tons of newer scientific medical researches and books, so i know a smartass when i see one. People like you only spit on what others are doing, but provide zero actual advice and help themselves. Please, teach me what WILL help in YOUR opinion so i can make a similiar post as you did, so you'll realize how dumb you actually look.

                Thanks Shinren! :)

                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                Riguma Borusu

                  @Mladen - if you came here to spread your "knowledge", you can easily fuck off.

                  It's a free-for-all forum, you can't stop me from telling people not to follow pseudoscientific medical advice that's spread by charlatans.

                  I've done my share of studying, read tons of newer scientific medical researches and books, so i know a smartass when i see one.

                  Actually, what you've said suggests that you have no fucking clue how any single thing in medicine works. I know a 'holistic smartass' when I see one. People who know anything about medicine don't drink smoothies with a fuckton of sugar to somehow magically cleanse their body of toxins. If you can't remove toxins from your body that means either your kidneys or your liver are dying, which is something you have to take care of asap. Also not everyone is a toxin, and toxins are only responsible for a certain number of problems you might have, especially since you're talking about MS.

                  People like you only spit on what others are doing, but provide zero actual advice and help themselves.

                  Contact your medical professional. If they can't help you, then I sure as hell can't. But charlatans aren't gonna help you either, and gulping down zeolite and other snake oil will most certainly not help you, either.

                  Please, teach me what WILL help in YOUR opinion so i can make a similiar post as you did, so you'll realize how dumb you actually look.

                  For starters, understanding what works, why it works, and what doesn't and why it doesn't. But that'd require a medical degree. As you are right now, you have to trust medical professionals who are probably not at the highest level they could be since you live in a shitty country, but I live in Serbia, so I know how it is. Our medical systems are garbage, and you need a ton of money to have it privately checked by people who actually care (since they are getting a lot of money from it).

                  So my advice is - get a ton of money, and be able to afford the most expensive, proper medical care that you can. Instead of dumping money into stupid shit like zeolite and similar snake oil that's either not proven to work, or is proven not to work.

                  If you can find me meta analysis that supports the idea that zeolite (hopefully the non-carcinogenic type of it) can help you with your condition, I'll gladly read it, but so far I haven't found anything that supports that idea, even remotely, usually it's singled out studies which have flawed design and bad test conditions, and are usually shat on by people who know a thing or two about performing a study.

                  I understand that you feel 'woke as fuck' and superior because you think you know the grand truth behind 'ordinary medicine', and how you believe you can literally heal yourself by eating (to a degree, yes, you can, if you suffer from deficiencies, but that's called nutrition, not healing), but saying things like that tells me everything I need to know about how you've performed your 'research' (natural news? dr oz? food babe? which one is it? some russian 'holistic' institute?)

                  I also understand you're desperate, maybe you'd even blame vaccines and GMOs for having to deal with MS, but you aren't really helping anyone by spreading more shit that has nothing to do with reality. You also jumped the gun as soon as renshin said 'water therapy ktnxbye'. Can you provide me good scientific sources (preferably meta analysis, just to be as unbiased as possible) that shows that 'water therapy' works?

                  When it comes to water therapy, I seriously hope renshin was at least referring to soaking your body in warm water which can relieve join and muscular pain to a degree, but since the main thing in the first post was nutrition, I assumed he was talking about the 'drink water like this and you'll have 100% winrate against sickness!' claims that are all over the internet. In first case, relaxing your joints and muscles in warm water definitely helps to alleviate the pain (I tend to lay down in the bathtub for half an hour when I have to deal with severe back pain, and the hard surface combined with warm water helps).

                  Also, another thing I'd have to suggest you is to exercise to the best of your ability (which I find really hard since my body is falling apart, but I still have to do it), but you're probably already doing that if you aren't retarded.

                  I have trouble forming muscle even if I exercise, so I have to make sure I don't make sudden movements that'd damage my bones. I can dislocate my shoulder by pressing on it with my other hand, or by trying to lift something heavy, and believe me, no amount of zeolite, essential oils, whole foods or whatever is going to help with that. Proteins aren't going to magically start forming better because I have ingested something that has no active component that can change the way proteins work.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    Ok, i understand now where you coming from. You're one of those people who trust doctors no matter what. My mother trusted them too with "curing" her cancer and chemotherapy - she died 6 months ago. I don't trust butchers, which most doctors are. They can't cure diabetes, asthma, MS, no autoimmune and chronical disease - which is most of actual diseases. But they're still "curing" them and never actually cure them right? Which basically means they have tons of theoretical knowledge, they read 1000 books, yet they still have absolutelly no fuckin clue how our bodies work, cause they're missing the most important ingridient here and that's food. Also pills are business and bring billions of dollars. That's a FACT.

                    Zeolites don't work? You're one funny guy. What did they use in EVERY nuclear catastrophy so far to remove radioactive particles from human bodies? YES, they used Zeolites. Same goes for many other uses of them. And it's confirmed with hundreds of studies. People just lie that it cures everything, which i know it's not true and i'm not promoting or selling them. But if zeolite contains zero to none of the heavy metals (which mine does) and maybe helps, then why not try it? Same goes for black seed cumin oil (Nigella sativa oil) which is one of the most benefitial oils there is. Also confirmed many times by same doctors you promote.

                    Btw - do you think they can cure any of the diseases i mentioned? NO. They just give you tons of pills and "cure" you till you fuckin die. But there are more and more highly decorated and capable doctors that "cure" with raw vegan and vegan foods instead medicines and they're getting remarkable results. Which is why i'm doing the same thing at home. If it helps, i'd cure what all the specialists in my country and in most of the world can't - isn't it worth trying? I can only benefit from it :)

                    This page contains all the scientific studies you can pretty much find on the interent. I suggest you to read some, maybe you'll learn something new. Anyway - i feel sorry for you and wish you all the best (possibly to cure it one day). But you're not gonna do that if you'll keep doing same shit that doesn't work all over again. That's called stupidity and the reason i'm trying everything i can do get well.



                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                    Riguma Borusu

                      Ok, i understand now where you coming from. You're one of those people who trust doctors no matter what. My mother trusted them too with "curing" her cancer and chemotherapy - she died 6 months ago.

                      Ok, i understand now where you coming from. You're one of those people who trust charlatans no matter what. My aunt and grandma trusted them too with "curing" their liver/breast cancers and detox - they died 10/3 years ago.

                      I don't trust butchers, which most doctors are. They can't cure diabetes, asthma, MS, no autoimmune and chronical disease - which is most of actual diseases

                      I don't trust people who have no idea what they're talking about, which charlatans are. They can't cure literally anything - which is all of actual diseases

                      But they're still "curing" them and never actually cure them right? Which basically means they have tons of theoretical knowledge, they read 1000 books, yet they still have absolutelly no fuckin clue how our bodies work, cause they're missing the most important ingridient here and that's food.

                      You have no idea how much illness/mortality data has changed in the last 100 years, do you? Because then you wouldn't be spouting this nonsense. Just because medicine doesn't know EVERYTHING (and is likely never going to know it, due to complexity of the system that human body is), that doesn't mean charlatans are better. This is like saying, see, science doesn't understand *X*, therefore, GOD must have done *X*!

                      Also pills are business and bring billions of money. That's a FACT.

                      Well, yes. Because people are sick. And medical research actually does take a shitton of money, unlike 'oh look, maybe if you eat this rock you can cure cancer!'. Also, I have yet to see charlatans doing shit for free, their fees are usually huge for how little (read: no) research they've done, and how much they've had to invest into their work (read: nothing).

                      Zeolites don't work? You're one funny guy. What did they use in EVERY nuclear catastrophy so far to remove radioactive particles from human bodies? YES, they used Zeolites. Same goes for many other uses of them. And it's confirmed with hundreds of studies. People just lie that it cures everything, which i know it's not true and i'm not promoting or selling them. But if zeolite contains zero to none of the heavy metals (which mine does) and maybe helps, then why not try it?

                      Alright, now we're talking. Yes, zeolite can bind with heavy metals in the digestive tract, because its crystaline structure allows it to isolate molecules like Cd2 to prevent them from getting into your blood stream. But that's about it. It won't help you against cell damage caused by radioactive, heavy metals. It can only remove things that are somewhere alongside your digestive tract, and it doesn't discriminate, it will remove calcium as well as lead, and you are very unlikely to have eaten a huge amount of lead that you need to 'detox'. Think about it this way - you don't actually consume heavy metals on a regular basis, at least not in toxic dosages (you eat a lot of mercury if you have fish often, but that's about it). So what does zeolite do? It removes calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron from your diet (in their molecular form, of course) and you need those things to function. So the only reason to consume zeolite is if you are really intoxicated, not to supplement your (already proper, I presume) diet. If you eat properly, zeolite is doing more harm than good. And if your liver and kidneys work properly and you aren't ingesting heavy metals on a regular basis and in huge amounts, there's exactly zero reasons to eat zeolite (unless you're to become poultry someday, birds in general have more benefits from eating anything that's basically ground minerals).

                      But let me ask you now - what is zeolite doing to for someone who suffers from MS? Or are you randomly taking something that won't help you (and can actually ruin your intake of minerals)? It isn't doing anything good for you unless you're forced to eat food with a bunch of heavy metals in it, or you're living in an area of a nuclear fallout (or, you're a bird).

                      Same goes for black seed cumin oil (Nigella sativa oil) which is one of the most benefitial oils there is. Also confirmed many times by same doctors you promote.

                      I didn't even read what oil you were referring to, so I assumed it's essential oil therapy that does nothing. It seems that Nigella sativa oil seems to help against demyelinating diseases (like what MS is), so it's a good call on your part, and I stand corrected.

                      Btw - do you think they can cure any of the diseases i mentioned anywhere? NO. But there are more and more highly decorated and capable doctors that "cure" with raw vegan and vegan foods instead medicines and they're getting remarkable results.

                      No, good god, where the hell did you read this. If anything, raw vegan diet will strip you off nutrients that you actually need to get back on foot, and you'll eat way too much cellulose for no goddamn reason, not to mention you're limiting your actual micronutrient intake because the fibers are too hard which make micronutrients not bioavailable (hence why we cook food).

                      Which is why i'm doing the same thing at home. If it helps, i'd cure what all the specialists in my country and in most of the world can't - isn't it worth trying? I can only benefit from it :)

                      Well, sure, you can try all sorts of stuff. But if there are obvious red flags around a concept, you should still avoid it. There's (an evolutionary) reason why we eat meat, and why we cook food. Raw vegan diet is terrible for you, especially if you're not supplementing it properly (are you taking your B12? because you're about to run out of it in 6 months if you don't since our body can no longer produce it in a way that can be used).

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        hashtag just teenager things

                        the realm's delight


                          Riguma Borusu

                            TL;DR: Raw veganism + zeolite = "let's reduce bio-availability of micro-nutrients by not cooking food, and then let zeolite remove whatever micro-nutrients my digestive tract would've been able to absorb"


                              try medical marijuana (edible form) dude

                              Riguma Borusu

                                ^won't heal MS but can help against depression/anxiety/pain/lack of appetite so it's actually pretty good if you suffer from any of those

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  i dont know whats happening but drinking sugary drinks all day long certainly isnt what i'd consider healthy


                                    Just ask yourself this - how bad do you want to get healthy? Or what are you prepared to do in order to get well again? If the answer is everything, like mine is, then you wouldn't listen to "specialists" who can't cure ANY of the diseases i'm talking about. Including yours and mine. Yes, medicine today is extremelly good at keeping us alive and i give them that. But what about actually being HEALTHY? Doesn't that mean something nowadays? They DON'T CARE about that, cause it brings such enormous amounts of cash their way. Chronically ill people are best for them and that's exactly what were seeing everywhere. Leave charlatans or whoever on side, i don't give a fuck about them and i know they sell all the possible shit just to scam of people and get money. But not every natural medicine known for thousands of years is a scam.

                                    Now to the real facts. I'm just gonna educate you a bit in actual knowledge that helps. Go and watch documentaries like:

                                    Forks over knifes 2011
                                    Simply Raw Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
                                    Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead (2010)
                                    Fed up 2014.

                                    Those are just a few extremelly good ones. Also go and read books like China study made by one of the best doctors of our time - dr. Campbell. And about the meat. Did you know, that with higher meat and diary consumption also cancer, heart and autoimmune diseases go up symetrically? And we wonder why we're all that sick? Not even talking about processed foods which are biggest of the junk possible. We shouldnt eat more than 5% of animal protein in our diet if we want to stay healthy - that's confirmed by the biggest health study ever done in the history of medicine. I used to eat standard diet in the past and i learned that i was actually massivelly B12 deficient. How is that if meat gives us B12? It's just bullshit. Meat that is produced today contains zero to none nutrients. My values of B12 are normal now and i'm taking B12 methylcobalamin in oral spray which helps a lot.

                                    Also some facts - SUGAR IN FRUIT IS NOT PROBLEMATIC AT ALL. But pure sugar in soft drinks with no fiber to support digestion of it is worst shit ever.
                                    - ZEOLITE DOES NOT REMOVE VITAMINS AND MINERALS FROM THE BODY, JUST JUNK. It's a documented fact.

                                    "try medical marijuana (edible form) dude" - i'm already using REAL canabis oil bro, fuck medical one :) dont ask where i get it. but thanks your for suggestion!

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      If the answer is everything, like mine is, then you wouldn't listen to "specialists" who can't cure ANY of the diseases i'm talking about.

                                      sounds esotheric

                                      SUGAR IN FRUIT IS NOT PROBLEMATIC AT ALL.

                                      pretty sure thats wrong


                                        "sounds esotheric"

                                        It sounds like common sense to me. Why in the hell would i listen to someone who says my disease is incurable and still wanna "cure" me? Would you leave your computer to someone who says he can't fix it, but he "will still try"?

                                        "pretty sure thats wrong "

                                        Tell me then how is the sugar in fruits problematic and who said it is? Let's take a banana. It has tons of fiber and some sugar in it. That's the food we're supposed to eat. But when you take sugar out of fruit (or corn which is the source for high fructose syrup) and put it in soda drink it raises your sugar levels super high, that means your pancreas has to produce lots of insulin and liver save that sugar rush directly as fat. That's why people who drink lots of soda drinks and eat junk food usually get fat super quick. Now more and more even small kids have diabetes 2. When you eat a banana your sugar levels doesn't go nearly as high and your body can use that kind of "sugar" as actual energy instead of putting it in fat.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          uhmm yes? are u that kinda guy who goes to some random dude while u have cancer and he just tells u "yo drink some of this and ur cancer will heal"?

                                          yes sugar in fruits is better than normal sugar but its certainly not healthy if u drink like a kilo of fruits every day, fructose is pretty much just as unhealthy

                                          u know, they say "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            I noticed that kids today are super mad about someone eating sugary fruits or drinking smoothies, but they on the other hand drink a liter of soda drinks per day and see no problem in it. That's the power of media brainwashing people nowadays :) SUGAR IN FRUITS IS NOT BAD - that's a scientific fact. You wont ever get ill or fat from that kind of sugar. And no, i dont eat kilo of fruits everyday, i usually drink 1 liter of smoothie per day, 50% vegetable-50% fruits. And even if i did it's no problem. I agree with what you said about apples, but it goes the same for all fruits :)

                                            And we all should take a little more responsibility for our own healthy and our bodies instead of blaming it on genetics or bad luck. We might be more susceptible to some of the diseases, but in the end it's what we put in our mouth that is making us sick or healthy.

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              you are a retard


                                                k if u think so, its not my body


                                                  its sad how u believe everything people tell you to get rid of ur disease


                                                    Even tho my body might be suffering, my mind is still sharp and ty - i can use it well enough to realize what's good and what's bad for me. It's sad tho how you try to convince me in idk what? What's your agenda behind it? Doctors have no clue what's causing my disease or how to cure it, but you're still trying to convince me i should listen to them? That i should be eating more junk food cause it's the same as eating whole organic stuff?

                                                    Oh, nevermind i just realized i'm on a forum where kids try to crush each other dreams and desires, not to help and motivate each other. Lastly, they probably type posts when they eat a hamburger and drink cocacola.

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      get well soon <3


                                                        Thank you friend <3


                                                          im not trying to convince you, you seem incredibly stubborn and have no idea how shit works (and i have limited knowledge as well)

                                                          im not saying junkfood is better than whole foods, im telling you that eating too much fruits is UNHEALTHY


                                                          ONLY UR LIVER USES FRUCTOSE

                                                          AND IF UR LIVER IS OVERLOADED

                                                          YOU GET FAT

                                                          not to mention the insane amount of calories in fruits + too many vitamins can be unhealthy as well.

                                                          but yeah keep drinking ur fish oil or whatever shit and hope it will heal u, gl with ur shit smh im done here

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            I really wanted to reply but then I saw you say that you can't get fat from 'natural sugar' (which is chemically identical to the 'fake' sugar) and is also metabolized in the liver. Good god, at least I now see where you get your info from.

                                                            Forks over knifes 2011
                                                            Simply Raw Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
                                                            Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead (2010)
                                                            Fed up 2014.


                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                            Vem Comigo

                                                              Sugar in fruits is good, but that doesnt mean eating 1kg of that sugar will do good for you.

                                                              Cofee, bread, chesse at morning,
                                                              Meat, Rice, Beans, and some "leaves" and vegetables at lunch,
                                                              fruits for lunches in the middle of the day,
                                                              and something small ,but fullfiling at night.

                                                              But you also need variety in everithing


                                                                "and have no idea how shit works (and i have limited knowledge as well)"

                                                                i agree with that :)

                                                                "too many vitamins can be unhealthy as well. "

                                                                Bwahahahha, you just confirmed you have no clue about anything. You can't get too much vitamins cause they're mostly all water soluable and body just removes them with urine with no damage done. Also you wont overload your liver with eating fruits even if they're high in sugar CAUSE OF THE FIBER THEY CONTAIN. Fruits are good, but obviously everything has it's limit.

                                                                I have no energy left to explain obvious stuff to people who never read any study or never seen any quality health documentary. Have fun boys, stay healthy <3

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                Vem Comigo

                                                                  Plus you dont just eat a fruit because of the suggar

                                                                  Don’t get the idea that because the sugar composition is the same in fruit and cake, they’re interchangeable. (Seriously, they’re not.) For one thing, fruit offers good stuff like vitamins, antioxidants and water, while candy and desserts are nutritionally void. Fruit also tends to have less sugar by volume. Half a cup of strawberries: 3.5 grams of sugar. Half a cup of strawberry ice cream: 15 grams.

                                                                  Plus, whole fruit has a lot of fiber, which actually slows down your body’s digestion of glucose, so you don’t get the crazy insulin spike (and subsequent crash) that candy causes. That also means your body has more time to use up glucose as fuel before storing it—as fat. Even dried fruit, a notoriously sugary treat, has all the fiber and nutrients of its plump forbear. But do watch out for dried fruits with added sugar (check the nutrition label), and don’t eat a ton just because they’re smaller. Picture how many pieces are in a handful of raisins compared with a handful of grapes. See what we mean?

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    Bwahahahha, you just confirmed you have no clue about anything. You can't get too much vitamins cause they're mostly all water soluable and body just removes them with urine with no damage done.

                                                                    B6 vitamin overdose leads to nerve toxicity, which can further your problems with MS, B3 vitamin overdose leads to eventual liver failure if you take it too far

                                                                    People who believe you can't overdose on vitamins are fucking retarded. You can overdose on WATER (LD50 is about 6 liters, though).


                                                                      This has been a fun thread.
                                                                      Watching 'Don't hug me i'm scared 5' will clear up all nutritional myths and misconceptions though.


                                                                        "Plus you dont just eat a fruit because of the suggar"


                                                                        "B6 vitamin overdose leads to nerve toxicity, which can further your problems with MS, B3 vitamin overdose leads to eventual liver failure if you take it too far

                                                                        People who believe you can't overdose on vitamins are fucking retarded. You can overdose on WATER (LD50 is about 6 liters, though)."

                                                                        And where will you get high enough amounts of B3 and B6 from fruits and vegetables so you actually overdose yourself???? :D HAS ANYONE ACTUALLY HEARD OF SOMEONE WHO OVERDOSED ON FRUITS? :DDDDDDDDDDDDD I see now why you defend doctors so much - you have similiar way of thinking as they do. They have tons of theoretical knowledge, but little to none actual one. Also little to none common sense.

                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                          This thread gave me kancer


                                                                            Nice smoothie though ;)


                                                                              You can't possibly make a thread nowaday where you expect some positive encouriging words cause kids just hate on everything and are so smart nowadays. That's why threads like Ayy lmao are so visited - it's just retardness everywhere. I wouldnt EVER go to someone's thread and tell them something negative, especially if i see he needs help or some love or something. Threads turn to cancer cause of people who bring cancer to them.

                                                                              Ty bruh for bringing some love in here <3 :)

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                And where will you get high enough amounts of B3 and B6 from fruits and vegetables so you actually overdose yourself????

                                                                                Normally, vitamin overdose only happens when people abuse supplements, because it's indeed hard to get too much of any vitamin from a proper diet.

                                                                                1) Your diet is restrictive, and as far from proper as you can make it without resorting to only eating junk foods
                                                                                2) I didn't say you were going to overdose from fruit in first place, stop saying I said something I didn't

                                                                                If anything, the most obvious consequence of too much fructose (whether it is from fruit or from sugary drinks, your liver doesn't care) is getting a fat liver. Now, a fat liver will not process vitamin A well enough, and this can lead to complication with processing of other fat-soluble vitamins. If you seriously believe eating 250+ grams of sugar (which is mostly fructose) is good for you (whether it comes from fruit or not), you're way off the mark.

                                                                                HAS ANYONE ACTUALLY HEARD OF SOMEONE WHO OVERDOSED ON FRUITS?

                                                                                It's extremely easy to overdose on beta karotene, but mostly you'll just get a slightly yellowish tint to your face and hands.

                                                                                I see now why you defend doctors so much - you have similiar way of thinking as they do. They have tons of theoretical knowledge, but little to none actual one. Also little to no common sense.

                                                                                I defend doctors because they don't have a google degree, you dolt. Just because your condition is incurable (but it's possible to alleviate symptoms), that doesn't mean doctors are bad and stupid people, medicine is shit, or whatever you actually think. You have no fucking idea about most of the things you've mentioned here, and are now shitting on people who do (and some of them are researching ways to cure MS) just because they can't help you? Good god. You actually don't deserve medical attention, you deserve a beating stick.

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                  ye cuz doctors clearly don't know what tehy're talking about, they didnt study for like 10 years or something nah im sure u know much better with ur mainstream documentaries

                                                                                  u know, actually we are trying to support u because we want u to see reality

                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                    ^this is just a serious case of dunning-kruger, the guy watched some documentaries and read some crap on crank websites (he can't understand studies anyway because if he did he wouldn't spout stupid shit like he is), and now he believes himself to be superior to people who actually practice proper medicine. I actually happen to know people who are researching real science (even in Serbia), both in chemistry and in medicine, and those people are putting hundreds of hours every month to try to figure something out, and this dolt is going to shit all over them because he believes he has figured some great truth from a crank 'documentary'.

                                                                                    I guess when you live in an oversimplified reality of half truths, you get the feeling you're doing well. But the reality is that you still have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

                                                                                    If it weren't for the medicine as it is today, and if it weren't for the doctors you're shitting on (and especially those from the past), you wouldn't worry about fucking MS, you'd be dying from a flu, chickenpox, tuberculosis or something that we're easily able to deal with right now.

                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                      it's actually quite sad, really, because we got similar stuff in germany every now and then where especially cancer patients quit their therapy to do other stuff (FOR EXAMPLE DETOX TO CLEAN UR CELLS & BODY) and then just die weeks later


                                                                                        and yea i was about to link some pubmed studies but i figured he probably wouldn't read them or care either anyway

                                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                                          last time I asked for a meta analysis, he sent me a search clause on pubmed :<

                                                                                          TheDoctor (HTPG)

                                                                                            @mladen i as a medical doctor agree with what you have to say
                                                                                            but don't try too hard to teach others about medicine
                                                                                            it's because they don't have the capacity to learn medicine that makes them didn't believe in it
                                                                                            and we who knew medicine can only sigh in dissapointment

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi


                                                                                              Riguma Borusu


                                                                                                  "u know, actually we are trying to support u because we want u to see reality"

                                                                                                  No. You 2 are trying to convince me your reality is the only right one. That's exactly what most of you people try to do. You don't care about me, you don't care about what i wrote, so just stop pretending. You obviously didn't even bother to read my arguments and just made some false stupid conclusions out of it. People like you 2 actually make me sick to my bone.

                                                                                                  "If it weren't for the medicine as it is today, and if it weren't for the doctors you're shitting on (and especially those from the past), you wouldn't worry about fucking MS, you'd be dying from a flu, chickenpox, tuberculosis or something that we're easily able to deal with right now."

                                                                                                  NO I WOULND'T. If people actually ate fuckin properly according to our bodies and gave them enough nutrients, our immune systems wouldn't be so over the top with removing the junk we put into mouth and would actually fight most of the viruses/bacteria with no problem. Not all, but most of them for sure. You want some facts?

                                                                                                  "Flu Deaths Around the World

                                                                                                  Worldwide there are between 250,000 and 500,000 flu deaths per year. In a typical flu season, between 3 and 5 million people will have what is considered a serious case of influenza."

                                                                                                  Why do you think this happens? CAUSE PEOPLE IMMUNE SYSTEMS ARE TOO WEAK TO FIGHT IT. And why? Cause they're OVERLOADED. Instead of giving them fuckin vaccines every year (which in lots of cases doesn't work either) they should focus on making people immune systems stronger. That's how you solve fuckin problems in long term, not like our medicine is doing.

                                                                                                  And again - WHO SAID MEDICINE IS BAD? Learn to read. All i said is they are good at keeping us alive, but NOT HEALTHY - which medicine should be all about. Preventive is ALWAYS better than curing shit after. If you dont understand that, then you're dumb.

                                                                                                  About your and mine disease. Tell me how are you living? Are you feeling fine? Are you feeling sick? Can you do all you want or just bash people on forums over a computer? Then tell me what did medicine do for you to get better? Just answer me this, nothing else.


                                                                                                    Doctors today should learn a bit from the giants of our past.

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