General Discussion

General Discussionanyone know why control group for 1 manta illu + hero resets when gam...

anyone know why control group for 1 manta illu + hero resets when game is over? in General Discussion

    its kinda hard to explain but basically if i bind 1 illu + main hero then next game it will only select main hero any way to fix?

    < blank >

      get rekt fake trickster


        I actually had something like that, work the same on HoTD when you get a creep, if it dies and u select another creep, the control group is my case it happens the same as manta but within the same game, the illusions die and if I use manta again the control group is lost...not sure how it works tbh and i dont know how to change it tho :(

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          I actually had something like that, work the same on HoTD when you get a creep, if it dies and u select another creep, the control group is my case it happens the same as manta but within the same game, the illusions die and if I use manta again the control group is lost...not sure how it works tbh and i dont know how to change it tho :(

          u can not lose hotd creeps control group of u hold shift while assigning t, that way u add a creep to the group and not reset it
          u have t do that with every creep u want to dominate tho, and on another hero it won't be saved
          because apparently adding a hotkey for dominator control group is 2 hard for valve


            There's something bugged in control groups but I can't figure out what exactly.

            I'm finding they seem to disappear during the game for me.


              idk man, sometimes my illusion controls reset mid-game

              LISAN AL GAIB

                @where my carry bla bla bla...nope...I said it yourself "every creep u want to dominate". I could get 10 alpha wolfs in one game and each time has to be assigned to the hotkey :(

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                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    then u're doing smth wrong
                    few days ago i went to an empty lobby and added all the jungle creeps to my hotd control group, and then in a real game whenever i dominated whatever creep it was already assigned to my desired group

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                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        I hope that they won't fix it,because I am noob that won't ever do this kind of things even I am Top 153 Lycan

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