General Discussion

General DiscussionLet's talk about Dota.

Let's talk about Dota. in General Discussion

    I'm the most dedicated player I know.I take pubs just as seriously as if it was finals at TI.I nvr give up.
    Playing against megas?I keep playing.Down 40 kills?I keep playing.Half of ur team afk in the base?I keep playing. Why?Because I'm Anti-Mage.

    This hero is the ultimate 1 vs 9 hero.If played correctly u literally can't lose with this hero.You may be thinking that if u play any hero correctly u can't lose either but that's simply not true. Anti-Mage is unique with this characteristic.

    I go safelane,I farm.The offlaner tries to contest me but I am too good.I blink on him.I trade.I back off.We both salve up.He's got no mana.
    I've won the lane,like always.I am Anti-Mage. Nothing matters more than farm.I control the lane.I'm farming so close to my tower that i'm impossible to gank.I cannot die.I will nvr die.

    16 minutes.Battlefury, Power Treads,Poor Man's Shield,Vladmir's Offering.I've already won.Nothing can stop me now but myself.I am fearless.I push out lanes.I take towers.I force rotations.I am Anti-Mage.Thousands of calculations going on in my head.I keep track of glyph,five individual teleport scrolls cooldown,how much enemy is farming and when they will have specific item,relative position of both courier etc.I cannot lose now.
    Manta,Heart,Butterfly,Abyssal.I've not finished farming.

    "Fucking AM picker,no skill"
    The flame only fuels me.
    "Wow nice work AM u took their rax"
    I don't need ur praise peasant.I'm fucking Anti-Mage.The rest of my "team" is irrelevant. They only get in my goal.
    The enemy ancient.

    Moonshard,Boots of Travel 2.I buy the wards,the gem are on me.I take the throne. I've won the game. 900
    GPM.Pathetic.I could do better.I'm not trying hard enough.I have failed.

    "Match found".I pick Anti-Mage.I am Anti-Mage.

    1-IceTea 🌟

      But normally I kill you in 1sec b4 u get to blink,already forgot about that?

      Bu yorum düzenlendi
      Potato Marshal

        Have any of you guys wondered what Windrunner's feet smell like? Like wouldn't it be weird if she just shoved her bare feet in your face while you were lying down? Ha ha, I'm just super curious what that would feel like.





            Foot fetish confirmed. Potato Marshal weeb searching for feet fetish anime and manga to satisfy his unrequited sexual desires.


              Looking for feet,watch tentacles instead


                I think I've seen this one in Reddit before.

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  ^Ahhh my eyes xD


                    Dayum u bw ass xD


                      You have 3x more MMR than apoo and he plays AM better than you


                        K thats it,imma spam AM tomorrow


                          No wait,imma spam it today


                            HAHAHAHAHA BWS SAVAGE


                              Yea sure
                              Spamming AM is as easy as spamming PA after all


                                Actually if you're planning to spam AM, watch 5k+ MMRs play AM and follow their farming pattern


                                  I think i need to chg da hero.

                                  I AM PHANTOM ASSASSIN?


                                    Do the 600 LH 30 min in an empty lobby challenge
                                    And 70 LH 10 min frozen lane one
                                    Or 80 LH 10 min in a lane
                                    Thx cookie senpai


                                      Tl dr



                                        I AM ANTI-MAGE