General Discussion

General DiscussionTips and Tricks? Anyone?

Tips and Tricks? Anyone? in General Discussion
Melancholy LSD

    Heyo! Token 1.8k MMR player here! I'm trying to get out of the hole, but I often find myself in games where the enemy team nonstop pushes and my team sits back and takes it. I typically play pos 2-3 heroes. I dont know how to shut down an enemy when they push all game relentlessly. My most recent game was not ranked but its a good example of stuff that happens in my ranked games. Anyone got some advice for me? :)

    Riguma Borusu

      split push


        Hello, pick something what can fight early and farm well, jugg for example, go for manta, diff etc. build and get ez wins :-).

        Also, download demo someone above 6k + and look at his farming patterns. I would love to help u more, but my english sucks

        Melancholy LSD

          Autism, I enjoy playing jug a lot. This was my most recent ranked game with him though
          I did will but the enemy pushed nonstop and we lost.


            I dont have time right now, but i watched few min at ur last jugg game. U should max Q first, get aquila to get mana regen, also u should get a quiling blade, u missed alot of creeps. If u had a aquila, u would had mana for healing ward, instead of that, u run back to the base and missed another creeps, or u can use shrine now. Also i wouldnt get a silver edge, u want silver edge just for beaking someone ´s passive, like timber E for example , i would get a blink and farm faster + better escape.. I would get bkb over linken in this game also.

            basement :)

              ‘ I do not know how to shut down an enemy when they push all game relentlessly.’ Then push instead. Ping incessantly until they come.


                Press alt to show tips and tricks


                  1) item timing is shit
                  How to fix this? Get to empty lobby. Get 82 lh in 10 min by not skilling anything and buying anything. Watch pro player play. It should increase your mmr by at least 500