General Discussion

General DiscussionDotabuff First 1v1 Tournament.

Dotabuff First 1v1 Tournament. in General Discussion
Vem Comigo

    Tournament starts day 26.

    Here are the Rules :

    1v1 matchs : Each player will play the same hero, there is no hero restriction (maybe Monkey Kong, new and unbalanced hero), in a best of 3 the heroes CANT be repeated, so always have a backup, you dont need to voice your hero until the game starts.

    Picking in best of 3: Each player will chose 1 hero, we will flip a coin, and the winner of the flip, will play as his chosen hero and he will be able to select a side of the map (Dire/radiant), the second game the other player will play as his chosen hero and select a side, on the third game a hero will be chosen at random, from a hero poll of 16 signature midlaners.

    Picking in best of 1: Each player will select 3 heroes, we will flip a coin, and the winner will select 1 hero from the enemy selection, so both players fell confortable in playing that hero in the best of one, both players can decide on a hero if they want.

    Picking in the Final(Best of 5): Each player will select 2 heroes, we will flip a coin and the winner gets to play those heroes in the game 1 and 3 (he can chose the side (Dire/Radiant)), the loser will play his selected heroes on games 2 and 4 (he can chose the side (Dire/Radiant)), on the last game a hero will be chosen at random, from a hero poll of 16 signature midlaners.

    Rules : The rules are the same as a normal 1v1, you need to get 2 kills or destroy the enemy T1.

    Additional Rules ; Both players can decide on additional rules to increase the dificulty or skill cap of the match, these additional rules wont change the outcome of the match, you will still need 2 kills or a tower to win the game.

    Brackets : We have 2 brackets, the Winners Bracket (WB), and the Losers Bracket (LB).

    In case of a loss : In the WB you fall onto the LB; In the LB you are ELIMINATED.

    In case of a Win : In the WB you advance until the WB Finals; In the LB you advance to LB Finals (LB has 2 finals, one with only LB members, and the second final with the WB Finals loser);

    Each winner will them play a best of 5 in the Tournament Finals, between LB Champion vs WB Champion.

    Signature Midlaners (i can change this, and even add more heroes if you guys think it is needed) :
    Ranged : Shadow Fiend, Queen of Pain, Outworld Devourer, Tinker, Storm Spirit, Invoker, Templar Assassin, Puck, Death Prophet, Arc Warden.
    Melle : Alchemist, Ember Spirit, Dragon Knight, Kunkka, Tiny.
    WildCard : PUDGE.

    Bu yorum düzenlendi
    The Medic Guy

      hoho haha


        Arc Warden in dota 3 LUL

        Edit: Radiant side is an instant win

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          I can only play Shadow Fiend,rekt me guys D:


            i imagine matchups like ta vs ta, od vs od are decided by the first person to fall asleep

            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

              OP, you should create a roster as Stand.In, incase a player will be late or unable to play at final minutes. player should be online during that time and can play on a good ping.

              A roster of bout 5 players is more than enough.

              clueless clown

                The alchemist match up will be intense


                  No the dankest mirror is timber because timber counters high armor strength heroes, meaning he counters himself.


                    I want to be in the stand in roster if ever that gets implemented. I am not sure I can play so I don't want to go on the official playing list. Although there is a chance I will be able to play so count me in the stand in.


                      Lmao NS doto favourite doto

                      Highest vote xD


                        why doesn't it start 24th, it's literally the weekend

                        anyone can play on the weekend at any time compared to the work days

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        < blank >

                          Because people have families and it's a holiday, people go to christmas dinner etc.


                            i cant play 27th-28th

                            < blank >


                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                Meka VS Aimstronk please but everbody knows sym is going to win


                                  1v1 matches are short tho
                                  we can play a lot of them in 1 day


                                    Realistically you can have this whole turnament in 1 day

                                    Vem Comigo

                                      thing is because this isnt closed to a region, people cant be online all the time, or someone would play at 3am, and we wont play 24-25 cause of the holidays.


                                        Can we agree on servers in advance for the first round?

                                        Vem Comigo

                                          sure, try to contact your matchup and decide on the best server.

                                          Plus we have standins, they are the extras look at the first page.

                                          Vem Comigo

                                            Inx if you play 26 its fine, we can have you 26 and 29


                                              Where is [K]nightime btw

                                              Vem Comigo



                                                Vem Comigo



                                                    Are all the spots full?


                                                      Having 1k GPM TA player will render the use of the competition useless. What's the point of playing if a pro player who can reack 1k GPM on TA ez pz will win the match?

                                                      Vem Comigo

                                                        ^you cant reach 1kgpm in only mid.


                                                          would it be possible for you to play later today or tomorrow at the morning if it's not too much trouble for you? i won't be home at 26-28, sorry for the late notice

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                              your match is like the most anticipated one and i wanted to cast it... feelsbadman

                                                                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                                  Mekarazium vs Severe has 6 votes and therefore the most votes bro

                                                                    Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                                      tell me when you want to start though, i ll try to be ready for casting

                                                                        Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                                          Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                                            Did you play?

                                                                              Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                                                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                                                  Wow meka won. I guess meka's hacks are working.



                                                                                    what, i've had 1k gpm in 1v1 mid tons of times


                                                                                      We get it cookie you are good in dota. Go back and stream some minecraft for us.

                                                                                      Edit: nvm russian hacker hacked your acc. XD

                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                        i recovered my acc, idk what happened.

                                                                                        Vem Comigo

                                                                                          So meka Won?
                                                                                          if you guys got 2-0 there is no need for the third game.
                                                                                          Did you guys followed the rules bitches?

                                                                                            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                                                              The match starts tomorrow rite?


                                                                                                Should be


                                                                                                  fuck, has it started. thought it started the 26.

                                                                                                  [K]nighttime ඞ

                                                                                                    the offical start is tomorrow so dont worry


                                                                                                      im rooting for jdf8 since he replaced me