General Discussion

General DiscussionChances to go pro

Chances to go pro in General Discussion

    OP's from Malaysia


      SE Asia


        since youre mid 6k in SEA ur chances of being able to become good enough are better than most people but right now you definitely arent good enough to make a living off this game


          @ywn why dont you play solo q anymore ?


            Im rank 199 SEA where's my congratulations?


              sd gSDIB gewgES waow cutnpaste toooo ez bugatti ici pici lmn sqzy

                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                  Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                  chatwheel player

                    @bws ya I'll try to refuse some party mm from now

                    @Cookie instead of hiring coach or something, I prefer to search everything by myself, that way I can remember it well because I'm the one who searched it, going from 1k to 7k, alot of people might say its impossible or something, but I havent try it yet, I mean I'm trying to improve now, learning the meta, watch the pros, ask the 5k+, and after a new patch comes out, I'll spend my time to read the changes instead of goin straight to pub game. If I fail when I try my best its actually fine. Going from 1k to 7k is not impossible, its just so fucking difficult and stressing.

                    @Macteezy from indon breh


                      your region is currently the best one for developing a gaming career in dota, if u know the right people and places

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        Ayyy another indog


                          I say if you're above 2k you have a 50/50 chance of becoming a pro player, try joining Reddit to boost your mmr till they notice you. That's about as much as I can help u


                            If you wanna go pro you should prob just focus on one role *imo supp/offlane since they're less popular roles than 1/2* and just try to get some league type experience with that role

                            Realistically I'd say if you actually try you could go pro (if by pro you just mean winning a prize in a minor tournament)
                            Although if by pro you're talking about playing in valve tourneys then I think you have about 0% chance

                            peaceminusone ;)

                              Demon is ex 7k, he is 6,7k currently.
                              Dont understimate pros.


                                ^^ what is Skknife i am curious


                                  @no Russian

                                  or anyone else. can someone explain me the connection between joining reddit and boosting mmr. hows reddit gonna help you boost other than people answering your doubts on forums


                                    blessed warrior, don't contradict yourself

                                    but really, a 1k in my opinion will almost never get to 7k unless he made an 1k acc on purpose.

                                    you gotta understand, if you're actually struggling in this game at the low brackets you really won't have much chance learning what it requires to go 7k.

                                    you gotta also understand, in a bracket in which you're struggling a 7k+ player would destroy by playing with 1 finger each on both hands

                                    and im not even over exaggerating

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      but cookie didnt you say before you were calibrated at 1k or somewhere near it? (am i remembering the wrong guy)


                                        i was, but as you can see i'm not 7k


                                          are you also saying that your chances of getting 7k is slim to none

                                          basement :)



                                              i don't play much dota anymore, so yea.


                                                Cookie I need your cancer stream. Narwhal song sourpls

                                                chatwheel player

                                                  Cookie so you're saying that if I am as good as a 7k player, I would've just 1 v 9 every one of my pub game? Alright, I will improve, after I fix this piece of crap internet. Thanks for the advice, gl to everyone.


                                                    @Blessed Warrior

                                                    Road to 7k bois


                                                      Reddit? How's reddit even relevant to making you a better player?


                                                        I duno why everyone says u need connections. It's not like u need a team To go pro in dota. There's always open qualifiers. U can form a team of 7ks that u meet in ur pubs and get to know (cuz I'm sure u play many games together). And then just go compete with pro teams. U don't need a brand name to break into it. U just need to play well.


                                                          It's easier to go pro when you have connections compared to going pro own your own.

                                                          Edit: fuck going pro just get a job

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                            1k cant be 7k? lul
                                                            i am start playing in april 2015 and calibrating at 1,2k
                                                            now 1,5 years has passed and i am 4k
                                                            by the theory of 1k gpm TA god i will reach 10k in 3 years from now

                                                            The Medic Guy


                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                I'm pretty sure a 1k can go to 7k if he puts a lot of effort he never put previously. I calibrated at 1k and I'm almost 4k after about two years of play, I don't play much solo queue since I basically just play with friends, but I am pretty sure that majority of people can reach 5k if they put in some honest effort and strategy behind it, without just playing a fuckton of games by brute force, and then they might go from 5k to 7k if being efficient and effective at gaining MMR (in whatever way possible) is basically either the only thing they do in life or very very high on a priority list.

                                                                But I also feel that you need really strong conviction and motivation to undergo this, as it is now, I struggle to even want to play solo queue and not because dota's hard but just because I enjoy playing with friends a lot more.

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                  If you know random 7ks willing to team up with you and play open qualifiers over their own mates I'm sure that counts as connections.


                                                                    Don't know if anyone said this yet but try watching a lot of high mmr players (different styles and different players) and see what they do and compare it to yourself.

                                                                    Arteezy said on stream yesterday about watching high mmr players talk about their games and go into review and replay of games they played before and not necessarily pro players.

                                                                      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                                      Erdal Kömürcü

                                                                        you can try gameleap i dont know how good they are but i am sure it will help you


                                                                          wesgs different in that its nationality based, in the us for example both the teams dropped out so we ahd the choice of going or not going.

                                                                          u justhave to do well in pubs. focus on that and learning.


                                                                            if you're struggling in the low brackets, like if you start at 1k and cant get out of there within a month of calibrating, your chances of getting 7k are quite literally none

                                                                            you all can say whatever you want, but empty words are just that.


                                                                            unless one of you steps out and shows me he started at 1k and is actually 7k or approaching 7k

                                                                            be real with yourselves

                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                              i was 3.8k or something when ranked came out and i got 7k 6 months ago so its not impossible


                                                                                3.8k is not 1-2k and i don't see a blue star

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                  im kitrak.


                                                                                    1k-2ks not relevant to the op.

                                                                                    anyway add me on my main acc if u want my advice since id rather not post some of thestuff on a public forum


                                                                                      How to get 6k/7k calibirate? Im 2k since 2k15 but now is going to 4k/5k's my performance.


                                                                                        Pogchamp Kitrak is back. #TeamEGBulba #NA_pride


                                                                                          What hero spam get 8k calibrate? I are think PL and tusk good spam get 8k calibrate

                                                                                          The Medic Guy

                                                                                            i are agree

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                            EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                                                              u can make more money by streaming and buying drugs to help you stream OP

                                                                                              going pro in dota is so 2015, this be 2017 soon


                                                                                                It takes around 5 years at least if you are try harding 1k till 7k. What i found is funny is i can already beat a guy who already play 4 years in dota. I almost beat a guy with 4k mmr with 5 year exp at 1 vs 1. And i only have 10 month of playing dota. The real challange is getting 4-5k


                                                                                                  im sure you can try talking to other players on pub dude


                                                                                                    "When game is going full retard, you can only go with it.

                                                                                                    If you start going against it, if you start going half retard, you´re fucking done for."

                                                                                                    -n0tail 2014

                                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                      Thanks for the replies guys I guess I'll join open qualifiers with some random 6k friends and get noticed there.