General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone else having trouble with contro lgroups in 7.00?

Anyone else having trouble with contro lgroups in 7.00? in General Discussion

    Maybe it is just me but I'm finding control groups getting messed up during fights in 7.00. maybe it is just me keeping ctrl down too long but I never used to have this problem.

    anyone else?


      My problem is that some control groups reset between games, which they never did before 7.00.

      I play a lot of Terrorblade and it's quite problematic because I have to re-add the illusions to the control groups. And I can't do it at the start of the game, because first I need to actually spawn illusions. And then later on I get Manta, and those illus are not included in the control groups I made, so I have to redo it. Then maybe I find an illusion rune, and I have to set it up again.

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        You guys used PC at home or go cybercafes? Might find a correlation

        They have the control groups saved as notes in the user data. Well, they used to, now I can't find those things but a bunch of items I don't know.


          Only PC at home. In what file were control groups stored?

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            sometimes i select a single brewling instead of all 3 of em when i press "2"
            i'm not sure that's the problem with ctrl groups though and not me pressing random buttons in a fight without even noticing it