General Discussion

General DiscussionNew HUD/UI is a disaster - revert changes or enable legacy UI option.

New HUD/UI is a disaster - revert changes or enable legacy UI option. in General Discussion

    It's so bad and ugly, it's gamebreaking for me. I don't want to play because of it. You can't see your damage, you can't see your stats, health-/ manabars size are determined by the number of abilities your hero has. The shop is all f*cked up, u can't see when day/night cycle is about to begin, the portraits are clipping through the the toolbar.

    The intention was probably for it to be "sleek" and "streamlined", but it's just form over function - resulting in a clunky eyesore.

    pls be patient very noob ...

      Yeah we need legacy UI option. The gameplay changes were cool, but the dashboard you are given to work with is just pretty game ruining


        U can still see those stuff u just need to get used to it


          "You just need to get used to it"
          There was no point to change it without having an option to revert back. It's just confusing why they did this


            They did it because its a new version of dota 2?


              ..what about HUD themes, and loading screens?


                Its sad My Only 3 loading Screens that I love so much just looking at them for 2 mins I can't even see them any more Hud thems. Anyways They may change the Hud or add the legacy UI Other then that. People gotta get used to it. (I perfer the old hud better)

                Johnny Rico

                  The hud is still in beta, we will be able to mod the hud easily with panorama.

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                  #!Pliavi: I Dunno Watchu ...

                    The HUD themes are still there, 'im didn't play sufficient, so i'm not sure, the loading screen are still shown before the picks or are just that with magina looking to a tower? (i don't remember if i had that :v )

                    And the HUD is still in WIP, in these 3 days i saw a lot of changes:
                    - Tackpack got from bottom to right
                    - The items icons got large
                    - The important stats aremore visible (damage, armor, atkspd, magical resistance)
                    - K/D/A and LH/DN are more visible at the top-left corner
                    - The score is now more clear
                    - When you die, the info is now on the left as before an it's smaller (the first was above the shop, hiddding some HUD parts and a little big)

                    I didn't see if clock had any changes, but maybe argued too.

                    Some buggy things i saw (only today):
                    - Sometimes the courier deliver the item and don't return to base (maybe by the backpack? I did'nt realize why)
                    - Sometimes the item parts are hidden on quickshop, and the quickbuy item (TP, F8, ido'nt rememeber the name).

                    The only thing i didn't like was the search bar on the middle of the shop... WTF was that!? And i can't press shop and start type the item name now.

                    But if you think it's not like it would be (lioke those bugs), just take a time to explain it on dev.dota (Dota2 dev), like 'ill do about these bugs and search bar(if no one did).

                    There are too much things still to change/adapt, just stay playing or wait.

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                      For me the new shop is annoying af but I'll get used to it after 100games


                        This thread reminds me of that meme icefrog comic...


                          i just want the possibility to have normal hud back else i wont be able to play