General Discussion

General DiscussionI thought this meta would kill jungle LC

I thought this meta would kill jungle LC in General Discussion

    I was wrong.


      well if legion can get lvl6 by 6mn and go for lane and duels then why not ? specialy now there's those bounty runes around :v


        ofc ur wrong itz not their interest to fuck dota they put more anceints more bounty


          low mmr, what do you expect?


            cookie at low mmr talking about 1-2k mmr (my bracket) people will either try to go mid legion or jungle if u go jungle you get called retard they kind of right cuz you'll never leave the jungle before 10minut u 1k trash.... if u try to go mid they will flame u like wtf legion mid cyka blyat go play lol learn to position etc...

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              well if legion can get lvl6 by 6mn and go for lane and duels then why not ? specialy now there's those bounty runes around :v

              because you force your team to play 4v5 for the first 6-10 mins while u farm up your lv 6 or a naked blink dagger. If the enemy team has a beastmaster, brood, shaman, DP, drow, good luck to your T3's.


                onion dunno m8 some heroes feels like they can solo offlane with not so many problems to worry about timber saw for example if no disable in lane u can easy get the farm u need i guess same goes for bristleback, anyway u should not play 4v5 against team that has drow,brood or shaman (still drow is ez food for legion once she hit lvl6 same for shaman)


                  and just in case the lane was so hard legion can go for duel lane anyway still it wont be a really good idea specialy that you'll both need the farm how ever from what i have seen the hard lane pull is so freaking easy with the new map so one can farm lane creeps other pull and farm neutrals dunno am 1k trash after all


                    People watch too many legion videos where they snowball with big duel numbers and like to hit things so they try to play her in that role regardless of enemy team all the time. her biggest strengths are Overwhelming Odds which is one of the better AOE nukes and it just got a buff so it can be a nightmare in the lane if she knows how to tread switch and manages mana properly. With the nerf to diffusal blade, it makes PTA even better to dispel/heal your teammates.

                    if jungle legion was some OP strat, she'd have a win rate higher than 47%

                    M U R D E R

                      Whats wrong with legion mid


                        shared nothing wrong people at low bracket not used to it its all.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          yesterday I was about to pick legion offlane, and marked it at the start of the picking stage, but since it was unranked, some retard just picked lc jungle out of the blue so I picked broodmother and fed

                          legion jungle is really really bad right now so don't fucking pick it, and this comes from someone who has about 600 games of LC jungle (in previous patches)


                            I personally like legion mid. maybe not as much with the mid rune nerf but shes probably one of the best mele mids. She has a strong nuke, two sources of heal and benefits from quickly getting level 6.


                              Its no coincidence why her mid winrate is 52% and is 46-48% everywhere else

                              The MS, heal, hard hits, aor harass and fast levels are great

                              You can jungle and get lv6 by 4-5 mins or you can do the same mid and have 10-15 more CS