General Discussion

General DiscussionBeen a nice time playing dotes

Been a nice time playing dotes in General Discussion

    This new map layout jungle layout really fucks up everything u learnt as a support, map control is actually no longer a thing, because there is too much resource on the map now,

    u heard it here first, heroes with illusions, flash farm and mobility will dominate this game, and cc heroes will be picked to counter them. Treant will also be a t1 pick after he gets in cm.

    Anyways I don't play this game because it is fun, I do it because of the competitiveness and chess like gameplay, stupid shit like making farm so god damn easy is actually making many aspects of the game really redundant.

    Comeback mechanics and the easier time to farm would mean that the early game laning stage do not impact the game at all. This means supports are literally ward bitches and walking stuns.

    League and hon does not have this comeback mechanics bullshit and is thus a superior competitive game. CLQ was right all along.

    the realm's delight

      the game is lit now


        You'll play it anyways so cut yourself a slack and take it like a man

        Johnny Rico

          Illusions give gold and exp now gege
          PL IS DED

          Bu yorum düzenlendi
          the realm's delight

            fuckiNG CHINESE

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              So, there is one more ancient camp and one more medium camp for each team. Battlefury alchemist coming back?

              Honestly, most of these talent upgrade are spewed out like someone thought for 5 seconds about each hero.

              the realm's delight

                finally its english


                  guys chill this is just 1 patch and would certainly try to improve the fucked up parts. its just out for like few minutes

                  Johnny Rico

                    Talon and Qblade now give raw dmg instead of % agaisnt creeps 24melle / 7ranged


                      Dazzle can perma-stun anyone on level 25 if you noticed (not to mention the possible 360 DPS)

                      Johnny Rico

                        they killed jungle Neutrals spawn time from
                        0:30/1/2/3/4/etc. to 0:30/1/3/5/7/etc
                        doom is more fucked
                        BUT DOOM CAN EAT ANCIENTS

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          I love playing Heroes of The Ancients.


                            They gave nearly every support a really big respawn time reduction, I don't know if they realize that some of those heroes would make good cores and you don't want those core running around with 40 seconds respawn time 30 minutes into the game.

                            Also, the Lone Druid upgrades really make me think that bearless druid is now very viable.

                            Johnny Rico

                              Temporarily removed the following heroes from Captains Mode: Necrophos, Techies, Lycan, and Treant

                              Recipe cost reduced from 210 to 190
                              FFS at least one thing right

                              Diffusal Blade can only target enemies now.
                              Riki euls now

                              Lul really

                              ANTI-MAGE:SCEPTER ADDED
                              Added a Scepter for Anti-Mage. Causes Spell Shield to passively block and reflect a targeted spell once every 12 seconds. Disabled with Break.
                              BOUNTY HUNTER:SCEPTER ADDED
                              Added Scepter to Bounty Hunter. Allows Shuriken Toss to bounce twice on each hero (bounces on everyone once, then bounces through each one again)

                              GG OP

                              CRYSTAL MAIDEN:SCEPTER REWORKED
                              Reworked Crystal Maiden Scepter. Now applies Frost Bite to any unit that has been standing in the Freezing Field for over 2.5 seconds. An enemy can only be affected once.

                              NECRO Reaper's Scythe Scepter upgrade reduces cooldown to 55/40/25.

                              RIKI:SCEPTER ADDED
                              Added a Scepter for Riki. Increases ultimate duration by 4 seconds. Allows you to target an allied hero, hiding inside them for the duration. The radius that you attack in follows the allied hero. 1000 Cast Range.

                              SLARK:SCEPTER ADDED
                              Added Scepter to Slark. Reduces ultimate cooldown from 60 to 30 and causes Shadow Dance active to be a 325 AoE, hiding allied heroes underneath it.

                              SO FUCKING GOOD
                              SKYWRATH MAGE:SCEPTER REWORKED
                              Reworked Skywrath Mage's Scepter. Anytime you cast an ability, a different random nearby target (heroes prioritized) will be targeted within 700 AoE of the target. For example, if you Ancient Seal a target, you will also Ancient Seal another target. If you Mystic Flare an area, a random nearby target (heroes prioritized) that isn't in the existing target area (but is within 700 range from the location) will also be hit.

                              Johnny Rico

                                Aghs slark for whole team 30 sec regen during teamfight


                                  "TREANT PROTECTOR:HERO REWORKED"
                                  Literally turned one of his active spells into passive and added an invis-break bonus.

                                  Johnny Rico

                                    courier snipes on treant will be the easiest thing ever

                                    Johnny Rico



                                        Just 1 patch?

                                        THEY KILLED THE FUCKIING GAME OR CAN'T YOU FUCKING READ NOW?


                                          Comeback mechanics were nerfed. READ:

                                          Area gold given to allies on kill.

                                          1 ally:150+6*LVL
                                          2 allies:100+5*LVL
                                          3 allies:40+4*LVL
                                          4 allies:25+3*LVL
                                          5 allies:20+3*LVL

                                          1 ally :140+5*LVL
                                          2 allies:70+4*LVL
                                          3 allies:35+3*LVL
                                          4 allies:25+2*LVL
                                          5 allies:20+1*LVL

                                          Gold Bounty per Kill:

                                          From [110 + Breaking Enemy Kill Streak Bonus + Enemy LVL * 9.9] to [110 + Breaking Enemy Kill Streak Bonus + Enemy LVL * 8]

                                          EXP Bounty per Kill:

                                          Readjusted so you get the same EXP for killing a L1-7 unit, less now for killing a L8-15 unit, and more for killing a L16+ unit than before.

                                          In other words, you make less money now for killing an overfarmed carry and until the late-game, less EXP as well. Stop making stuff up. Given how the new talents (L10/L15) work, there should exist no reason why a L16+ unit should even die to even 5 enemy L8/L9 units. The buffs you get are huge.

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            Yes, laning was deemphasized once again, but the fact there is 4 bounty runes, more jungle camps, and the healing shrine mechanic suggests that map control is now actually more important. Instead of trying to dominate just lanes like DotA was 2-3 years ago, it could just as likely players try to dominate the lanes and the adjacent jungle regions starting at L3/4. This means the payoff for good map domination squads is now higher and team coordination is now at a higher premium than ever before. In the short-term, sure, as players learn to adapt, it means teams cannot squeeze each other out, but in the long-term, I think it will eventually improve everyone's level.

                                            Johnny Rico

                                              ^thing is the patch is so unbalanced, many "sup" now have a +150 gold per minute talent.


                                                I think IF wants to return DotA to the old days where no one cared what was support or carry. Where literally like n0tail said, it's just a crazy game where anything can work. I think his current design path is one where any given hero can fit at least half the possible roles and it's up to a player's personal inclination and the needs of his team to decide the path taken in-game. I think most DB regulars may not like to hear that but we are too elitist at times. The Wings / VP experimental philosophy should be the new standard, rather than flamie and shame for "breaking the rules and not being meta".


                                                  That is Dota bro, not shit oh CM/WD/SP is support 100% of the time bullshit LEAGUE philosophy


                                                    Btw whoever said illusions and flash farming was meta. Th jungle spawns every 2 min, u clear it in 50 seconds then wait for 1 min to farm again? Super meta i bet.

                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                      IMAGINE THAT DOOM JUNGLE, HE EATS THE DRAGON, OR THE NEW LIFESTEAL CREEP HE WILL BE OP MS

                                                      BITXH PLEASE LEVEL 10 CM CAN GAIN +50 DMG CM CARRY FTW

                                                      IF WE WANT SUPER IMBALANCE GAME PLAY WE CAN GO TO 'IMBA DOTA'

                                                      Icfrog have make a good change to 6.89 now she want to distroy it.
                                                      BOOM EVERYONE DIE
                                                      END OF THE WORLD

                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                        - some% of old player find it too hard to adapt 7.00 and quit Dota

                                                        - Still Long way to make to balance Dota 7.00

                                                        - Dota is already a complicated game, now with talent tree it's more unfriendly for new player ( or old noob player like friend of mine) to play it (they will just say puck it and give up)

                                                        - Ya sure most player will like how dota is so 'fresh' again now but it's temporary soon we will all complain the IMBA

                                                        This is my honest opinion, can anyone else give a commend?

                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                          Lol thats what everyone said abt 6.87 only it turned out to be the closest to near balanced dota ever presented. Quick balance changes shortly after release will undoubtedly take place, i wud wait after those to fully judge the game state.

                                                          Coffee Bean~

                                                            I love this game again :D

                                                            recently I've been playing league more because it always intoduces new stuff

                                                            Now I'm actually excited to play this again

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                              ^^Quick balance changes shortly after release will undoubtedly take place

                                                              That's what it need


                                                                Ye i agree. The specific shit does look kinda busted, but the general concepts imo r all fine. Just that when u add this much shit all at once it gets mixed up and lost and confused. Give it some time.


                                                                  hmm the farming aspect just makes it easier for 90% of the playerbase to play the game. but maybe u r right about the top level competitiveness


                                                                    I still like what they've done to the map. The addition of more camps and runes means almost anyone can jungle to a position 4 extent. But since the camps don't spawn as often, these junglers have to gank to keep up farm.

                                                                    That's a position 4 people will actually want to play and can still help lanes.

                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                      Ok look like my Ursa spamm is over now I will use lycan diox to face hit anyone that stand between me and 5k then.

                                                                      PS : Now I finally know what's 'diox' stand for

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                      Ryan Gosling Fan

                                                                        Repel can no longer be cast on enemies.

                                                                        This is the worst of all. No more Problem to be retard.


                                                                          " Repel can no longer be cast on enemies.

                                                                          This is the worst of all. No more Problem to be retard. "

                                                                          Man sometimes shit is just moving really fast and you can't keep up with your hands


                                                                            diffusaal cant purge smoke from riki anymore FEELSBADMAN


                                                                              Pretty sure 7.00 will be the most unbalanced in history but they proved with 6.88 that they now know how to balance now. I guess volvo use in-game statistics rather than guesswork now considering how rapidly and delicate some of the tweaks were.

                                                                              7.00f will be awesome and probably released in time for xmas :-D

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                              Freya 69

                                                                                Well I like it. A nice change of pace, time to feel refreshed and get used to a new meta again. Whether its good or bad remains to be seen, but it does have one thing going for it: a snazzy, fresh looking Viper!

                                                                                Aside from that Atrocity, we have all year to figure out how to play all over again and that's the gift that keeps on giving.