General Discussion

General Discussion[Survey] Should VALVE release Normal Solo Matchmaking?

[Survey] Should VALVE release Normal Solo Matchmaking? in General Discussion

    Simply need a fucking Solo Matchmaking for Normal game, picture tell. (2 in total)

    1. hmm...4 man party....okay

    2. (next game from 1st pic) all random dudes versus full party? fucking nonsense #VALVE

    Bu konu düzenlendi



        no just combine party and solo mmr


          Yes MARLAN, i'll love to see that too, question to #VALVE, why cant Solo Player in normal match get the same treatment as Solo Rank? As if Rank player are like higher being, and Normal Match player are? Fucking nobody need no rights?


            there is not enough players for sure specific matchmaking preferences to be available dude

            doc joferlyn simp

              You are playing a fucking pub match, it won't affect your MMR at all and only serves to let you practice or meme with friends. If you want serious games (not 100% sure though) go play Ranked.


                Who cares
                Pubs are made to practice heroes and meme with friends anyway
                Plus there won't be enough playerbase to sustain such split


                  What the hell with that ranked winrate dude


                    non ranked matchmaking is a joke not supposed to be balanced or relevant


                      i used to think shared party/solo mmr was a good idea. then i played SMITE where 2 diamond shitters would party with 1 diamond account and 1 gold account and boost the diamond into masters, the only reason this isnt a huge issue is that rank gets reset every season. Solo queue ranked may be god awful cancerous shit, but at least its not really abusable.