General Discussion

General Discussion2k trench

2k trench in General Discussion

    how the fuck do i get out when i keep getting idiots like this??!???!

    Putins Price Hike

      people laughed at maelstrom jugg at first. wait till tomorrow when rtz is rushing lens on jugg


        and he didnt even max his 1st skill, his only magic damage EL YU EL

        meet yo maker

          rofl so fun

          Salt & Pepper

            In 2K mmr its always the 50/50 Chance to get the full Retard into your Team:D this time it was you who got him

            Freya 69

              At least he didn't go Eblade as well... right?


                You mean didn't get the chance to eyy

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  You can try by not relying on your teammates
                  A.k.a getting good and win games by doing well yourself


                    that is a legit build imo

                    Salt & Pepper

                      how can you get good by yourself and win a teamgame alone? :o
                      i mean ofcourse ist possible but i think if you are 2k for a Long time it means you are 2k :D

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                          Singsong did it on a roaming jugg

                          Riguma Borusu

                            you have about 50% winrate so you are where you belong

                            actually you might even be overcalibrated, considering your party mmr is overcalibrated so you must've got carried by some VHS players for many games


                              haha wow 3.8k pro @@ double my mmr
                              can u see my games and tell me what i doing wrong?

                              Riguma Borusu

                                probably everything, starting with "blamin teammates"

                                in 2k, everything that can go wrong, will, because people are incredibly awful, so you can get away with literally anything, I went from 1k to 3k spamming legion jungle first pick every game with about 80% winrate, playing against numerous dazzles, oracles, banes, ODs, and literally any counter imaginable, and multiple counters a lot of times

                                you just have to improve at the game in general, simply said, find something you can reliably spam and rise
                                mind you I am fucking shit as well, just like anything bellow 5k, I'm just saying you can't expect to rise if you play just like an average 2000 MMR player (statistics don't lie)

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  Also, before you say "his itemization is trash im not even that bad", he's probably better than you at other aspects at the game, since you both are at the same MMR
                                  So find your weaknesses, fix them

                                  Riguma Borusu


                                    MMR only measures how likely you are to win a game at a certain MMR. Some people are good at teamfights, some are good at ganking, some have good game sense, farmin patterns, have an idea what to do at each point in the game, have the right builds, etc.

                                    I know I am pretty bad at teamfights since I lose my head easily, so I tend to gank and splitpush instead, it's much easier for me if there are only about two enemy heroes on my screen, than if there are five. But some people are so much better at teamfights than others that they outplay them even though they are trash at basically everything else (SirActionSlacks is a prime example of this).

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      i can bost to 4k pretty easy even with trash team feed i still win



                                        fear is the mind killer

                                          if you are good enough you will win with that jugger in your team easy. If you belong to your bracket then yeah its an autolose

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                          Mary Poppins

                                            ^ this. Just pick a hero who can split push, if the enemy push just cut the creep on the lane so they can't push anymore, take objective everytime you can.

                                            BSJ. LGD

                                              good build, miracle approves


                                                I got 3.5k from 2.4k in 2 months just spamming Invoker! 2k - 3.2k people are pretty dumb! you can always almost 5 man combo.. ez ultras rampages Now i'm sitting at 3.9k playing different heroes


                                                  ^ 1.14 i got friend who did lattery the same he gone from 1k all the way up to 4k just by spamming invoker by the time he got there he could play only invoker stoped ranked gone to unranked his winrate gone all the way down but then he started to learn new heroes and he got pretty good with them now his profil

                                                  CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                                                    @Salt & Pepper if you have a 50/50 chance of getting a retard like that then wouldn't that mean you'll never climb up?


                                                      @kyle if a person is as good as they think they are, and that they don't deserve their mmr, then that means your team has 4/5 stupid people, and chances are the enemy team has 5/5 stupid people. Doesn't that at least get your win percentages up by a little bit?


                                                        Go linkens & BoTs Ember and just rat them to death


                                                          lmaoall the blue stars trolling

                                                          commends swapper

                                                            In normal skill it doesnt matter what your team is doing tbh. You pick mid or carry and if ur good enough you solo win games. But in order to do that you must get good first or you gonna lose anyway. And do not think that dumbness is associated only with your bracket. They higher you go the more frustrating it gets.


                                                              im good man, i just get involuntary spasms when i see my team doing stupid stuff so i end up playing badly
                                                              give me 4k mates and i will be 4k in no time...

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                ^that's bullshit, I went from 1k to almost 4k fairly easily and I am not even a 4k player, you can't even grind up to 3k

                                                                nobody's really holding me back, I am just garbage, but I realize that, at what point do 2ks with dunning kruger realize that? Oh right, when they calibrate their smurfs at 3.5k, ruin a ton of games, blame teammates, and then drop back to 2k with 23% winrate.

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                Freya 69

                                                                  What he means to say is: fix yourself before you find fault in others. You can't control them, only yourself, and I'm sure you're the only one that cares where your mmr goes. If you play badly then its only natural that the game goes badly. Doesn't matter why, just that you lose yet another 25 mmr and keep wondering why you're in that bracket. Short answer is: don't play badly. Find and fix the flaw. :)

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                  fear is the mind killer

                                                                    "im good man, i just get involuntary spasms when i see my team doing stupid stuff so i end up playing badly
                                                                    give me 4k mates and i will be 4k in no time... "

                                                                    I'm sorry but its just not how it works.


                                                                      Lol all my friends are 4.5k+ solo and everytime we play party we lose therefore i'm still a 2k party!! all my friends are too noone's above 3.2k+ party haha
                                                                      so having a 4k mates won't make you a 4k


                                                                        If you want 4k mates to get to 4k MMR go play party MMR
                                                                        There is a reason why solo MMR is one of the most relevant way to measure a player's skill
                                                                        That's because to increase it you need to carry 4 idiots' ass consistently

                                                                        Super Speed Snail

                                                                          Dude, people will apreciate you more if you didnt use blaming as you main focus in argument.

                                                                          Anyone spewing something sounds like,

                                                                          "My team hold me back"

                                                                          Is automatically interpreted as bad player.


                                                                            check this game i won in normal 2k trench imposible but i did it

                                                                            uu this ia one i didnt win i had more tower dmg as tinker as they all togrhter :D

                                                                            some games are imposible if ur allys fuckup
                                                                            i told viper just stay base buy wards we would definitely win

                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              Everyone getting Jebaited so hard.


                                                                                I too, was part of the trench. I played alot of dota with a friend. He introduced me to dota a year or two ago. He had a habit of blaming his team for his losses and mistakes which I did not realise seemed dumb to do. I read so much about escaping mmr hell and stuff like that. What most VHS players say is, if you're that good, you should be able to 1v5 the enemy team. To me at first, I thought that was pure exaggeration. Like how am I supposed to win a team game without relying on other team mates. Now, my average gpm for luna is 650+ and I actually 1v5 the enemy team to set my own record of 835gpm on luna. So yeah, don't be stuck with a dunning krugger effect. Btw, my friend is still 1k. When I play beside him ( not with him ) He yells on the mic and flames the team. I kindly tell him to shut the fuck up :)

                                                                                Salt & Pepper

                                                                                  @.exe no thats not what i meant but People like me being in 2k mmr im there for a Long time so i belong there... and with People that build hex as first item when playing jungling Prophet it becomes hard to win..


                                                                                    it's impossible to get out of the 2k trench, you're gonna stay there forever


                                                                                      u r 1k, not 2k

                                                                                      Salt & Pepper

                                                                                        ah what ever..

                                                                                        meteor hammer

                                                                                          aether lens amplifies the flat physical damage slashes as well, BTW


                                                                                            Id say go a hero that can farm and slot to end early like alch. This is how i have decided to climb my way back out of the trench recently, and it is working phaha people at this level dont know how to stop rat ^^ really hope there is a mmr re-calibration for 7.00... might save me some time. got to low mmr about 2 years ago just mucking around (i was one of those)... keep that for party ranked now lawl


                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              When I started playing DotA, I was playing with this 3k player which was basically a god compared to me, I callibrated at 1k because I just started playing, etc. But I thought he was really good. Now, 2 years later, he's still in normal skill, and I'm breaching into 4k pretty soon. He still blames teammates, picks shitty heroes which he also can't play, marks mid every game, is toxic as fuck, thinks shit heroes are OP, and so on.

                                                                                              He went from 3.4k MMR to 3.0k MMR in the last two years. I no longer play with him because he has terrible gameplay and winrate, he has no map sense and is a shit person as well.

                                                                                              So guys, it is always ON YOU. Every. Single. Time. You aren't stuck, you are where you belong if you have ~50% winrate in that bracket, in about 100% of cases.

                                                                                              Likewise, people with 60%+ winrate are not stuck either, they are basically going up all the time, and the only reason they are at a certain MMR is that they haven't played enough games. That doesn't mean that a 3k player with 60% winrate is 4k, but he is definitelly not stuck there. Once he reaches like 4.3k and gets down to consistent ~50% winrate in that bracket, he is finally at his skill level, but sensible people won't start bitching at that level and blaming others, because if you're good enough, you can win almost every game, and the only reason you believe you cannot win games is that you do not believe you can have enough game impact because (again) you are really bad at the game.

                                                                                              Yes, you are one of five players on a team. But unless you can consistently be the most impactful player on the team in at least two out of five games, you are just as bad as everyone else in that bracket.

                                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                ^^^ This



                                                                                                  General Discussion
                                                                                                  General Discussion
                                                                                                  2k trench
                                                                                                  2K TRENCH IN GENERAL DISCUSSION
                                                                                                  stepping stone
                                                                                                  stepping stone a day ago
                                                                                                  how the fuck do i get out when i keep getting idiots like this??!???!

                                                                                                  sLaK.Shy Guy
                                                                                                  sLaK.Shy Guy a day ago
                                                                                                  people laughed at maelstrom jugg at first. wait till tomorrow when rtz is rushing lens on jugg
                                                                                                  casual player
                                                                                                  casual player a day ago
                                                                                                  and he didnt even max his 1st skill, his only magic damage EL YU EL
                                                                                                  Darkness a day ago
                                                                                                  rofl so fun
                                                                                                  Salt & Pepper
                                                                                                  Salt & Pepper a day ago
                                                                                                  In 2K mmr its always the 50/50 Chance to get the full Retard into your Team:D this time it was you who got him
                                                                                                  Freya 69
                                                                                                  Freya 69 a day ago
                                                                                                  At least he didn't go Eblade as well... right?
                                                                                                  bws~ a day ago
                                                                                                  You mean didn't get the chance to eyy
                                                                                                  This comment was edited a day ago
                                                                                                  bws~ a day ago
                                                                                                  You can try by not relying on your teammates
                                                                                                  A.k.a getting good and win games by doing well yourself
                                                                                                  🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 a day ago
                                                                                                  that is a legit build imo
                                                                                                  Salt & Pepper
                                                                                                  Salt & Pepper a day ago
                                                                                                  how can you get good by yourself and win a teamgame alone? :o
                                                                                                  i mean ofcourse ist possible but i think if you are 2k for a Long time it means you are 2k :D
                                                                                                  This comment was edited a day ago
                                                                                                  reinstalled dota actually
                                                                                                  reinstalled dota actually a day ago
                                                                                                  increases radius for spin and range for healing ward and omni slash can confrim this is a legit build
                                                                                                  Tucker a day ago
                                                                                                  Singsong did it on a roaming jugg
                                                                                                  R.I.P Dota 6.XX 1939-2016
                                                                                                  R.I.P Dota 6.XX 1939-2016 a day ago
                                                                                                  you have about 50% winrate so you are where you belong
                                                                                                  actually you might even be overcalibrated, considering your party mmr is overcalibrated so you must've got carried by some VHS players for many games
                                                                                                  stepping stone
                                                                                                  stepping stone a day ago
                                                                                                  haha wow 3.8k pro @@ double my mmr
                                                                                                  can u see my games and tell me what i doing wrong?
                                                                                                  R.I.P Dota 6.XX 1939-2016
                                                                                                  R.I.P Dota 6.XX 1939-2016 a day ago
                                                                                                  probably everything, starting with "blamin teammates"
                                                                                                  in 2k, everything that can go wrong, will, because people are incredibly awful, so you can get away with literally anything, I went from 1k to 3k spamming legion jungle first pick every game with about 80% winrate, playing against numerous dazzles, oracles, banes, ODs, and literally any counter imaginable, and multiple counters a lot of times
                                                                                                  you just have to improve at the game in general, simply said, find something you can reliably spam and rise
                                                                                                  mind you I am fucking shit as well, just like anything bellow 5k, I'm just saying you can't expect to rise if you play just like an average 2000 MMR player (statistics don't lie)
                                                                                                  This comment was edited a day ago
                                                                                                  bws~ a day ago
                                                                                                  Also, before you say "his itemization is trash im not even that bad", he's probably better than you at other aspects at the game, since you both are at the same MMR
                                                                                                  So find your weaknesses, fix them
                                                                                                  R.I.P Dota 6.XX 1939-2016
                                                                                                  R.I.P Dota 6.XX 1939-2016 a day ago
                                                                                                  MMR only measures how likely you are to win a game at a certain MMR. Some people are good at teamfights, some are good at ganking, some have good game sense, farmin patterns, have an idea what to do at each point in the game, have the right builds, etc.
                                                                                                  I know I am pretty bad at teamfights since I lose my head easily, so I tend to gank and splitpush instead, it's much easier for me if there are only about two enemy heroes on my screen, than if there are five. But some people are so much better at teamfights than others that they outplay them even though they are trash at basically everything else (SirActionSlacks is a prime example of this).
                                                                                                  This comment was edited a day ago
                                                                                                  I'm Katz
                                                                                                  I'm Katz a day ago
                                                                                                  i can bost to 4k pretty easy even with trash team feed i still win
                                                                                                  Tucker a day ago
                                                                                                  Soeeasy - Hello (G-E)
                                                                                                  Soeeasy - Hello (G-E) a day ago
                                                                                                  if you are good enough you will win with that jugger in your team easy. If you belong to your bracket then yeah its an autolose
                                                                                                  This comment was edited a day ago
                                                                                                  7.00 is coming
                                                                                                  7.00 is coming a day ago
                                                                                                  ^ this. Just pick a hero who can split push, if the enemy push just cut the creep on the lane so they can't push anymore, take objective everytime you can.
                                                                                                  league of legends
                                                                                                  league of legends a day ago
                                                                                                  good build, miracle approves
                                                                                                  1.14 a day ago
                                                                                                  I got 3.5k from 2.4k in 2 months just spamming Invoker! 2k - 3.2k people are pretty dumb! you can always almost 5 man combo.. ez ultras rampages Now i'm sitting at 3.9k playing different heroes
                                                                                                  TN_Rmili Never supp 1k ag...
                                                                                                  TN_Rmili Never supp 1k ag... a day ago
                                                                                                  ^ 1.14 i got friend who did lattery the same he gone from 1k all the way up to 4k just by spamming invoker by the time he got there he could play only invoker stoped ranked gone to unranked his winrate gone all the way down but then he started to learn new heroes and he got pretty good with them now his profil
                                                                                                  .EXE a day ago
                                                                                                  @Salt & Pepper if you have a 50/50 chance of getting a retard like that then wouldn't that mean you'll never climb up?
                                                                                                  casual player
                                                                                                  casual player a day ago
                                                                                                  @kyle if a person is as good as they think they are, and that they don't deserve their mmr, then that means your team has 4/5 stupid people, and chances are the enemy team has 5/5 stupid people. Doesn't that at least get your win percentages up by a little bit?
                                                                                                  Onions a day ago
                                                                                                  Go linkens & BoTs Ember and just rat them to death
                                                                                                  SEATARDS.Jacked.fucku a day ago
                                                                                                  lmaoall the blue stars trolling
                                                                                                  Sa2ir a day ago
                                                                                                  In normal skill it doesnt matter what your team is doing tbh. You pick mid or carry and if ur good enough you solo win games. But in order to do that you must get good first or you gonna lose anyway. And do not think that dumbness is associated only with your bracket. They higher you go the more frustrating it gets.
                                                                                                  stepping stone
                                                                                                  stepping stone a day ago
                                                                                                  im good man, i just get involuntary spasms when i see my team doing stupid stuff so i end up playing badly
                                                                                                  give me 4k mates and i will be 4k in no time...
                                                                                                  R.I.P Dota 6.XX 1939-2016
                                                                                                  R.I.P Dota 6.XX 1939-2016 a day ago
                                                                                                  ^that's bullshit, I went from 1k to almost 4k fairly easily and I am not even a 4k player, you can't even grind up to 3k
                                                                                                  nobody's really holding me back, I am just garbage, but I realize that, at what point do 2ks with dunning kruger realize that? Oh right, when they calibrate their smurfs at 3.5k, ruin a ton of games, blame teammates, and then drop back to 2k with 23% winrate.
                                                                                                  This comment was edited a day ago
                                                                                                  Freya 69
                                                                                                  Freya 69 a day ago
                                                                                                  What he means to say is: fix yourself before you find fault in others. You can't control them, only yourself, and I'm sure you're the only one that cares where your mmr goes. If you play badly then its only natural that the game goes badly. Doesn't matter why, just that you lose yet another 25 mmr and keep wondering why you're in that bracket. Short answer is: don't play badly. Find and fix the flaw. :)
                                                                                                  This comment was edited a day ago
                                                                                                  Soeeasy - Hello (G-E)
                                                                                                  Soeeasy - Hello (G-E) a day ago
                                                                                                  "im good man, i just get involuntary spasms when i see my team doing stupid stuff so i end up playing badly
                                                                                                  give me 4k mates and i will be 4k in no time... "
                                                                                                  I'm sorry but its just not how it works.
                                                                                                  1.14 a day ago
                                                                                                  Lol all my friends are 4.5k+ solo and everytime we play party we lose therefore i'm still a 2k party!! all my friends are too noone's above 3.2k+ party haha
                                                                                                  so having a 4k mates won't make you a 4k
                                                                                                  bws~ a day ago
                                                                                                  If you want 4k mates to get to 4k MMR go play party MMR
                                                                                                  There is a reason why solo MMR is one of the most relevant way to measure a player's skill
                                                                                                  That's because to increase it you need to carry 4 idiots' ass consistently
                                                                                                  Super Speed Snail
                                                                                                  Super Speed Snail a day ago
                                                                                                  Dude, people will apreciate you more if you didnt use blaming as you main focus in argument.
                                                                                                  Anyone spewing something sounds like,
                                                                                                  "My team hold me back"
                                                                                                  Is automatically interpreted as bad player.
                                                                                                  I'm Katz
                                                                                                  I'm Katz a day ago
                                                                                                  check this game i won in normal 2k trench imposible but i did it
                                                                                                  uu this ia one i didnt win i had more tower dmg as tinker as they all togrhter :D
                                                                                                  some games are imposible if ur allys fuckup
                                                                                                  i told viper just stay base buy wards we would definitely win
                                                                                                  This comment was edited a day ago
                                                                                                  Haffy a day ago
                                                                                                  Everyone getting Jebaited so hard.
                                                                                                  Captain of The S.S Dumbfuck
                                                                                                  Captain of The S.S Dumbfuck a day ago
                                                                                                  I too, was part of the trench. I played alot of dota with a friend. He introduced me to dota a year or two ago. He had a habit of blaming his team for his losses and mistakes which I did not realise seemed dumb to do. I read so much about escaping mmr hell and stuff like that. What most VHS players say is, if you're that good, you should be able to 1v5 the enemy team. To me at first, I thought that was pure exaggeration. Like how am I supposed to win a team game without relying on other team mates. Now, my average gpm for luna is 650+ and I actually 1v5 the enemy team to set my own record of 835gpm on luna. So yeah, don't be stuck with a dunning krugger effect. Btw, my friend is still 1k. When I play beside him ( not with him ) He yells on the mic and flames the team. I kindly tell him to shut the fuck up :)
                                                                                                  Salt & Pepper
                                                                                                  Salt & Pepper 5 hours ago
                                                                                                  @.exe no thats not what i meant but People like me being in 2k mmr im there for a Long time so i belong there... and with People that build hex as first item when playing jungling Prophet it becomes hard to win..
                                                                                                  🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 5 hours ago
                                                                                                  it's impossible to get out of the 2k trench, you're gonna stay there forever
                                                                                                  TripleSteal- 5 hours ago
                                                                                                  u r 1k, not 2k
                                                                                                  Salt & Pepper
                                                                                                  Salt & Pepper 5 hours ago
                                                                                                  ah what ever..
                                                                                                  it's about efficiency
                                                                                                  it's about efficiency 4 hours ago
                                                                                                  aether lens amplifies the flat physical damage slashes as well, BTW
                                                                                                  Mizreal an hour ago
                                                                                                  Id say go a hero that can farm and slot to end early like alch. This is how i have decided to climb my way back out of the trench recently, and it is working phaha people at this level dont know how to stop rat ^^ really hope there is a mmr re-calibration for 7.00... might save me some time. got to low mmr about 2 years ago just mucking around (i was one of those)... keep that for party ranked now lawl
                                                                                                  This comment was edited 32 minutes ago
                                                                                                  R.I.P Dota 6.XX 1939-2016
                                                                                                  R.I.P Dota 6.XX 1939-2016 an hour ago
                                                                                                  When I started playing DotA, I was playing with this 3k player which was basically a god compared to me, I callibrated at 1k because I just started playing, etc. But I thought he was really good. Now, 2 years later, he's still in normal skill, and I'm breaching into 4k pretty soon. He still blames teammates, picks shitty heroes which he also can't play, marks mid every game, is toxic as fuck, thinks shit heroes are OP, and so on.
                                                                                                  He went from 3.4k MMR to 3.0k MMR in the last two years. I no longer play with him because he has terrible gameplay and winrate, he has no map sense and is a shit person as well.
                                                                                                  So guys, it is always ON YOU. Every. Single. Time. You aren't stuck, you are where you belong if you have ~50% winrate in that bracket, in about 100% of cases.
                                                                                                  Likewise, people with 60%+ winrate are not stuck either, they are basically going up all the time, and the only reason they are at a certain MMR is that they haven't played enough games. That doesn't mean that a 3k player with 60% winrate is 4k, but he is definitelly not stuck there. Once he reaches like 4.3k and gets down to consistent ~50% winrate in that bracket, he is finally at his skill level, but sensible people won't start bitching at that level and blaming others, because if you're good enough, you can win almost every game, and the only reason you believe you cannot win games is that you do not believe you can have enough game impact because (again) you are really bad at the game.
                                                                                                  Yes, you are one of five players on a team. But unless you can consistently be the most impactful player on the team in at least two out of five games, you are just as bad as everyone else in that bracket.
                                                                                                  This comment was edited 23 minutes ago
                                                                                                  Mizreal 27 minutes ago
                                                                                                  ^^^ This

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                                                                                                    you guys obviously have no experience playing with good teammates, i play with 5ks and 6ks all the time and they say i play as good as them ... -____-

                                                                                                    my playstyle is tailored to help pros, not 2k idiots!


                                                                                                      what if i stack ancients for 10 minutes for my jugg to clear with his 14 min fury then i see him get aether lens?? ok>?????

                                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                        ^then you're a m0ngoloid because you cannot adapt to a game

                                                                                                        you have to tailor your play to your teammates every single game, and if you can't do that, you're just bad

                                                                                                        there's a reason why an actual 5k+ player (not someone suffering from dunning kruger) can have 90%+ winrate grinding from 1k to 4k

                                                                                                        you seem to believe an actual 5k player (which you believe you are) would be stuck in 2k just like yourself, which is RIDICULOUS

                                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi