General Discussion

General DiscussionNew meta Luna/Morph/Jugg/aquila builders

New meta Luna/Morph/Jugg/aquila builders in General Discussion

    Pretty much since the beginning of the patch I've been skipping aquila on Slark in favour of talon+raindrop. Now I am trying it on pretty much every other aquila builder with reasonable success. For 1k gold aquila doesn't really give you anything raindrop doesn't except the aura for early pushes. By saving the 750 gold you get your core items noticeably faster. This patch is probably going to end very soon so I'd get on this shit while raindrops is still as ridiculous as it is now.


      Imo aquila stats is quite worth the price

      Obviously you dont get it for only the mana regen


        +armor really like this item


          I'm sure aquila still has a place but I'm also sure that in some games it isn't the must-buy that it has been for agi carries the entire patch. For example on morphling I always get a wand for cheap stats, you want as much mana regen as possible in your item build (0.8 from raindrops vs 0.65), you sit at very low hp making the spell shield life saving, you are basically just farming for your linkens as fast as possible in the early stages of the game making the efficient fighting stats less needed and you don't typically have slots for both items. Also on many agi carries the 3 or so armour isn't that impactful as you already have decent natural armour especially as you can put your ring of protection into iron talon for melee heroes.

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            I like Aquila as it gives decent stats for early game. and wb drums??not comparing drums with aquila


              yea interesting. bt would u go talon drop on luna though? why do u need that more regen or even quelling

              I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                i think fro ranged heroes, at lest for luna aquila is still good
                also quelling is awful cos it doesnt wrok for ur obucnes


                  I don't go talon on Luna but I usually pick up quelling if I have a spare item slot. Watch paparazzis games in boston major although his team lost he played super efficiently especially in game 1 (also he skipped aquila which made me think my crazy idea was actually worth trying).

                  I think qb is 100% worth on Luna if you have a spare item slot and you are just hitting creeps rather than grouping as 5 for towers, you can cut trees to speed your farm rate and it only costs 100 gold if you factor in sell costs. Even if it only boosted your farm rate by 5% that takes your gpm from 500->525 so it pays for itself in 4 minutes. Numbers are pulled out of my ass but it seems worth buying to me.

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                  BSJ. LGD

                    I agree with skipping Aquila and going for dragon lance raindrops rush


                      i see miracle always have aquila and first drop talon theb aquila at last ..not only miracle but all 8ks do that

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        idk why would u want to skip aquila on luna at least, this hero deals stupid amounts of damage with it if that's the first item u get

                        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                          rtz just went qb blight no aquia


                            Blight stone is interesting, good to see that I'm on the cutting edge of the meta even if it's only for the last week of an ancient patch.

                            BSJ. LGD

                              Lulz quelling blade blight is my bot afking cliff jungling np build inspired by eternalweaboo's basilius blight stone invoker mid


                                Aquila gives u 18 dmg . Its almost phase boots


                                  With the 750 gold you save you can have your yasha or your dragon lance 1-2 minute faster which makes more of an impact than 18 damage from aquila I feel.


                                    Already 19 lol. It's ridiculous discussing aquila in this way. It is not supposed to give u 35% evasion, 35 agility and 30 as.
                                    It gives you many things of what you need in low portions to proceed early team-actions. During the afk-farm, yes, u r right that is soo skippable

                                    BSJ. LGD

                                      U know if u rush dragon lance and raindrops before minute 10 u are literally unkillable, so much better than Aquila


                                        If you want to join early fights wand+raindrop are more efficient than aquila I feel, if you want to afk farm having an earlier yasha+dragon lance is more efficient, aquila is just being squeezed out in the middle by all these random overloaded cheap items like dragonlance, raindrop, wand, yasha and iron talon right now in my experience. Try the build out before you bash it.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          well, get roa if you have to fight people very early. otherwise skip it. on luna you basically replace that slot by <20 mins anyway.


                                            Since the dl introduction it feels like she runs out of slots very quickly so skipping aquila some games can be worth it.
                                            On slark I almsot never built aquila since the echo sabre introduction aswell, you can get basilius for laning then dissasemble and build talon + oblivion staff.
                                            On juggernaut I usually skip it if im safe laning and going bf, otherwise i tend to get it

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              When you sell it it only costs like 460g. It's ridiculously cheap for what it gives. It's like saying skip quelling blade, you're just going to sell it too quickly.

                                              On luna you probably go brown boots, dominator to start stacks, treads and aquila in some order, dragon lance, that's 4 slots, then manta, bkb, sell aquila then, no biggie.

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