General Discussion

General DiscussionWTF???

WTF??? in General Discussion

    Match ID 2831749529. Why I'm taking return damage from blade mail over bkb?


      Because the return damage is returned as is received, meaning if you receive physical damage is returned as physical


        Since last patch?


          since last patch blad mail return physical dmg even if u have bkb on same goes for every single pure spell that do goes through bkb the only think it dont return when u have bkb are those spells that cant just pierce thro it


            Ok ty for reply


              A sane thread with the topic's question answered politely... what is this ?

              Johnny Rico

                blade mail over bkb?

                Like 10 patches ago


                  Yea welcome back to DOTA2
                  That thing was implemented like way back in 6.87


                    bkb works if you hit blademail with magical damage now. The damage you take back from blademail is now depends on your spell resistance / armor / immunity. It used to depend on blade mail carrier back then


                      Lmao. This guy woke up from a coma and it's the zombie apocalypse.

                      fear is the mind killer

                        ^ ROFL


                          I have another question about this actually. Blademail returns damage as the same type, but does spell immunity piercing rules remain the same? For example Timber's Ult is pure damage but doesn't pierce spell immunity. If he activates BKB and uses ult on blademail, it will return pure damage, but will it go through his bkb?


                            ^That works as you'd expect it to. Returned BKB-piercing pure damage pierces BKB, but Returned non-BKB-piercing pure damage doesn't pierce BKB.

                            Though, there's a wrong interaction that returned cleave damage is reduced by armor (never fixed).