General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport Checklist

Support Checklist in General Discussion
Party Hat Pirates

    Hey I don't normally support but I find myself being stuck supporting because no one picks support alot in my games (I am 1.7k scum so you can only imagine) I was wondering if there was a guide to supporting or a checklist of everything I could be doing to help my team. Most the time (Like my previous Bane game) I do really good towards the mid game but drop off late game, is this just a support thing or is it something im doing wrong?

    The Medic Guy

      ☐ Obs Wards
      ☐ courier (fly at min 3 please)
      ☐ Obs Wards
      ☐ tp scroll
      ☐ boots
      ☐ Obs and sents wards
      ☐ tp scroll
      ☐ glimmer cape
      ☐ change your name
      ☐ smoke of deceit
      ☐ obs and sents wards
      ☐ start build situational items
      ☐ wards and tp scroll
      ☐ stop dying
      ☐ finish build your situational items
      ☐ win the game

      meteor hammer

        more like

        ☐ Obs Wards Sentries tango clarity/smoke 2 tangos to mid 1 obs to offlaner
        ☐ Go scout the offlaner, kill his observer
        ☐ Scout his items, if he rushed iron talon use your observer to block his camp, you can block it AND get vision of top rune if you are dire by eating one tree
        ☐ Buy TP immediately, decide to zone or pull
        ☐ Decide if you can smoke gank mid when you hit lvl 2, or if you should roam mid and harass
        ☐ flying + raindrop at 3 minutes, if you are farmed (large creep lh / assist) you can wait for the seconds obs and take both of them
        ☐ assist your mid in killing their mid, tp to your offlaner if he is getting dove, smoke with your offlaner if he has a crucial lvl 6 a la faceless void
        ☐ laning phase collapses, spend the rest of the game not feeding and click your spells on people

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          ☆1 cour 2 wards 1 mango 1 tango 2 branches

          ☆up cour first

          ☆spam damage at enemy heroes

          ☆buy boots and gg wand

          ☆ward at roshan cliff and jungle

          ☆buy ur core stuff

          ☆and rapier kappa

            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

              Leech exp so u get levels. It's hard for supports to keep up with their cores because u usually give them priority

              Take every other last hit from your carry. you need the farm, although you don't need a lot. It's hard enough when u have to buy all the wards and have no good farming ability. Ur carry will be able to farm so much in the mid game anyway.

              If possible take last hit on kills. It's another important source of gold for supports who are usually under farmed.

              Rush aghs or else u will do no dmg in fights


                Idk if you mean just what you should be doing in the late game, but im gonna list things in early game too so other people can see.
                if you're a support, please be productive with your time. pull for you and your core, zone the offlaner if your hero can do it efficiently like CM. if you're doing a trilane go stack and pull, sidelane or small camp, whatever, or be the one zoning the enemy. always have a tp. smoke ganks on mid, especially if they have very passive lanes like Tinker, Storm, SF. camp that shit cause thats ez xp for you and mid. go get rune control every 2 mins after you stack your cores sidelane. if you see the offlaner rush iron talon, that means he's doing hard camps in their secret shop, you should stop it. general things to keep an eye on: ancient camps and med/hard camps when they have a Sven, Storm, or other heroes that can clear.

                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                Riguma Borusu

                  Learn to pull, dont just leech


                    Enemy offlaners dont regularly have obs wards at 1.5k

                    Find the guy on your team who is most likely to win you the game if they get big (am, luna, ursa etc). Make sure they have a good lane by harassing the enemy as much as possible, denying creeps and pulling.

                    Ward in phases mid game since you cant blanket the map (not enough wards) lets say around 9:00 your team rotates for a kill at the dire safe lane. Rather than right-click the tower with your carries and creeps, use the space to drop some aggressive wards in their jungle- that way you can see that lone Legion AFK jungling under your ward and you can safely go for the T2 tower or ez ganks.

                    Save up 2-3 wards from the shop and when it looks like you are going to take their t2, TP bot and ward the rosh pit cliff and (if safe) the cliff by the dire bot lane t2
                    ... You get the idea. Wards are precious. Use them early for securing runes and scouting ganks. Use them mid and late to fight under

                    Also make sure you hit the enemy ancient and win the game

                    2k indog monkey

                      I follow cookie's mindset and i tell you it's quite simple
                      1st priority is to secure your pos 1 farm, if he's doing well in the laning stage, proceed to prioritize securing the mid's farm, hell, sometimes your carry is paired with some idiotic invoker offlane or something that you can just start helping mid right away, then the offlane, if both pos 1 and 2 are doing well, and make sure make the other cores life miserable by harassing

                      2k indog monkey

                        Dont draw aggros randomly
                        Dont pull nonstacked camp because it will make your creep wave doubled, pushing the lane equilibrium to the enemies' tower, ruining your carry's farm and giving the enemy offlane free exp, unless your goal is to push anyway, if it is, try to do it at 3:00, 4:30, or 10:00 (when catapults spawn)

                        2k indog monkey

                          ALSO CARRY TPs SO YOU CAN HELP LANES IN TROUBLE INSTANTLY (counter gank, help to get kills if possible, you know)