General Discussion

General DiscussionI need to get out of 3k system.

I need to get out of 3k system. in General Discussion
Hello 3ks

    Guys, i already played 2 games for my MMR to be calibrated. My team AVE is just 3.1k, is there any way to boost up my MMR to 4k? Should i keep playing unranked and get a VHS category? I have HS/VHS but most of them are NS. I played well as carry/support but still i got Normal skill. Im tired of this 3k System too any cancer players. Thanks guys.

    casual gamer

      play better, only way

      you play like shit and the game recognizes it


        Thanks god you're not close to 4k. I hope you drop to 2k soon.

        Hello 3ks

          I have a friend with 4.2k MMR. He created another account but after calibrating his mmr is jst 3.4k. I dont know this valve MMR calibrating system. My previous acnt was 4k but after having a trash team i got dragged to 3.2k. That's why i decided to make a new account.


            I have a friend with 4.2k MMR. He created another account but after calibrating his mmr is jst 3.4k. I dont know this valve MMR calibrating system. My previous acnt was 4k but after having a trash team i got dragged to 3.2k. That's why i decided to make a new account.


              I have a friend with 4.2k MMR. He created another account but after calibrating his mmr is jst 3.4k. I dont know this valve MMR calibrating system. My previous acnt was 4k but after having a trash team i got dragged to 3.2k. That's why i decided to make a new account.

              meteor hammer

                I have crippling depression.

                My team is noob PERIOD only me pro and the rest are laggers, noobs, feeders and my enemies are chatting public how noob they are and they also blame me for being noob too wtf.

                I need to win this solo anyone wants to suggest heroes to me please comment back.