General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck lulz

Stuck lulz in General Discussion

    So basically i have been trying a little harder and focusing more on my games to raise my mmr, I raised it from 1.2k to 2k but it I find it so funny yet annoying that right when i win the last game to enter the 2k mmr range I lose the next one, then i win then lose but I somehow manage to get stuck there lol. Im not complaining because I know I just need to keep improving and playing well to win but did anything like this ever happen to you guys?
    And for all of you kers KKKKKKKKKKKK K?


      Me too


        abuse meepo and ban morph or OD every game u raise to 3k in 2 3 weeks


          even if u never played meepo, spam it


            just blink on hero with meepo and then tab + w quick cast on. raise mmr

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              But I already spam it .-.


                nice gl further


                  1900-2000 is like a black hole, man


                    Just keep playing your best heroes or heroes you are comfortable with and sooner or later you'd be good enough to get out of that shithole


                      Trust me dude Hue , this joke happens to me like several times . My MMR just keep on stucking at 3001 . I'm really scared of this and I can tell that I haven't play ranked match for like 1 month lol