General Discussion

General DiscussionNERF PA TOO BROKEN

NERF PA TOO BROKEN in General Discussion

    reduce his as speed she killed tinker 2 crit

    killed alchemist 1 hit and lc keeps feeding reported.

    -As speed nerf

    -Psedo chance to 13.5%

    -Reduce base damage (underlord can't even stop her)

    -make her a glass cannon like juggernaut.

      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

        She has already been nerfed, its just a conditional nerf.

        "If PA's opponent's IQ is higher than their shoe size, PA immediately loses relevancy after 25 minutes."

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          "If PA's opponent's IQ is higher than their shoe size, PA immediately loses relevancy after 25 minutes."


            we all have abyssal blade you noob they still won because of pa going last.

            Pale Mannie


              Giff me Wingman

                No, they won because you are awful 2k shit


                  Reduce pa's base DMG? Her base DMG is already like 40 do u want her to be the kobold creep from the jungle?


                    growth. she pseudo 3 times crit what the hell?! too much as speed.

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      she already attacks slow you dolt, she attacks fast when she uses blink strike on an enemy

                      do you even think before doing anything


                        based on your god awful team comp im guessing underlord was support so yeah ofc he dies in 1 hit since he has 0 gold.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          the enemy team went with the tried and true, classical "five core strat"

                          but your team had spectre alchemist and tinker along with lc and underlord, I can't believe how greedy this shit actually is

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            @abraham linkens remember Sven used to be a "support" lul


                              Lol her base DMG growth has nothing to do with anything. Fucks sake she attacks fast CUZ SHE HAS A FUCJING MOONSHARD U AUTISTIC FUCKING DEGENERATE SPECIES. she got lucky doesn't mean the heroes good u actual retard.


                                LOL this guy is actually pretty entertaining


                                  I need my daily dose of diox. Yo bro why won't u add me and play w Me?

                                  Freya 69

                                    Solutions ~

                                    Pick Gyrocopter
                                    Pick Troll
                                    Pick PA


                                      If every single hero is OP just like you said, then every single hero is balanced



                                        noob just f it. why 2k has to spam non-helpful comments here?


                                          LC is like the most cancer thing to dota 2 heroes that has no disable and less map awareness and also NOOBS TURNED HER INTO AN ASSASSIN.

                                          PA in the other hands blademail counters here but SHE SURVIVED THANKS TO LIFE STEAL NOW SHES A WALKING CANCER ALSO LC ANYTHING WORKS PERFECT ON HER.

                                          unlike pudge hes cancer if hes always roaming and the enemy team has no wards or high burst damage to scare him away.

                                          and spirit breaker his charge is like 1200 dmg lvl 6. 3 bash really?!


                                            What bws said is kinda true. If everyone is op, then no one is. Btw diox u are 2k too. Let's play together?


                                              teamwork is the counter. -.-

                                              clueless clown

                                                When theres a diox in dotabuff forums , who you gonna call?

                                                < blank >

                                                  just click on his profile and report


                                                    An account w/o mmr. Do u think anybody cares about what ur writing?

                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                      he is 2k. Noone cares about him.


                                                        Have you tried
                                                        1. Playing shadow demon and buying aghs.
                                                        2. Buying silver edge.
                                                        3. Playing any support/early ganker who has good burst.
                                                        4. Outfarming her cause she kind of sucks in the lategame.



                                                          Fee Too Pee

                                                            Tinker aghs laugh maniacly at PA pathetic attempt to attack.

                                                            Blur? Eat my laser and rockets spam rofl

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              if only there was an item that provided magic immunity


                                                                If only once pa used it tinker cud permanently ghost scepter until it was over. If only.

                                                                Président® Salted Butter

                                                                  Just fucking git gud and play axe


                                                                    phantom assassin destroyed axe with teammates. teammates always counters everybody.