General Discussion

General Discussionyou can no longer see non-friend's recent matches

you can no longer see non-friend's recent matches in General Discussion

    now u can no longer dodge shitstains, thanks valve


      Man. This sucks. I hated it when u could no longer see ur friends mmr and feelgud about yourself

      doc joferlyn simp




          but can we still see their stats? the farming,supporting,fighting,pushing shit


            How the hell am I supposed to convince my team to listen to me now?

            The Medic Guy

              stats can be abused.

              the stats pentagram only show our 20 recent matches

              and the lifetime stats can't be so accurate to determine is he/she a good player or not.


                Rip dodging games


                  nah probably just something wrong with servers, i doubt valve would do something like that


                    fuk, now i cant see which heroes to ban now


                      not being able to see heroes to ban is the worst part


                        THE TIME FOR SPAMMERS HAS COME.

                        doc joferlyn simp



                            If this stays then my void spam will never go punished. Except everyone already picks Pudge FeelsBadMan


                              i just want to see if that meepo on the other team has a 24 win streak


                                oh my i thought this just a bug on my dota 2 but really ? Its from the new update ? :) seems to be a cool one :D


                                  ffs this is legit, wp valve, making your shit game even worse by the day


                                    i really hope this sticks


                                      i think this has to be a bug, the recent update was to the dota workshop. i think they would have announced something like this


                                        ye i hope its a bug, same as the stats diagram thats empty few months ago

                                        clueless clown

                                          Should be a bug. I doubt theyd do this


                                            So can cookie spam arc to 6k now?


                                              No more meepo banning. Rocket's a happy bunny :-D


                                                what the fuck valve lmao


                                                  Such a great news for me! TY gaben. Lel


                                                    Fucking finally. Now make it optional and make it count for friends, too.

                                                    me, government hooker

                                                      it shoulve been like this since they made source 2 the only client available, just like in source 1
                                                      fucking valve retards

                                                      not arin

                                                        people claiming that shadow pool isn't real

                                                        valve's slowly erasing methods to determine if you're matched with complete shitters or normal people and punishes dodging of these games where you get 3 people with 10 losses in a row


                                                        god bless people who're making external apps

                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                        not arin

                                                          Thank god that im not 7k because now i'd have no way to determine if i'm playing with people 2k below without them having mmr displayed lmao

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            valve actually hates dodging, this was a natural course of action tbh
                                                            also I hate when people keep banning heroes I spam

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              Forget dodge, I NEED to know if there's a wyvern spammer on the opposing team before I pick lc for example (not that I ever pick lc but hey) or that there's a meepo spammer on other side in case he tries to last pick, or a pudge spammer so I don't pick sniper into that shit, or a tinker spammer so I can ban him, or an omni spammer so I can pick a hero with diffusal blade. This just sucks.

                                                              It's also very helpful to scan your own team and see if anyone regularly plays support so you aren't fighting over lanes and risking a last pick jungle wraith king or some shit.


                                                                Pretty sure meepo spammers have a green page right now.

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  Why do you actually think you should have that information in first place? I spammed a lot of LC when I started playing ranked, and I would've been thankful if I knew that people can't look at my recent matches and see I win most of them with LC, so they don't pick am or ember and stuff like that.

                                                                  We are not entitled to know this information beforehand, and it is a double edged sword, so it not being there might actually be proper. While there are tricks to getting more MMR by dodging people or picking smart against what you THINK the enemy will pick (just what people do at tournaments because they know players well enough), we are by no means entitled to that information, and we should be able to optionally hide it if possible, as well.

                                                                  You should be able to withhold as much information as possible when you queue for a match, except for maybe MMR which I think should be displayed for every player on the team, every time the picking stage starts.

                                                                  Also it is very easy to play around wyvern as LC if you are even remotely competent. I actually have 65% winrate vs wyvern as legion, and that's 4% more than my general winrate on legion. Also 62% wr vs bane and dazzle, 63% vs OD, and 73% vs oracle which are all supposed LC counters.

                                                                  Basically, if you play in a shit bracket (which we both do) you can play around your counters as long as YOU are even remotely competent. I guess this is actually a much bigger issue at much higher MMR so I can't say what effect it has on, say, 5k+ games, but for an average player, at 1-4k MMR, this is something you should always be able to play around.

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    are you serious? no one picks meepo but if they do last pick him gg you are completely fucked. So yes I think you are entitled to that info. You just don't like it cus ur a dirty lc spammer.

                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      You are fucked because you are outpicked. Just as it should be. Meepo is in the pool, and somebody picks him. It is just like when somebody picks brood as last pick if your team has no wave clear or aoe to speak of. Oh no, we could've seen it on his profile! ...or you could've realized the hero is in the pool.

                                                                      It is also hilarious that you have 61% winrate against meepo which is natural since you play at 3k, so I have no fucking idea why you are complaining. If anything, you should hope you have a meepo opponent.

                                                                      If you are that scared of meepo, however, just pick ember or sven every game, or a support that can ruin him. But a meepo booster or spammer with 2342342% winrate will actually just outfarm and push you at 15 minutes so even if you know there's a meepo you won't be able to do anything since his skill level is on a different plane compared to yours (so gg picking sven when you have no items to kill him at 15 minutes, or even if you did, he can still deal with you if skilled enough).

                                                                      It is also a delusion that you are actually improving your chances of winning if you pick counters to heroes if somebody plays only one or two heroes, because in most cases, people spam those heroes exactly because they can win against counters (just like my LC example where I actually have higher than average winrate against most counters). Spamming is not really counterable if spammer is dedicated enough (unless the hero is 100% countered by one or two heroes you can always fit into the draft at any point).

                                                                      You can try to ban meepo but unless you get to be captain in cm, the likelihood isn't 100%.

                                                                      You feel you are entitled to seeing the enemy's cards beforehand, and I disagree. That puts people who play everything at an unfair advantage and they already have the advantage of having their hero pool banned way harder. They have realized this advantage by being more versatile, but I would rather have a guy who can play one hero exceptionally well for the bracket, than somebody who is meh at most of them.

                                                                      People who care to google my name will still find what heroes I spam, but if they care enough to go that far, well, w/e.

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                      meteor hammer

                                                                        yeah the only hero that counters meepo is ww because if you curse the main when he blink poofs hes 100% fucked even if ur lvl 6 and hes lvl 18

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          ^that's true, that's what I was referring to picking a support that can fuck him hard

                                                                          but I've actually watched meepo spammers on streams and in a lot of cases they even outright first pick the hero, whether ww is in the pool or not, because they just want that fucking pick and won't to put their 60%+ winrate to use

                                                                          they just don't fucking care

                                                                          when you're a carry, you counter meepo only once you have some farm, and that's only if he's not banging at your T3s with an aegis and 2-3x your farm already

                                                                          don't get me wrong, sven farms very very fast, especially with stacks and an uncontested lane, but meepo can still outfarm and even kill him when he's at his weakest

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            Totally disagree. You know why people hate spammers? Cus they aren't good at dota. They abuse one hero, either by last picking or picking something meta/op, or just cus they can't learn or play anything else. I don't like spammers on my team or enemy team. That's why we want to know.

                                                                            A spammer shouldn't be able to out pick you. The whole point of spamming is to play the same thing over and over to learn best how to maximize it or exploit it. Not to last pick it and out pick everyone. That's cheesy. You can disagree all you want but you're wrong.


                                                                              I don't like this. It'd be fine if they only didn't show wins and losses. Dodging is an awkward system abuse that slows down the match making process for everyone. But not showing the heroes only helps hero spammers. If you play nothing but pudge, you should be punished for it. Whether your hero is banned or always countered just encourages people to get a larger hero pool. Plus this more closely resembles large tournament play. When playing against famous players or even just good players in an open tournament, you will have access to heroes they have used in the past. If you only play one hero, expect it to be banned or countered every game.

                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                "You can disagree all you want but you're wrong."

                                                                                Yes, no doubt I am wrong... in your opinion.
                                                                                Anyway, there are 112 heroes in the game. Most people can play about 1/3 of the hero pool, but prefer not to because they have found it more likely to win if they just pick a handful of heroes. It is not that I can't play omni, cm ,lich, centaur, slardar, dusa or spectre, it is just that I'd prefer to pick lc, bs or sven. Just like you have your preferences, I have mine. And with your winrate and MMR, I honestly do not see you as a better player, even if your matches played on heroes are way more evenly dispersed than in my case.

                                                                                See, I don't like to be a hypocrite - everyone has preferences, and I hate people with a holier than thou attitude as far as that goes. It is like the argument you can make towards christians when they blame atheists for not believing in anything - when christians themselves are "atheists" towards thousands of other religions without giving them much thought. You do not play the whole hero pool with a positive winrate, nor are you likely to be good even with most heroes you play. Hell, there are 11 heroes you NEVER played.

                                                                                TL;DR: Just as you can say all the crap you want about spammers, so can somebody give you crap for preferring troll, sniper and lifestealer over oracle, wyvern and underlord (which you played a total of zero times, combined). That's why you're a hypocrite.

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                  ^^^ but if you are equally good with as few as 3 different heroes, you aren't really at much of a disadvantage for people seeing your past games. So the only people the spying aspect helps is those who only know 2 heroes or less. It's one thing to prefer a group of fun heroes, or specialize into a rule/ hero type. But it's on another level if you can't play 3 heroes out of the 112.

                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                    the only position I really do not play is mid, I am fine with everything else, I just prefer to get jungle or safelane farm, and pick the heroes I am most comfortable with, and having a hero or two (or even five) banned will not really phase me as long as I have several other heroes for that role

                                                                                    I guess people who literally only play one hero might be in deep shit though


                                                                                      ^ the only lane im comfortable with is mid, other i jg rofl


                                                                                        time to ban meeps every rank @_@

                                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                                          ye it must be important to ban a 4% pick rate hero with sub 50% winrate that is countered by almost everything if the player is bad (and it is sub 4k players making those comments) and by basically one hero if he is any good

                                                                                          the stupid, it burns

                                                                                          I mean there is a good reason to either pick or ban pudge every game because that hero is cancerous and wins most games but no, people ban blood seeker even if they aren't picking a mobile carry or anything of the sort

                                                                                          people can't pick a good hero to ban even in 3k, so it must be hilarious to see what people ban in 1k or 2k

                                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                            People think that a hero spammer doesn't deserve their MMR but that makes no sense. If their skill with that hero is good, then their MMR will reflect that. I dunno people hate spamming but its the best way to get good at the hero, and tbh being really good at one role doesn't make u worse at dota, it makes u much better than the players who r good at everyone. Dota is way too complex for anyone to master any role, so at the end of the day ur skills r worse than his cuz he actually mastered something by spamming whereas u the random every game guy is worse than him at whatever u pick. Given they don't spam just one hero, which is banable, the position they pick will alws outclass u. I am the opposite of a hero spammer myself, but I understand I am worse and tbh haven't played dota seriously in ages.

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              saying that spammers are bad at the game is like saying software engineers are bad at life, because they haven't also mastered medicine, basketball, ten languages and law

                                                                                              nobody is good at everything but saying that Badman is worse than "versatile" 5k players is also retarded because he was able to grind 8500 MMR by spamming heroes he is good at

                                                                                              MMR is how good at winning the game you are, there are many ways to win the game, one of them is being moderately good with a lot of heroes in order to climb and pick smart, the other tactic is to get so good at a particular set of heroes that no matter what the enemy picks you can pick one of those heroes and still win with a significant winrate

                                                                                              if I can win 61% matches by mostly first picking legion jungle (just to get counterpicked by a ton of heroes, and still win more than 60% games even in those cases), I am probably a better player than somebody who has 54% winrate with his "versatile" picks who doesn't even have half my net winrate (11% compared to 4%) and the thing is, 54% and 61% do not look that far apart, but 4% is almost 3 times less than 11% so I am climbing at almost three times the speed

                                                                                              but in short, people who say hero spammers are bad at the game do not realize that the sole point of the game is to destroy the enemy ancient, and this guy is NOT bad at the game by any stretch


                                                                                              or do delusional 3ks believe they are better than attacker, because they "play" more heroes? Spamming a hero, especially if it is only one hero, is an art form in itself, and being versatile while not being remarkably good at anything can be game losing in a lot of cases, because you can only pick one hero at a time when you play dota, might as well be your best, and if it isn't, you had a larger pool, but your "goodness" is reduced, it's a tradeoff

                                                                                              there also seems to be prevailing thought that someone who is good at only one or a few heroes will not be able to play other heroes because he lacks mechanical skill, but this is utter nonsense, because dota is a highly complex game where even if you want to spam one hero you have to learn a fuckton of things to begin with, and a lot of things you learn can be recycled

                                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                I'm not saying spammers are bad at dota, and specializing into one role is even recommended. But if you play literally 1 hero and only that 1 hero, players should get the chance to try and ban it/ counter it. In professional matches, people have records to know what you play. If you only play 1 hero you will be respect banned and countered. There are benefits to only ever playing a single hero. But one of the main disadvantages is running the risk of being banned/ countered. We shouldn't take that disadvantage away.


                                                                                                  Spammers have a bad reputation because by its very nature, hero spamming is a form of high-risk / high-reward opportunism. Spammers use 2-3 heroes on the hopes that said heroes aren't nerfed next patch; any signficiant nerf will leave the spammer's MMR inflated. This particularly is obvious with meta spammers (see Badman). In general, most societies and moral codes frown on opportunism and see it as selfish. To be fair, this isn't unmerited as not every DotA hero is as flexible as WR or Mirana, someone who spams a very particularist hero like Brood or Meepo, even if he notifies his team in advance, forces the entire team to play around his hero. (And if the spammer isn't actually good at the hero, now that we can't see player profiles, the rest of the team has no way to verify that player's ability, making it so much easier to troll.) Two such hero spammers on the same team in overlapping roles is often enough to immediately lose at the draft.

                                                                                                  As for skill, I don't think spammers are less skilled, but I don't think they are more skilled either. A hero-spamming N-k probably has the same skill (at least in the current patch) as a more versatile N-k; they took different but equivalent paths to the same place.

                                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                                  clueless clown

                                                                                                    I think having a small pool of heroes is the best. Spamming ONE hero isnt optimal, nor is playing the whole damn hero pool. This allows for better mechanics, better skills specific to the hero, and ample variation in the case that one or more of your heroes are banned.

                                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                      I would PREFER to spam 3-4 heroes to brainlessly grind MMR, but I actually do have a pool of around 30 heroes that I can play on a decent level, and it encompasses heroes from witch doctor and crystal maiden to centaur, slardar, dark seer and clockwerk to carries like dusa, spectre, sven, etc, it is just that in a lot of games I won't pick those heroes even if they are good picks because I can play my top 3 picks more brainlessly.


                                                                                                        Knowing that millions of people around the world would be watching in person and on television and expecting great things from him — at least one more gold medal for America, if not another world record — during this, his fourth and surely his last appearance in the World Olympics, and realizing that his legs could no longer carry him down the runway with the same blazing speed and confidence in making a huge, eye-popping leap that they were capable of a few years ago when he set world records in the 100-meter dash and in the 400-meter relay and won a silver medal in the long jump, the renowned sprinter and track-and-field personality Carl Lewis, who had known pressure from fans and media before but never, even as a professional runner, this kind of pressure, made only a few appearances in races during the few months before the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, partly because he was afraid of raising expectations even higher and he did not want to be distracted by interviews and adoring fans who would follow him into stores and restaurants demanding autographs and photo-opportunities, but mostly because he wanted to conserve his energies and concentrate, like a martial arts expert, on the job at hand: winning his favorite competition, the long jump, and bringing home another Gold Medal for the United States, the most fitting conclusion to his brilliant career in track and field.