General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat mmr does cancer end ?

What mmr does cancer end ? in General Discussion

    So i hit 4k recently thought it would be better but no there still cancerous and noob players but just gonna try my best to rise doe but is this a sea thing or happens all servers ? and yea what mmr will it stop ? and by cancer i mean no one want supp and if i supp i get 4 cores with jungler and some players just throw for fun,, help ty


      I am not sure, I hope it gets better when you have left the MMR range where newly calibrated accounts can be.

      The Medic Guy



          Like 7k ?


            k k k k k k k



              6k-7k I think but not sure I never was there, lol
              Only the smurfs who make accounts for get 4k-5k mmr they just ruin games and get back to 2k, im happy I started at 1k, after play hours in pubs and be prepared for ranked I saw the reallity that people play ranked without any knowledge of dota, just playing always there by time you get few points.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                i believe that never cuz even being a 8 k u can get qued with 6k trash


                  Still happens a lot in 5k and 6k. Happens few times in 7k avg as well


                    Mostly when some low mmr tard steals a core role


                      i hate it when that happens^^

                      some low mmr tard once randomed void and went mid, solo chronoing enemies and then he fed then went afk.


                        4k most cancerous all time


                          Cookie is talking aboutt sonneiko xd


                            ^back when he still had the 420 curse

                            long time no play

                              It will always be there, on the losing side.


                                It never ends. Everyone thinks they are a core player or blames their losses on shitty carries.


                                  well it starts at 4k. Makes sense because u gotta try so hard to eventually be a 4k. U don't play casually and reach 4k. And that level is the point where everyone gets good at the fundamentals, so everyone has a lot confidence in their own ability and have to prove themself as core. Once u get over it at higher level, I imagine ppl are forced to think about the team more if they want to win. Higher level ppl just do whatever to win


                                    everyone has a lot confidence in their own ability

                                    I actually have no idea what the fuck I'm doing

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      " U don't play casually and reach 4k. "

                                      actually you do, it just takes longer

                                      I literally spam a few heroes every game and do a ton of random shit yet I win enough to come close to 4k, and the only reason I haven't reached 4k yet is that I didn't play enough ranked games, doing exactly what I've been doing all along

                                      if you're improving, even marginally, you are going to reach 4k, and this applies to every player, if you tryhard through 3k yo are gonna reach it much faster, if you watch your replays and force yourself to improve and not pick shit heroes, it is much faster

                                      but it is an inevitability if you put ANY effort, tryharding just makes it faster

                                      and I haev watched a ton of 4k replays, while they are on a completely different level than 3k games, 4k people still suck, just in a different way, and I can only say that because I have watched much better players, not because I am better than them

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        Cancer ends at 2k. Perhaps it restarts wherever you're at? My team composition is usually pretty decent.


                                          4 - 4.3 is the biggest shithole in dota. It will put your nerves to the test.

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            ^actually, I would say the trend happens at every X.0k-X.3k range because it is full of people who have just got there and think they are tough shit, I actually had several hickups while going 3.0k to 3.0k because I had to deal with unbelievable shit I didn't even see in high 2k, so I guess once I get to 4.0k I will have to deal with the same kind of crap, only on another level.


                                              Ey BoSs i HaBe De cAnCeR


                                                4k is actually the worse bracket, 80% account sellers are selling 4k MMRs, you know what I mean.


                                                  Don't lie mr president. U know u are a fucking try hard deep down. U know it. Dont give me that bull crap that cool guys don't look at explosions. Ur telling me u played so many fkn games and u just improve at a snails pace but just enough to almost reach 4k without ever needing to try hard to win games? Well your theory is possible. Either ur just naturally talented at the game, or u have really played a shit ton of games.

                                                  But I'd still remind u that plenty of ppl play thousands of games without getting better. It requires some kind of conscious effort, esp if u are not naturally talented at the game.


                                                    There's a good reason why 4k is top 1%. Ppl who get it have used a lot of resources to get there. I'd expect everyone to be toxic af tbh. It's just competitiveness makes ppl like that. U can pretty much get there on ur own, and when U suddenly need your team, ppl become assholes. But once u learn to be a team player I imagine things get better.


                                                      Depending on what you consider cancerous, .9k and below. They won't be optimal, have good picks, or make good decisions. But they also won't be toxic, which is what I think is cancerous.

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        it depends on how you define tryharding

                                                        for me, tryharding includes:

                                                        1) remembering exact values for spells so you can outplay your opponents using thi sknowledge
                                                        2) trying really really hard to last hit and deny every single time
                                                        3) never saying "fuck it" and entering fights you know you are gonna lose
                                                        4) never abandoning games and holding to the last thread of hope at all times even if you are losing really hard
                                                        5) practicing in lobbies/trying to optimize your farming patterns and playing safe even when you have a massive lead
                                                        6) either picking one hero on a relevant position (mid or safelane) or learning to play a lot of heroes that can easily win games in order to have the greatest possible winrate in as you rise
                                                        and so on
                                                        7) have detection on you at all times against invis heroes
                                                        8) using smokes in a bracket where nobody buys them or knows how to play around them
                                                        9) meta picking
                                                        10) combo picking

                                                        That's tryharding. What I am doing is:
                                                        1) Jungling all the time
                                                        2) Picking a hero when it's already counterpicked
                                                        3) Playing pretty greedy in general
                                                        4) Yoloing into fights
                                                        5) Abandoning/feeding/destroying items when shit hits the fan
                                                        6) Walking without detection against invis heroes
                                                        7) Playing non meta heroes that barely have 50% winrate or do not even have a 50% winrate
                                                        8) Pick shit heroes even if they do not fit the draft in any way
                                                        9) Not giving too much of a shit about properly denying and last hitting, especially when pushing

                                                        And no, I am not naturally talented at the game, when I first calibrated I was at 1k, I am just not retarded (aka I don't have a learning disability) so I got to understand some very simple concepts upon which dota is based in general, and have yet to start thinking about some more complex things.

                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                          Nah u can do al those things non-tryhardy things and still try hard to win games. It just means u do what u need to do to win. U know enough and do enough to not lose your games.

                                                          Yea maybe if u just naturally picked up on all the necessary game concepts through experience, never read a guide and never watched a video explaining shit, Then maybe id believe ur story. Maybe ur just fkn talented bro

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            literally the only thing you need to reach mid 3k is to think at least sometimes

                                                            like ask yourself concrete questions

                                                            where might the enemy team be
                                                            where might they have wards
                                                            if I was them what would I do
                                                            who is killable on the enemy team
                                                            what item is X hero farming
                                                            should I push out lanes or should I farm the jungle
                                                            are they doing rosh
                                                            and if they are what can we do about it
                                                            what can I count on my teammates to do (from experience) and what can't I
                                                            what item and skill build do I go to counter their heroes and/or help my team
                                                            which hero is likely to become a problem
                                                            which of my teammates (or myself) are going to have the most impact
                                                            when does each hero pick power spike and how close they are to it in this game, and when it is reached, what can they do (applies to both enemies and friends)
                                                            and so on

                                                            instead of thinking about all those things, an average player just runs around the map like a retard, walks over to ping locations like a fucking bot and pings you when you do not join an obviously disadvantageous fight in which you could not have done anything with your skillset, farm, tp cooldown, hp/mana or any other resource

                                                            and yes being mechanically fluent is important but if you do not think at all or think in a bad way because you have poor knowledge of the game, you are going to stagnate really hard

                                                            I never stagnate for more than a week if I commit to playing ranked and the reason is that even if I get stuck somewhere for 3-4 days and lose a lot of MMR I just rethink what I can change to win more MMR and it always works if I try

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                              ^ sounds like try Harding lul. That's exactly my point.

                                                              who bothers thinking if ur just playing for fun. See my point? What u think as requiring minimal effort and as coming naturally, is really not something the vast
                                                              Majority of players are naturally inclined to "just do" or "just learn" after thousands of games.

                                                              U do put in the effort u deserve to get VHS. Don't underestimate yourself :)

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                I think you missed one important bit of my post there:

                                                                "literally the only thing you need to reach mid 3k is to think at least sometimes"

                                                                AT LEAST SOMETIMES

                                                                Usually I am one of the retards running around the map as well, because I am too tired to think or put much effort. So I go with the flow. Other games, I put some more effort into conceptualizing the game and testing my own game sense.

                                                                And that's how I see it, a person who is tryharding does that ALL THE TIME because they want to rise in the most efficient manner. I am really not suited to that kind of a thing but I still rise because I am mechanically good enough to win games by running around like a retard in 3k, and if I put more effort, I can win some games that I otherwise would not.

                                                                and well yes I deserve VHS because low VHS is still dogshit

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                  same thing with 4k, we just run around doing whatever dafuq till some shit happens


                                                                    Haha u overestimate the ability for ppl to think. Stop thinking its natural for ppl to put conscious thought and effort into a game like dota.

                                                                    Even if u think u r playing like a retard and going with the flow, u at least put some effort, enough to win games at a higher level.

                                                                    Not disagreeing. Just saying most ppl don't do what u do.


                                                                      Dota is a game of muscle memory anyway. U get good enough where u don't have to think much. Then u try hard to improve, and then u get to a higher level where u no longer have to think hard to play comfortably. But u shouldn't mistake that playing comfortably means no effort was required to get there.

                                                                      It's dunning Kruger in opposite. high mmr players on this forum tend to suffer from this misperception.


                                                                        Cancer stop when u not playin mmr / low prio match..



                                                                            Jacked advice best advice

                                                                            2k indog monkey

                                                                              8k above
                                                                              Good luck reaching there

                                                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                " U don't play casually and reach 4k. "

                                                                                "literally the only thing you need to reach mid 3k is to think at least sometimes"

                                                                                Bitxh please, I only play 1 hero and I can jungle only. Can't play on lane properly.
                                                                                My item is autobuy fix won't change for any situation.

                                                                                BOOM ez 4k

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  I can lane properly, I just prefer not to share the lane with somebody who has no idea what he's doing, so I either play solo offlane or jungle. I would play mid if I was any good at heroes who generally go mid, though, but every time a game starts mid is already marked so I gave up on that anyway.

                                                                                  People have been telling me that jungle spam won't work when I reach 3k, then that it won't work when I reach 4k, and I am at 3.8k atm. I can probably reach 4k with jungle spam, and with my current playstyle I am probably going to peak at mid 4k unless I start tryharding and actually learn to play this fucking game.

                                                                                  2k indog monkey

                                                                                    3k is a joke I met mid pudges who get triggered when I say mid pudge is outdated (boohoo so cancer toxic omg boohoo sut up do youre thing , then he fucking laned against OD and complained about it lmao) and offlane injoker with bracers only starting item


                                                                                      Oh yeah fck it i tried to be a positive guy but my last matches my team are full of retards

                                                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                                                        Getting to 4k is easy enough, people are bad enough that you can easily get kills alone. It's when you start reaching around 4.5k that people are at least good enough to not die instantly in the laning stage in a 1v1 match up, but they're still not good enough to coordinate as a team.



                                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                                            4.4k support rubick bloodstone rush xd