General Discussion

General DiscussionWeird problem regarding Steam Mobile Guard - I'm getting spamed with ...

Weird problem regarding Steam Mobile Guard - I'm getting spamed with confirmation codes? in General Discussion

    Today I got 5 SMS messages in a row from Steam on my mobile phone with confirmation codes.

    What the fuck is going on? Is someone trying to access my Steam Account or what?


      if the codes are different then yes, or mb u insert the pass, steamguard sent email to you, and u accidentally cancel it and resubmit the pass, then steamguard sent the new one


        using steam mobile for long, never had this issue, looks suspicious


          The codes are different. I removed all computers connected to my Steam account and left just the main one. So far so good.

          The thing is, even if someone wants to enter the account, he can't do shit without literally having my phone next to him.


            What's even more retarded is the fact my account worth of 50-60$ and the number of just 4k mmr.

            All the effort for nothing, lmao. w/e

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