General Discussion

General Discussionofflane help

offlane help in General Discussion

    as an offlaner how do you deal with the hard camp pull at 53, considering if the trilane or dual lane is decent enough to execute it properly. also when should you resort to jungle or go full iron talon

    eger Carry Gods

      not an offlane player , but if i were to use heroes like SK or Underlord i would definitely attempt to do smth in order to leech / contest their hard camp pull.
      In the other hands if i happen to use slardar or any weak offlaner without nuke i'll just sit on the lower ground which is a bit risky or you can just go jungle immidiately because you can't deal with their support ex:slardog/axe vs trilane disruptor+naix+lion <<<< give fucking up your offlane and go jungle from tha start man. juz my 0.02$ tho

      Bu yorum düzenlendi
      meteor hammer

        you go jungle until they fuck off because unless ur timbersaw lv 3/5 they will KILL you


          depends on your hero, if you can fight the supports while the carry tanks under tower then do it, if you can't then go leech exp.


            thanks for the answers guys
            its actually super fucking helpful. just what i needed


              When you know you're not able to contest the hard camp pull just go back to your on hard camp (close to lane). Then move back as soon as possible when they start to push in and you're able to get in xp range. Don't even focus on farm, just make sure you get xp.

              SK you start with talon + tangoes anyway.

              Just play offlane a lot and you'll create your own way of dealing with pesky lanes against you.