General Discussion

General Discussion@ triplesteal and ywn

@ triplesteal and ywn in General Discussion

    You Come Here every Day and Talk about how shit 4k players are. Heres sth to keep you guys calm.


      Lmao. 3 dotabuffers in one team And they couldn't win it with ywn carrying out of his mind?

      But what is this supposed to prove again? Unless they were playing against 4ks, their point is still valid


        Im 12 btw haHAA


          they were playing against 4k with one 5.0 and 5.2.

          4k master race ofc.


            Who gives a shit

              Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                  oh this just got gud.


                    ^^^ cry me a river. All of Them are 4k and back than Oracle was even more op than its today.
                    And just as a side Note, noone of this guys is even playing dota more than 3 games per week in average, so dont Come over with your poor excuse.

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                    2k indog monkey

                      wow some dotabuff artizts lost againt 4k 6 months ago!!!! wow drama hype


                        ^ its about how fucking godlike they feel with their mmr dude.


                          1 pub 6 months ago

                          get a life scrub




                              Wohooo you won a pub game against them. Congratz bruh. That's never been done in the history of Dota m8.
                              I r8 8/8: Gr8 b8, m8. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8. I r8 this b8 an 8/8. Plz no h8, I'm str8 ir8. Cr8 more, can't w8. We should convers8, I won't ber8, my number is 8888888, ask for N8. No calls l8 or out of st8. If on a d8, ask K8 to loc8. Even with a full pl8, I always have time to communic8 so don't hesit8. dont forget to medit8 and particip8 and masturb8 to allevi8 your ability to tabul8 the f8. We should meet up m8 and convers8 on how we can cre8 more gr8 b8, I'm sure everyone would appreci8, no h8. I don't mean to defl8 your hopes, but its hard to dict8 where the b8 will rel8 and we may end up with out being appreci8d, I'm sure you can rel8. We can cre8 b8 like alexander the gr8, stretch posts longer than the Nile's str8s. We'll be the captains of b8, 4chan our first m8s the growth r8 will spread to reddit and like real est8 and be a flow r8 of gr8 b8, like a blind d8 we'll coll8, meet me upst8 where we can convers8, or ice sk8 or lose w8 infl8 our hot air baloons and fly, tail g8. We could land in Kuw8, eat a soup pl8 followed by a dessert pl8 the payment r8 won't be too ir8 and hopefully our currency won't defl8. We'll head to the Israeli-St8, taker over like Herod the gr8 and b8 the jewish masses, 8 million, m8. We could interrel8 communism, thought it's past it's maturity d8, a department of st8, volunteer st8. reduce the infant mortality r8, all in the name of making gr8 b8 m8.

                                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                  I BEAT FNG ONCE I MUST BE PRO


                                    I Dont think anyone Here got my point but w/e

                                      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                      Giff me Wingman


                                          who curs


                                            idk how t even matters, miracle got outcarried by a 3k once

                                            even i lose games in 4k

                                            but i still win at least 7/10 games in 4k.

                                            would you flame someone for those 3 games while you're stuck at 4k for a decade


                                              I'm just curious how so many of them were in the same game. Coincident or party? And how is it possible they got matched with 4k


                                                everyone loses sometimes, it's simple math.

                                                7k avg vs. 4k avg is probably along the lines of 99-1 but you will still sometimes lose.

                                                When I was playing that seasonal MMR bullshit I lost I think 2 games (out of 90) vs. 4k stacks.. It DOES happen sometimes.


                                                  ^ Yes But you dont Come Here every Day and say its impossible to lose vs 4k trash like ywn does.


                                                    it IS impossible to lose to 4k trash tho

                                                    i mean, like i said, probably 99-1 you're gonna lose once in awhile, but mostly it's impossible to lose to 4k braindeads.

                                                    7k vs. 4k probably 99% win
                                                    6k vs. 4k probably 90-95% win
                                                    5k vs. 4k probably 70-80% win

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      Lul someone give this Schnittlauch guy some love, all he wants is not to get called trash guys. Probably frustrated from being unable to climb out of 4k...
                                                      If his mother doesn't make him feel like he is worth something, we can do it once on this forum guys.
                                                      Everyone repeat:

                                                      Man, Schnittlauch, don't get pulled down by all these fancy 5k and 7k players. You are good at Dota!
                                                      The reason you don't get out of 4k is that your teammates ruin your games. Don't worry, you are effectively at 6k MMR. You can even beat Cookie at a 1v1. Stay strong!
                                                      *giving hug*



                                                          me, government hooker

                                                            its obvious why they didnt win
                                                            i didnt play haHAA

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                              interesting stuff going in here.. as usual.

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi


                                                                does this mean that im entitled to flame yapzor for how shit he is, according to your logic?


                                                                  who's that? matumba?


                                                                    a god amongst tards

                                                                    me, government hooker
                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                        that bh


                                                                          well if a guy has 4k party mmr doesnt mean hes also got 4k solo mmr, he might be higher. or lower, whatever.


                                                                            if u beat 7ks, that makes u 7k.


                                                                              sag mir was du willst bitch, das interessiert mich nicht

                                                                              I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                                i carried miracle and beat meracle before notice me pls


                                                                                  if u beat 7ks, that makes u 7k.



                                                                                    ^ u got something to say bruh?


                                                                                      if u beat 7ks, that makes u 7k.


                                                                                      looks like im 7k now boys

                                                                                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                                        im not 100% sure but i believe i was the WR in this game


                                                                                          Hahaha noobs mmr just a number *grabs a popcorn


                                                                                            some 9k players said i shoud be 10k once. i guess ive won life.

                                                                                            lm ao

                                                                                              Is the German for ni gger, Schwarzmann?


                                                                                                i will personally hand you a 7k badge, if u have beaten a 7k player. because in my eyes, u have won. nothing else matters

                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  everyone gets participation awards