General Discussion

General DiscussionCookie's arc warden

Cookie's arc warden in General Discussion

    Can you teach me the best way(not fastest) to play arc warden? I try arc in bot match(unfair) i have 100% winrate so i decided to try arc warden in ranked. But i would like to study arc before playing in ranked. Can you giv me a good replay for me ?


      Cookie is ur man on this forum

      clueless clown

        Yeah ive been pondering on that too. How do u get them fast items. For some reason i dont think im farming as fast as i should be.


          i remember i was using aw as rat divine rapier

          doc joferlyn simp

            drop-upon-death items such as gem and dr are no longer transferred to the 2nd warden

            doesnt make him less effective, it just means that cheesy rat strat wont work as well as it used to

            lm ao
              Yorum silindi

                it forces you to actually leave the base

                aquila midas brown boot maelstrom silver edge/pike travels bloodthorn hex linken/bfly/mkb
                mango and salve on you so free regen on double till you got items
                fuck manta, necro, etc waste of time
                put your main and double on comfortable control groups, i just have 1 and 2
                rank 20 something arc warden here

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                  1. fastest way to learn is to analyise high mmr player's replays and to play the hero
                  2. you're free to download any replay, i'd actually recommend downloading Vaha's arc because he's better at it than me

                  also salty, linken is retarded, so is butterfly, never get them. anyone who isn't braindead would buy mkb to counter your magnetic, having butter won't make you have 135% evasion, it'll only make you stupid.

                  linken is fine in like only a couple cases where it's inevitable to buy, but in general hex is 100000000 times better.

                  yes, manta is retarded, but necro is still viable if you have a team that can end the game sub 20 minutes where it's actually quite amazing.

                  also mention in diffusal against omni is a free win

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                    hex is core item i reckon, linken was situation hence /bfly/mkb/whatever and if you can get the bfly early its a nice dps increase on a stomp

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                      bfly as dps item on arc lul

                      go to demo and do some calculations

                      and besides, arc is best with a lot of good active items and with lots of dps

                      bfly is mediocre at both

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                        bfly as a 6th item was the around the same dps as daedalus with 3600-3700 with bt active on target
                        anyway who cares, i never go bfly anyway


                          then why do you recommend something even you know is trash


                            it cant be trash when i have like 90% winrate with it on 30 games


                              S I T U A T I O N A L


                                daedalus also sucks for arc warden i tested every combination in demo and bf and daedalus are just useless


                                  i saw arteezy goinh bfly on arc 2or 3 games i guess


                                    given a perfect situation any item can be '' S I T U A T I O N A L "

                                    aka you can go 6 armlets and end up 100/0 in a perfectly situational game for 6 armlets, but that isn't realistic

                                    but if you're talking about actual situational items, those are not as good as core items, but still good on the hero in a lot of cases.

                                    making bfly low situational, aka baaaaaaad

                                    casual gamer

                                      if ur getting blink abyssaled or blink chronoed you wont have time to bubble before ur stunned, this is also the situation where physical ehp is very useful

                                      now, is it as good as mj pike bthorn sheep etc? probably not


                                        what' that's the worst time to get a butterfly jdf8

                                        in that case scenario you get bloodthorn + sheep

                                        clueless clown

                                          Chill .


                                            I buy etheral for arc and win....
                                            Which is nc


                                              How is linken's bad on arc warden? you get double the value, u can cast the double's linken on yourself, and block 2 single target spells.

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                                                because you're using a lot of gold on an item that provides only defense.

                                                arc is made to be a glass canon

                                                either you learn to position and micro, or you don't even try to arc

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                                                  What if enemy have strong disable and catch, like blink necro, blink doom, orchid sheep storm, in those situations, when hurricane pike and shadow blade can't save you, do u build linken's and survive, or wish u can kill them before they kill you. Arc warden doesn't have to be a glass cannon, he can be a reliable carry, that's all I want to say.


                                                    linken is fine in like only a couple cases where it's inevitable to buy, but in general hex is 100000000 times better.

                                                    aka if enemy has doom + necro + storm, then yes it is a good idea to get it

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