General Discussion

General DiscussionIs there a cure for cancer?

Is there a cure for cancer? in General Discussion
Brock Samson

    3 lost matches this morning in the 2600-2800 bracket because of:
    1. Carry Shadow Shaman
    2. Carry Dazzle
    3. Support Phantom Assasin

    And I think this is far from over. What is wrong whit these people? Why are they even trying this?


      Did someone say carry dazzle?
      Holy shit these clock and es items give me aids


        I've seen bf on drow


          I've mom on life, radiance es, bf BH, dragon on qop, rad pl, it goes on


            u lost al rankeds
            good game bad smurfed

            Brock Samson

              Guys, as I told you, it keeps on going:
              4. Our highest mmr (3100) after losing ~100g waiting, randoms Underlord and then leaves at 4 mins. Our Axe flames me (the only support in the team) for not winning.

              Icing on the cake: 35 mins 4v5 losing game, russian enemy says: EASY


                Ey bos i habe de cancer


                  1k50 normal games tinker then ranked


                    bf on bh is good


                      Shut up zest. Thing is 2 of those things happened in my dazzle game, which I walk away from knowing it was meme, meanwhile they think their items were good or OK.


                        Technology just isn't there yet


                          There's no cure for cancer


                            are you kidding me?

                            look at your scores, trash as fuck.

                            It's goddamn normal skill and every single game you have a negative kda.

                            yeah, ''hurr durr my teammates bad hurr durr''


                              cancer has no cure


                                Failed smurf


                                  Sure there is, just cut off the cancerous bodypart.

                                  Brock Samson

                                    Hey Cookie,
                                    I'm a trash - thanks for pointing that out - and this is why I'm in the <3000 bracket. In this range everyone should play their characters as they supposed to, because they are not pros. Of course, with outstanding plays you can carry your team even with potatoes on your side, but not everyone is capable of that. And this is why it get so fucking frustrating over time. When you finally have the time, the mood, and these retards just make you nuts. Fucking mid-or-feed mentality.


                                      u dont need great ass plays to win

                                      u only need efficiency and consistency


                                        what are you talking about, you can do whatever you want and still win in those brackets.

                                        you know what's ridiculous, you don't even know how much freedom you have in that bracket

                                        you can literally do so much, it's insane, there's almost no restrictions on you.

                                        and yet you do nothing

                                        it doesn't take a rocket scientist to take 20 minutes to make a plan to win a game

                                        lemme tell you something, your games are 40-50 minutes long on average

                                        and you make 1000 mistakes

                                        in a 6k+ avg game, you make 10 of those same mistakes in the first 5 minutes and the ancient falls by the 15th minute

                                        that's how much freedom you have

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          also u have to realize you are as cancerous as these people ur queueing with

                                          you know what these people were doing after their games with you? complaining how bad you are

                                          heck if i queued with you i would dodge that game 100% after seeing your profile


                                            As a fellow 2ker I realize it's all about map awareness. They give us so much space in this bracket it's insane. As cookie said you can literally do anything just look at the mini map to avoid death.

                                            Brock Samson

                                              Alice and Cookie,
                                              Once again, you are right, but MY mistakes come from BAD PLAYS. What I'm talking about is THEIR INTENTIONAL MIS-PLAYS in RANKED SOLO Q.
                                              Why don't they practice shitty strats in unranked?
                                              Another thing if you have to adapt coz your team sucks. That can turn a support into carry and vica versa. I have no problem with that. But a starter support PA or a carry dazzle who takes farm from the midder simply just tilts me.


                                                pa has been a roaming pos 4 for a while now, dazzle is unconventional but even it can be a core. shistains like you love to blame temamtes and hteir unconventional shit, because they're close minded morons.

                                                remember that there's still 6k+ IO carry spammers, and you cant even win with a proper hero playing hte standard way.

                                                but you're as retarded and close-minded as they are

                                                you truly will never get out of that mmr if you think like that

                                                and i quite enjoy when TRASH stays where it belongs

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  Pa roaming support is legit start oov blight stone and clarity. Then go phase medallion blightstone deso. Pick up a wand or drops in between. Then maybe get a Vlad's or someshit. Then solo roshan as a support, upgrade to solar crest, win game.


                                                    It hurts that people this retarded have higher MMR than me.

                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                      The cancer never ends, people with MMR higher than ours still complain about it.

                                                      Brock Samson

                                                        Thanks for the critics. It meant a lot. I only have one last question:
                                                        How does it feel like when mom and dad are brother and sister?
                                                        This is the only explanation you are such a retard. The only mistake you did is not to run down on your fathers leg.


                                                          @Brock Samson dafuq


                                                            sorry, can't hear you from all the +25's


                                                              @Potato Marshal, These guys are just sanctimonious piece of shits, I have seen other Blue-star, self-righteous piece of shits that are all like in the forum that "u whyn dat ur tymmetz bad, u az bad az them", but have multiple same kind of topic about how bad their team is. Honestly I don't even listen to these blue stars now. These other non-5ks post positive stuff when the whine-topic is made by a blue star, but troll when it is done by a non-5k.


                                                                2k mmr too hard?


                                                                  ur winrate represent everything


                                                                    @Triosus you have autism. Same with this Brock kid. There is only one constant factor in all ur games and its YOU. If ur losing it is always a majority YOUR fault. Stop finding ways to make others the blame and fucking take it urself. It doesn't take a fucking blue star to figure that out.


                                                                      @Daddy, seems like you are the autistic one. Or maybe you can't read shit. I never whined about losing, just saying that topics liek this get a lot of hate if it is from a non 5k and gets a lot of support if it is from a 5k+. Why would I whine anyways? I don't even take this game seriously, and jsut try to have fun playing party with my cousin.


                                                                        It's 2k mmr. Buckle up and get so good that you win even when your team sucks, because the fact is that you are a mirror reflection of your nooby team. You can't complain that your team did not win the game for you, because you are not winning the game for yourself as well. At least 90 - 97% of games are winnable in your bracket, maybe even more--97% has happened before in reality, in 3k, with cookie. Welcome to reality my friend.


                                                                          @OP, I think the only reason I am not in high 3k is because I have your mentality.
                                                                          Every game really is winnable, you just have to overcome what you WANT for what is BEST.
                                                                          And the fact that I play to have fun for the most part - I gave up on MMR. Just play invoker.


                                                                            Lol I don't even know what ure talking abt


                                                                              I don't have to try hard to win 2k games, I just play the game and play it like it's intended to be played and I win, from my perspective.

                                                                              I do understand what you mean by the "WANT" thing, though, it has to do IMO with objective and emotional thinking. Often in low MMR there will be one intuitively right pathway that I can take to win the game, which I do--for example, ignore team and farm up and rat towers, but this will upset my team and maybe even invoke an intense negative reaction. They call me bad, even though I win 85% of games in 240 games on the account, they'll say I'm bad, they'll say I just got lucky to feed on someone when I win, or whatever. People are just unreasonable and unintelligent in general, but in low mmr it shines even moreso. In low mmr you basically have 4 players who are egging you on to make game losing decisions, who promptly get angry when you don't give into their negatively impactful advice.

                                                                              But meh. The main problem is not that mentality, it's so many other things. Last night I was smurfing in 2k, and my team was actually scared to fight 5v3 with a xp/gpm lead vs a team with a jungle LC and a non bfury am 13 minutes in (we had a pudge and veno! wow! great early game heroes, they don't seem to know their own heroes though!). If 2ks just used their spells and payed attention to kill potential they wouldn't be 2k.

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                the threads 5k+ make about teammates are mostly satire, example my 420 curse or the sonneiko thread, obviously any 5k+ player knows that you can't just expect your teammates to play their shit.

                                                                                expecting your teammates to play for you and do what they're supposed to should be the last resort, because what you might think is basic some 4k teammates couldnt even understand. unless you're doing something that obviously can't fail

                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  ^I insta first pick BS jungle every single game and win 60% of those games. At 3.9k MMR, it is a legitimate way to rise with 10% net wins, so even if people say it is suboptimal or bad or whatever, I will still do it until I can't grind MMR like that anymore. But I've actually learned not to depend on people to do anything. Even if I am coming to gank the lane I will try to make sure I can get the kill myself, even if the guy whose lane I am ganking is there with all his mana and cooldowns, it is just healthier to assume that he'll go and die to the small camp or something like that, and play as if he is not in the lane at all, and if he does something that allows you to secure the kill easier, it is just a bonus.

                                                                                  But it did take me a while to realize that expecting people not only to do things properly but also read your mind when they can't communicate is actually retarded, and one of the reasons even people who are on average better than their MMR in many ways get "stuck". Once you snap out of the mentality that your teammates are supposed to help you win the game, you are likely to win way more games.

                                                                                  Also, guys, peopel sub 3k MMR cannot fucking farm or judge fights at all, if you can either farm or know when to take and when to avoid a fight, you're 100% going to rise at least 500 MMR from there.

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