General Discussion

General DiscussionIm try harding so freckin' hard but no luck T.T

Im try harding so freckin' hard but no luck T.T in General Discussion

    Im try harding so hard but still cant reach hs? How do i reach hs? please help. Arigato!

    pls be patient very noob ...

      I "In The End"

      It starts with
      One thing I don't know why
      It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
      Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme
      To explain in due time
      All I know
      Time is a valuable thing
      Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
      Watch it count down to the end of the day
      The clock ticks life away
      It’s so unreal
      Didn’t look out below
      Watch the time go right out the window
      Trying to hold on but didn’t even know
      I wasted it all just to watch you go

      I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
      What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when...

      I tried so hard
      And got so far
      But in the end
      It doesn't even matter
      I had to fall
      To lose it all
      But in the end
      It doesn't even matter

      One thing, I don’t know why
      It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
      Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme
      To remind myself how
      I tried so hard
      In spite of the way you were mocking me
      Acting like I was part of your property
      Remembering all the times you fought with me
      I’m surprised it got so (far)
      Things aren’t the way they were before
      You wouldn’t even recognize me anymore
      Not that you knew me back then
      But it all comes back to me
      In the end

      You kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
      What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when...

      I tried so hard
      And got so far
      But in the end
      It doesn’t even matter
      I had to fall
      To lose it all
      But in the end
      It doesn’t even matter

      I've put my trust in you
      Pushed as far as I can go
      For all this
      There’s only one thing you should know
      I've put my trust in you
      Pushed as far as I can go
      For all this
      There’s only one thing you should know

      I tried so hard
      And got so far
      But in the end
      It doesn’t even matter
      I had to fall
      To lose it all
      But in the end
      It doesn’t even matter


        Fucking weeb


          3 2
          8 9
          12 11
          6 9
          7 9
          u suck


            @Individualist , what do you mean? kda ratio, its more important than gpm xpm for hs? please kelp me ,senpai.


              it means low kda on core heroes shows that you underperform a lot

              meaning, you didn't try at all

              Bu yorum düzenlendi
              casual gamer

                stop trying to game the fucking system

                if you can trick dota 2 into putting u in higher skilled matches that you dont deserve ur just going to get dumpstered every time, how about you learn how to play dota 2


                  Thank you for your time. Could explain how do i actually learn how to play dota 2?! @JDF8
                  I totally agree im a noob and this is my main account. I would love for you to explain sir! thanks


                    you analyise replays, you practice. simple as that

                    casual gamer

                      i doubt you went 9/3/9 on sven in ur first game of dota

                      just pick only a few heroes (3-5), look at what high mmr players build on them and watch how they play. then spam those heroes for many games and try ur hardest to notice YOUR mistakes. it's easy to notice everyone elses mistakes because they suck, but you have to figure out what you are doing wrong

                      in general normal skill players will spend a lot of time sitting around not farming, make sure ur always pushing lanes out or jungling but still able to show up to fights with a tp scroll. especially on heroes like storm spirit, you need to continuously farm to maintain your lead on the enemy team, pickoffs are important but cannot be your only source of income

                      also if ur team has a vlads ping rosh and smoke them. nobody roshes on time in ur bracket unless theyre playing ursa


                        If it were that simple :/ @cookie
                        @JDF8- I actually farm alot. Whenever i think of going in a team fight i hesitate and think im underfarmed so i tell my teammates i will be up for the next one but i dont go and still think im under i'll be in jungle for alot of time and then when i come out , its already over. I just dont understand how should i go in a team fight early on without thinking i will die and lose gold. this mindset is what i want to change. Anyways Thank you!


                          this is acc im boosting not even tryharding u should play likee this if want VHS if cant sorry u suck


                            it is that simple, you're just lazy to try


                              the only way you can give yourself an huge advantage easily is through picks, after that you just gotta be decent.


                                Well thnks for help guys but im just really new to the game. i have only played around 30games. so yes i cant play like that @robocop but surely in the later run i will be able to with all the advices here thank you cookie mmr assassin and JDF8

                                TRUE TALENT HAS EFFORT
                                  Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                    You know what guys i think this game is not for me so i guees i'll go back to playing LOL , hopefully .


                                      so dota is too hard?

                                      what's your rank in league?

                                      if you can't get at least diamond in league then dota isn't for you

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        man its ur life if u want play play no one can force u anyghing im not near u to beat the shit of u i just cant do what u want


                                          Im just kidding my friend , i just joined dota lets see how it goess, i mean lets seee hoe hard can it be for me to reach 3k after i calibrate to 2k. Platinum T.T@cookie.


                                            ive played dota with a plat lol player and he sucked major ass in that game

                                            bitch keeps on complaining about turn rates, cast points, denies, etc


                                              Spam hard to learn heroes,u will learn a lot things like me.Im dogshit before,but now im starting to get high skills match.

                                              Im still dogshit tho


                                                Well how did you improve in League? You learned the Champions, the builds and the basic mechanics of the game right? You then use those mechanics and slowly improve upon them as you play more correct? So why not use the same approach you had in League and apply it to Dota? Learn the Heroes, the core builds and learn how to fight certain comps or strategies. You will eventually go to whatever MMR you desire to go to. I wouldn't be surprised if you are borderline 2k or less in ranked.

                                                Dota has a lot more mechanics so you will eventually hit a skill wall where you cannot go any higher simply because those players are just better players than you by being better mechanically skilled or strategically smarter or both. During my times of playing when ranked came out, I've had to break down several walls before I got to where I was today and if I had more time to play I would probably be a bit higher but even then I would still hit a wall since there are much better players than I. My walls were were around 4.3/4.6/4.9/5.1.

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  Ashrel! How did you reach hs? xD jk! I do know how to play meepo and invoker properly but im scared that i wont be to able to perform well and would fiddle T.T . I will try my best to start using those heroes in game. thanks


                                                    Nubtrain. the way my recent games have been. My skill level would be 1k or lower. I will try the same approach as i had when i learned league. Hopefully i'll get better soon. thank you,sir!


                                                      Hey nubtrain i read DotaFire nice guide :D




                                                          Alice knows. I cringed so fucking hard. I wudnt rate 4Head, more of a FailFish or OSFrog


                                                            Honest opinion guys - You think i can improve?

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                              Fuck off weeb piece of shit. Stop asking retarded questions.


                                                                At this point I'm not even sure if attention whoring or not.

                                                                clueless clown

                                                                  Fuck all that shit. U wl improve if u learn. For fucks sake, there is no catch. Just like a damn test. Study and practice, you will do well. From there just keep pushing limits. Ur sucess is proportional 2 ur effort

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                    ^ i agree with this guy