General Discussion

General DiscussionDealing with 2 junglers

Dealing with 2 junglers in General Discussion

    first pick Omniknight (again.) forced to do offlane because venom and lifestealer decides to jungle. what do u guys do if this happens to u? ez mmr?

    tbh i already ask them come to lane as nice as possible, but of course with no result.

    i seen this 2 jungler thing too often lately.

    ty in advance.


        your best bet is to try your hardest to win your lane and the mid if possible so you get at least 4 heroes ahead in levels and snowball from there
        but since in this match the opponents are running a drow strat i highly doubt that your team can do much with two junglers

        P.S, if i were playing with friends we would go for 5 blademail crazy suicide and try to comeback

        GL next


          ROFLMAO. KK go for snowbally hero.

          Edit: drow is on his team, not against him :'), gotta ban drow next.

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            tbh ur omni is suck, doesnt matter what hero u against at, u can playin safe and sup ur carries so they wont ded. u can compare with my recent match less farmed but twice as ur hero healing. imo theres nothing worng to pick sup at low mmr, just git gud


              Ye i want to go safelane but they keep saying "go offlane nub".

              Tbh thats the most farmed omni i've ever played hahaha.

              nvm, i was tilted by the lifestealer haha k k ty guys.

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                Don't worry ns people can be soooooo retarded sometimes. I called mid as Zeus, but someone picked Pudge, walked into mid like he owned the lane, and the entire rest of team told me to support and that Pudge is a harder carry. Eventually Pudge gave up but I was so tilted, and my whole team hated me.


                  Just spam >Good game when you see this, much better to smash your monitor with your headset and look at the bright sky


                    ^ puppey approve


                      Walk down mid spamming good game, well played


                        Play Meepo and fight 24/7, "creating space" for your junglers


                          does anyone use their brain to just figure out a simple answer for this, just do it like i do: reverse- engineer the answer

                          you're gonna have 2 junglers, and 3 solo laners

                          that means, your lanes are gonna be weaker but your overall networth is gonna be higher.

                          so all you have to do is not die and if possibly get solo kills. delay the game as much as possible

                          if done correctly, your team would have double their networth by 20 minutes, meaning you can just turn the game on them.

                          anyways, you had 300 gpm for someone who's solo laning

                          you don't need a hard support that game since it wont work out, if wards needed, you just need to place them around the farming areas so that your teammates dont get ganked

                          that game should be autowin if you manage to pass 20 minutes without losing all t2 towers

                          Riguma Borusu

                            That's normal skill dude. In normal skill, having two junglers and 3 people who play relatively safe is pretty much an autowin. Nobody pushes when they have the chance. Everyone is inefficient at farming and ganks are not properly coordinated. What this means is that 5 people farming with any efficiency is going to outfarm 3 people farming and two supports who literally do nothing (because it is normal skill). Even if all 5 people just farm dagons they will still win because the opponents will have no fucking idea what to do against the huge exp/gold gap that's created this way.

                            And I should know this because I am jungling even at 3.9k, and at some point the lvl 8 blood seeker is just going to kill a level 6 bristleback, level 4 lion and level 3 warlock if he comes late to the fight, because the cummulative net worth of those heroes is equal to his, and they have an exp disadvantage in that scenario.

                            Seriously, people who shit on junglers in normal skill have no fucking idea what they're talking about, it is a bracket where supports do nothing. I went from 1.1k to 3.9k pretty much through jungling.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              gg next


                                Jungling is all well and good, but again ur assuming ns players won't die in their solo lane, won't feed, farm efficiently, and be not ns players. Jungling in general is OK, my only problem is those cancer junglers who just sit in there for 20 min, then walk into the enemy team and feed. Active junglers like bs r fine.