General Discussion

General Discussionbanned MC this forum

banned MC this forum in General Discussion
pls be patient very noob ...

    To many youtube spam this forum MC because. Nothing violating code of conductor? That idea MC post youtube video his channel but his post not ban of mods because. ! Now around 10k spam shity video sink sonk also mircle ... he post here for what ? Want money because money videos? Want famous ? Or for fun ? People 2k help he went I talk about this but a real player 48% winrate so annoying . Dotabuff become now youtube advertise because use he a [youtube]. That idea MC like a shameless I'd ....


      b...b...but if he didnt show those awesome videos, i would never see teh ranger-god 9069 match... or the timber-god match...

      pls be patient very noob ...

        If I wanted to watch yet *another* highlights reel of miracle, sing sing etc, I'd go to youtube myself and not have those videos spoonfed *innocently* under the guise of using forum bb code.

        "Hurr durr im not saying im promoting my channel here because it clearly says you cant do it but instead ill post my videos(ONLY my videos) here incessantly and shamelessly"

        Idk about you but it sure still sounds like promoting your channel

        rice cake

          This is strangely familiar.. "To many 4k play like 2k because Cookies!"

          pls be patient very noob ...

            Born I of a country poor much. Dota wanting play I my life all. Too poor but afford of internet PC and. Kidney day one decide sell to. Money get, money much, thiefs money rob of me. Kidney sell other money for. Play now I dota PC on my. Happy am I without kidney even. No plz copy pasta story of my.


              10/10 dog. I thought you were melissa

              Président® Salted Butter

                New copy pasta is born

                Président® Salted Butter

                  Born I of a country poor much. Dota wanting play I my life all. Too poor but afford of internet PC and. Kidney day one decide sell to. Money get, money much, thiefs money rob of me. Kidney sell other money for. Play now I dota PC on my. Happy am I without kidney even. No plz copy pasta story of my.


                    after all this time, it was you disguised as Doggo Melissa!

                    pls be patient very noob ...

                      Fucker off you are . Trigger a very shamelessness advertise because. . Youtube

                      pls be patient very noob ...

                        Fucking this. Steps feet mine at pointer glass bleed very

                        In all seriousness, I did step on broken glass just this afternoon while cleaning up the drainage. Got a puncture wound at the sole and a semi deep laceration near my achilles heel. The puncture wound kept on bleeding until what felt like 10 minutes. The laceration on the other hand(foot) was not bleeding much, but it kept on bleeding just a teeny bit up to now(probably 8 hours now). i just applied alcohol and iodine directly at the wound but I have no cotton balls or bandaids to use so I just put on a clean sock for now(fuk dis house aint got no first aid kit). Any chance I could get an infection? Also I was forced to wade into floodwater for a good 10 minutes but rushed to clean the wound right after I got home


                          I agree, the first post I was chill with but after seeing 2 in one day I was annoyed with the kid.


                            Sorry for not noticing him sooner, with THanksgiving around and me sick in bed we've not been as vigilant as we normally are. Should be better from now on and thanks for pointing it out - of course promotion is against the code of conduct, certainly the way he spammed it


                              YES skim. Justice has arrived. Also dog wtf is ur English. Did u devolve into harambe wtf.

                              pls be patient very noob ...

                                FINALLY PRAISE THE LAWD HAHA. SUCC IT AND SUCC IT WELL MC. and get well soon skim mi man thank you 🙌🙌🙌

                                pls be patient very noob ...

                                  MC IS BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH ANOTHER ALT

                                  lm ao

                                    Melissa is enough reason for any sane being to realize that the idea of free speech is dumb, and you can only give liberties to people until they unwittingly bring their own demise.