General Discussion

General DiscussionPhantom Lancer in current meta

Phantom Lancer in current meta in General Discussion
Bill Cutting

    Hey guys,

    How viable is phantom lancer in the current meta given the popularity of Sven?

    When is it best to pick PL?

    That is all for today.

    Potato Marshal

      PL is still shit, not even accounting for the awful item build everybody sub-5k builds (vlads, hotd, early manta etc.)

      2k indog monkey

        PL is still an absolute garbage although ES is out of the meta
        Very narrow power spike, and gets shat by pretty much 80% of available carry

        2k indog monkey

          The ultra retarded builds makes his winrate even worse
          AHAHAH VLAD RADIANCE OMG AHAHHA I wouldn't even bother trying my best and carry that kind of PL
          PL is best picked against single target oriented lineup (some single target oriented heroes = ursa, WK, invoker in the early game, bane, etc)
          or when you are running a mana burning strat


            dunno about high mmr games but he's viable at low skill bracket get brown boots,poor shield,drum and from there u can start snowball in team fight or just farm jungle / safelane and push were u get chance the moment u get diffusal + yasha over here i mean 1k mmr if u make it before the 20min mark it means 90% win for your team


              shit hero


                So bad right now.
                I remember when he was more than op time ago with invis, old good times.


                  As someone who plays a very good PL and spammed it to 6k I can safely say this hero is absolutely dogshit, only situation where I'd pick PL over another hero is vs WK if AM was banned and all other 4 members of their team were single-target heroes.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  Bill Cutting

                    Does he still dumpstered if the game goes to 50min? I still see pro's picking it so hence the thread.

                    But I get the general opinion that he's garbage.

                    Such a fun hero though hope he comes back.


                      no, i dont want the cancer lancer +9999 agi back


                        can get fuvked in lane easy weak early mid game its risky only if good player pick him


                          I wish they could at least make pl viable


                            To spread cancer, tilt enemies, win the game and feel good

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              i won a lane solo vs shadow shaman and slark, i was up 3 levels when slark was level 6

                              i still lost


                                i dont get it, guys are u srx about pl not viable he's near immortal after 45min will pretty much tear any 1v1 carry apart except for sven and maybe ck ofc :v


                                  Kek haffy. We fokkin lost. Feels bad