General Discussion

General Discussion1 Email - 2 Steam accounts

1 Email - 2 Steam accounts in General Discussion

    Just curious...
    If I have 2 steam accounts using the same email address, how would that affect my MMR calibration? For example, I played and calibrated the 1st account at normal skill. Does it mean my 2nd account will end in normal skill still, and my performance won't matter anymore?


      idk i have 4 accounts on same email and all had first game high skill
      just sayin
      it doesnt affect calibrated mmr, only first match and its really easy to go up and down from there

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        im a bit confuse.. so using the same email won't matter? It'll still depend on how you play?

        I was under the assumption that no matter how good you play on your 2nd account, u'll calibrate with the same MMR (or close to it) as your first account.


          this means mmr calibration works correctly


            1 email 7 accounts here


              @individualist - can u share ur experience? wud they have different MMR results based on your performance or ur main will still play a big factor on what the MMR will be of the other accounts?


                dota forget your main if u allrdy improved ( get more mmr)
                my main was 2500 but grinded to 3400
                made smurf got 3500 to 4200
                made smurf got 4400
                as u see most mmr i won and grinded so smurf dont help that much

                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  No, the only thing that effects mmr and smurfing is using the same device/wifi.

                  Need to change the device if you want a fresh account.

                  That is the same reason VHS players making a smurf will have their first game on a smurf on VHS.

                  Smurfing is for losers anyway.



                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      I 90%+ games play on Cybercafe so howwww?


                        i think steam really does take the original account into consideration.. Been working on my past few games but im still stuck at NS.. :(