General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's your opinion on Meepo spammers?

What's your opinion on Meepo spammers? in General Discussion

    Are they filthy? Or do you respect their masterful micro skills? Or you don't give a f...?


      I admire meepo pickers. I wish I could micro that well.


        mepo is easy
        tinker and voker most dificult i think in dota

        meepo just tp clone lane farm lane go woods 2nd clone too woods anceints then when u gank tab W tab W tab W tab W blink Q tab Qtab Q


          "tab W tab W tab W tab W blink Q tab Qtab Q' is pain in the ass unless you have talent or shit amount of time to master. I admire good meepo players. It's like chinese circus artist doing same move forever to be the best. It's pathologic :-)


            Sven. The answer is sven.


              But I like em too


                i admire everyone that can micro anything or pull off stuff like invoker aghs-refresher combos or tinker's bullshit.


                  Meepo is harder IMO, cuz invoker doesn't require micro and as much god map awareness as meepo. Tink and invoker r more abt combos and APM shit, not as much micro.


                    trash players

                    clueless clown

                      Well. Meepo is tough generally and its very easy to fuck up in a fight if u lose track of even 1 meepo.


                        if every 5.5k+ meepo spammer died today i wouldnt be sad

                        clueless clown

                          Furthermore you need the patience and discipline to learn just the basics of meepo. Initial practices will be tough. Invoker is relatively easier to pick up. Then again, all of this is subjective.

                          Livin' Real Good

                            The girls love meepo spammers apparently, i'm playing on a fuck around account, spamming him in unranked, and this girl actually added me saying " OMG, how do you use meepo! " after a nice performance with him. (true story, but Kappa)


                              yea im drowning in posey guys

                              Livin' Real Good

                                Nahh, didn't say this worked for everyone.

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                pls be patient very noob ...

                                  Haven't found a truly decent meepo spammer so far. I got me a deadweight safelane meepo last game though


                                    Meepo players get mad respect. Like abed. But they are usually disgusting because it's never fun to play against a meepo who's playing correctly and raping everyone at 20min

                                    clueless clown

                                      ^ true but it really takes time to become good enough to perform consistently well. Thing is this hero has a lot of room to make mistakes. Its very easy to feed away big sums of gold. Dont forget that if you die your respwan timer will be bloody long because of the exp mechaninc thing. Also, people will take advantage of tje fact that u are a meepo spammer and will mozt likely aim you 24/7

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        worst scum of the world

                                        jk ofc but still


                                          tbh I don't see anyone who spam any hero filthy at all
                                          unless we're talking about those dogshit anti-mages who rushes BF or VG without finishing their treads first and still win their games


                                            Meepo players gets the respect, why doesn't arc players?

                                            clueless clown

                                              Because arc warden doesnt die when his double dies :p


                                                Good point


                                                  Spamming arc now is the same as spamming meepo before his respawn timer got nerfed IMO. He was a little bit broken then...

                                                  hitch a ride

                                                    well, good to know random people respects me alot :>


                                                      Meepo spammers have big dicks and get all the grills.


                                                        Me 46% wr noob meepo lul.


                                                          i think all 1 hero spammers are filthy

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            meepo is so hard to play against unless you are a sven

                                                            he gon fuck ur shit up

                                                            clueless clown

                                                              My meepo winrate was initially below 30%. Managed to make it positive. Those first games really fuck up ur stats XD

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                First pick meepo spammers respect. Last pick meepo spammers, fuck those guys.

                                                                Megu Rum

                                                                  I was 5.5k as Invoker. Tested meepo for 100 games and was stuck at 3.5k. Not a fair assessment though, because I have many more games as invoker than meepo.

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                    First pick meepo is suicide.

                                                                    very good csgo player

                                                                      G rum my friends is the living manifestation of cancer. 700 games of legion commander jungle.


                                                                        someone worked hard and practiced non stop with an really hard hero so that he can gain mmr

                                                                        what a fucking noob spamming a hero

                                                                        Megu Rum

                                                                          I play for fun and it is not ranked. Why do you care so much about a casual pub game?

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                            dont try to justify your filthy arcwarden spam

                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              Anyone who last picks meepo is pathetic. The hero is trash when first picked and broken as fuck when last picked with no counters. If you last pick meepo and lose you should just delete dota.


                                                                                I like it when I have to first pick meepo. Its throwing down the gauntlet and saying I'm better than you knowing you have multiple incoming counters, will be the focus of every gank and every big ulti will be saved to try and fuck you up :-)

                                                                                Ave with an internet pfp

                                                                                  If you see a meepo spammer ( in Normal skill bucket with very high winrate) 99.98% , they are Account Boaster xd


                                                                                    havent seen any recently


                                                                                      meepo is easy to counter, sometimes even by accident.. but they are great players, with the micro and all that.. also y dont think invoker should be compared to tinker, and less to meepo, he is ALL THE WAY easier.. now, earth spitirith wow.. u must be true pro to make that hero works..


                                                                                        Lol es is hard like how mirana is hard. Skill shots. The rest of es difficulty is a lot of roaming difficulty in general. Not to say es is easy lol.

                                                                                        clueless clown

                                                                                          I dont think last pick meepos are pathetic. difficult hero to play and risky to pick, but he can outshine almost anyone if used well. it is balanced i feel. :/