General Discussion

General DiscussionWe need quiz for noobs who presses "I've played dota 2" which their n...

We need quiz for noobs who presses "I've played dota 2" which their noobs in General Discussion


    how much gold is divine rapier?

    on what level can you get your ultimate for normal heroes?

    what hero has the skill bladefury?

    they enter a word not choices

    tired of typo noobs who press ive played dota 2 im smurfing here hello! im good player bruh i dont abandon when i cant win.

    casual gamer

      i always think its 6400 for some reason xd


        how much gold is divine rapier? around 6k
        on what level can you get your ultimate for normal heroes? 6
        what hero has the skill bladefury? juggernaut

        Pale Mannie

            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

              searches google, answer correct, gets 1lvl 7k mmr profile , profit?!

              Président® Salted Butter

                Stop. Seriously.


                  Been wandering in HoN for a week and this idiot is still around? Mods, please.

                  Président® Salted Butter

                    How's HoN now?


                      U think ur so cool diox? Does feral impulse give lyvcan illusions damage?

                      Vem Comigo

                        how much gold is divine rapier?
                        Sacred Relic + Demon Edge + Mithril Hammer + Gem of True Sight + Upgrader
                        about 10825
                        on what level can you get your ultimate for normal heroes?
                        depends of the hero
                        what hero has the skill bladefury?
                        am buys battlefury


                          this is not dota renew from warcraft 3 roc to ask question before game starts


                            The answer is that feral impulse only gives Lucan illusions attack speed not DMG.


                              if someone presses ive played dota 2. and if its not a good quiz then they should press twice before they played dota 2 like this

                              Newbie presses "I've played dota 2"

                              wild screen appeared "are you sure you played dota 2? bla bla bla mechanics, players who also plays dota 2, will ruin their first day in dota 2 words etc.