General Discussion

General DiscussionHuskar mid?

Huskar mid? in General Discussion
Story Time

    Is Huskar mid viable option? Versus which heros? I know that he has to snowball or vanish and that is why people play him safelane, but with all this harass cant he win some mid lanes early?

    PS So far i can confirm that he is great versus team with no stuns/lockdowns and together with drow and some good initiators in the team


      Huskar + io mid lane


        situational, problem is, if the enemy supports come to gank you you're fucked, you'll most likely always be at a lower % of hp as husk, and all it takes is a venge stun and a few right clicks and you die, however, husk mid can be good if it is vs almost any melee hero and their sups are more of babysit heroes rather than ganking ones.

        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

          its garbage, your good at zoning and stuff but extremely succeptible to ganks, if you dont stand on their hill then huskar mid is a waste
          you need your team to dual/tri their safe lane to keep the supports locked there, or at least have a treant protector

          Bu yorum düzenlendi
          casual gamer

            i think safe is better anyway, easy access to large camp and armlet components, uncontested farm for that crucial first 2000-3000 gold, and proximity to roshan on radiant


              good in normal skill. basically can fight off any mid ez. hopefully no one else is there though

              Dire Wolf

                porximity to roshan? Does burning spear work on rosh? Does lifebreak?!?!

                casual gamer

                  huskar is entirely a roshan based hero come the fuck on

                  Dire Wolf

                    no I'm seriously asking, I never play huskar and rarely play against him, does spear work on roshan? Does lifebreak work on roshan?

                    I see how he could solo with just dominator and his passive but was jw about his other abilities.

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                    casual gamer


                      u go armlet first and then everything else is situational i believe but you kill rosh at a decent pace with just armlet if ur not braindead theres minor risk involved but filthy huskar spammers need aegis to cement their snowball

                      because hes a timing based hero who gets outscaled you want to break their base early, and armlet + 1 item usually halberd bkb hotd or dlance/pike is a massive power spike and then you try ur best to rax them

                      lifebreak works on rosh iirc but mainly ur max attack speed with burning spears melts him

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        Can solo rosh easily w armlet n wolf or ogre

                        Fee Too Pee

                          Get tranq before armlet is viable too. U can trade harras and win with ur spear and regen back. And as mid, the bonus mov speed is nice for ganking pre armlet.

                          Never buy urn and pt first pls

                          Source - huskar spammer cause i like the hero

                          Stand near the creep as close as possible and orb walk the mid. With skill 3 is so easy to deny all the creeps and win the lane by urself if 1 vs 1.

                          If 1 vs 2 , just ask r support to come too. Huskar is a monster early game - mid especially if armlet done before 9 minute

                          I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                            Tranquil is garbage


                              Phase boot is better


                                armlet -> hotdt -> dont know what to spend gold on so get travels

                                Panty Mage

                                  huskar mid is good, unless you encounter a more dangerous foe; like timbersaw or tinker.


                                    tranquil huskar what

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      as i said not common does not mean SOMETIMES is not viable at all
                                      example : Anti Mage vanguard > echo 13 minute > manta > abysall is fucking beast tried it (maybe cause i like aggresive playstyle idk)

                                      alche spam acid? bonus armor + regen
                                      zeus spam lightning ? bonus armor + regen + wand

                                      off course its better to rush armlet usually

                                      heck , i even played at lot huskar OFFLANE. and tranq let you manfight harras burning spear and back up regen easy
                                      people tend to armlet + hotd + brown boots anyway. why not tranq fit in it SITUATIONAL?

                                      check my recent game tried a lot tranquil first before armlet , btw played on offlane

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                      Johnny Rico

                                        If the enemy mid doesnt have a good harass tool, or he need a lot of resources (like mana and hp) to contest you, it is a good pick.

                                        Story Time
                                          Potato Marshal

                                            Why would you bother with tranquil on Huskar when you have a heal already? It's not like you're using that mana for anything else. Even your hypothetical scenarios make no sense, why would you get tranquils to counter Zeus? Huskar already is one of the hardest counters to him, and the armor won't do anything.

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              Huskar doesnt really need any boots, i usually go brown into armlet rush. I know mid huskar is bad, but in the shit tier when most supports suck donkey cock and dont rotate or rotate poorly he can just dominate the lane. I wud say only viper cud stand up to huskar.


                                                huskar mid ok but u must not die once to win game

                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                  porximity to roshan? Does burning spear work on rosh? Does lifebreak?!?!

                                                  Yes and yes.
                                                  Plus he is a hero you can leave his ult at level 1 until 15 or 16 or even the entire game since the only thing that barely changes is the slow.


                                                    I go glimmer aghs octarine on huskar no kappa (only sometimes)
                                                    Havent tried the eblade build yet