General Discussion

General DiscussionHow is this even FUCKING FAIR!

How is this even FUCKING FAIR! in General Discussion

    Stupid shit volvo sent me back to low prio after 1 fucking game out of it. IT WASN'T EVEN RANKED!!!



      Lmao. It's the cycle of toxicity. Toxic players tend to report more for the slightest things




          15 lp games for what? 1 fucking shit game out of lp infested with fucking trash to just send me back again? volvo logic best logic


            15 lp games? holyshit

            LISAN AL GAIB

              At least your data quality is B+


                because i had dotabuff+ for forever

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  Watafak........ LUL


                    How do u get so much lp man. U must be toxic af

                    Hatsune Miku



                        Not really jacked. Occasionally I will end up in a lp cycle after an abandon. Once you get in a certain pool the losing team pretty much singles one person out they feel is most to blame and tries to get everyone to report him.

                        System is totally broken in that regard and it's frustrating as hell for a bunch of games even after. Basically if you want out you need to put on a big boy pants and support role for the megalomaniacs until you're free and clear.


                          System sucks so much its unreal actually

                          Johnny Rico

                            you need to play party or you get to low prio



                              Yeah i think he's toxic af judging from the comments




                                  Rofl. Omg those comments. Dude benao u have mental problems I'm sure of it now

                                  casual gamer

                                    "FUCKING RETARD MAGNUS BEST RETARD MAGNUS EU"



                                      This guy need mental therapy.

                                      pls be patient very noob ...

                                        At least youre among the elite 1% of LPQ players across the game


                                          yeh his profile comments are more funny than pretty much anything else on dotabuff


                                            Ey missed the benao threads. Good stuff m8

                                            casual gamer

                                              he has 1000 games of dota on me almost xd

                                              BSJ. LGD

                                                it happens when u get reported in low prio


                                                  the least valve can do is give me the sf set when i invest money on those damn treasures when the most i play is lp but no, fuck you everywhere


                                                    lmao maybe get your hair out of your eyes so you can actually play the game instead of walking down mid


                                                      forever lp luls

                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                        How can I give a like in his Steam commend xD


                                                          15 games of lp? is that possible?


                                                            the sf set looks sick, but tbh the arcana + arms of desolation looks 100% better
                                                            anyways glhf benao, someday you will escape lp


                                                              Have to temper your strategy in LP. Miss one arrow or hook and OMG Report pro mirana gg jaja asco team rata

                                                              Gotta play heros like Rhasta or CM that can lock down other heros to let your carries get kills, keep them happy or have good pushing skills


                                                                GET CUCKED

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  1. Mute all chat
                                                                  2. change your dumbass looking profile picture. I'd report you just for that.
                                                                  3. ????
                                                                  4. profit


                                                                    ugly way to die from cancer is your profile picture.


                                                                      Apart from helping others play their low prio games, I cant quite recall when was the last time I've been in low prio.

                                                                      last week I had 0 abandoned games / 0 reports / 14 commends.
                                                                      I believe it all comes down on what attitude you keep.

                                                                      Also, I think that at some point you may end in some shadow pool of same behaving ppl, but this is just speculation.

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        everyone is nice to old men


                                                                          @Haffy, true true. Just yesterday a grill helped me cross the streets.


                                                                            Panda and bane ruined the game gg I would report both too



                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                I don't understand how you rack up commends. I don't have a mic but I communicate fine in chat. I don't say barney and friends shit like it's ok guys! we can do it! But I do say helpful things like hey if we ward their jungle we can push, or let's do rosh now sound good? without being an asshat and spamming we need wards. And I don't flame. And I kick ass in support games and still no commends. I do not get it.

                                                                                Like this game literally save bs and jug 4-5 times with last second ults which they said great ult on chat and still no commends.

                                                                                Or this where I won top lane so hard vs slark I rotated bottom and then zoned out morph, still no commends

                                                                                I don't usually expect commends on a carry either but when your team sets you up nicely and you are positive with great job guys, commends for all, and you have highest kills, least deaths, highest gpm, xmp, cs, hero and tower dmg, it would be nice to get a fucking commend!

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                  @Dire Wolf
                                                                                  Have you commended anyone recently?
                                                                                  Can you recall some good behavior from your teammates that made you like them?

                                                                                  I think that answers your concern. Nobody really remembers or cares about it.



                                                                                    Try to rest from this game for a couple of days and start playing calmly. Don't EVER, I mean EVER, feed couriers. Even if your team says it's ok and the game is lost anyway they will still report you at the and and the algorithm accounts for such things.
                                                                                    Also your behavior in LP counts, too. You can get a new punishment as soon as you complete the old.

                                                                                    Well, it worked for me, I'm now down to ~3 reports per conduct when I consistently had 12+ before (check my last 2 pages).


                                                                                      I basically gave up on dota I landed in a bad cycle for venting my work frustrations out on people so got reported for communication abuse a lot. Now I log in and see all these dogshit infused sets so this game has gone to shit as well as everyone getting low prio. Unplayable atm

                                                                                      not arin

                                                                                        either you get to 5k or you stay in trench for long enough to see yourself become benao


                                                                                          ^lmao xD

                                                                                          not arin

                                                                                            ive played 14 games of lpq just to return there after 2 games


                                                                                              I guess eu servers are more cancerous than sea then,
                                                                                              I trash talk my enemies whenver they fuck up or at the end of the game, still got no reports :P

                                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                                Yes I commend people all the time, especially lane support who do a good job killing or zoning out the offlane. Whenever anyone makes a really nice big play in a team fight I'll say great job, I'm commending you for that even if we lose.


                                                                                                  Russia, EU and SEA are cancer unlike China or Korea their discipline.


                                                                                                    I dont know guys, I often end the game with the team feeling like a stack even when i just randomed in solo queue.

                                                                                                    ppl tell to each other thing slike "great playing with you guys" and "that was awesome! we should add each other up!" etc.

                                                                                                    EDIT: then again, ofc some games are unwinnable and we lose, but it was a pleasant game none the less

                                                                                                    for example, look here:

                                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                      Even im 2k i never seen in my life someone feed like you 0-24-0 you deserve exactly what you get, im with Yoshi lately my ranked games were really nice even i lost, that new report system works really well


                                                                                                        Cuz u s*ck on bane hahaha