You need to get a Witch Doctor ingame, noone can help you outside of it.
Btw, if you wanna raise your group mmr sometime soon Cookie, how about we do it together? I'm myself 1k higher solo than group, so it is kind of fitting. I guarantee mediocre Sand King gameplay which will only trigger you 10% of the time. No pun intended.
We can play, but you have to sign a contract that your sk will not give me internal bleeding or heart attack
Alright I can agree on that. Internal bleeding is not gonna happen, but you will get an immortal for every heart attack.
I'll add you when I'm home.
You lost 1 game I wanted to see a lose streak what a fucking bait thread kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Tbh @cookie
From watching countless clq streams, who was 5.8k awhile ago but used to troll a lot and went down to 4.7. Now he's started to climb back up and he is at 5.5k. The biggest problem is, is that 4ks are garbage and you cannot really 1v5 in that high skill. Just go drow lineup and win
You know there are smurfers who buys 4k-7k account there. valve plz fix move those cheaters to normal pub their feeding.
cookie how to vhs pls tich mi only normale scill pliz tich me hao to vhs?!?1 i go meed and i hev hai kaydeeay
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it happened last time, a streak of people intentionally throwing the game, as soon as i hit 5420
now i feel like it's gonna happen again, it already started last game
anyone here know any witch doctor to remove a curse?