yeah but if you buff it you buff arc warden
i hope it is buffed anyway or just nuke the comeback mechanic
Do people still get Midas on brood? Early orchid seems much better or do you just mean if it was buffed?
No please no, we don't need every carry going midas, it ruins early game and makes bad farmers even worse, even with a buff. Get ready for jungle wk's with midas, battlefury midas pa's and jugs, midas void's, midas snipers, midas everything!
My brother builds midas, mjollnir and battlefury on void all the time. Do you really want this in every game?
i think midas is trash on ld brood brew mirana and ns in this patch?
Ld midas is legit gives the bear attack speed, and it doesnt really delay radiance. Dont see why mirana wud wanna delay aghs for midas but maybe a support mirana wud. Dont know abt brew, but brood doesnt need it imo.
i tend to go talon on NS instead of midas, but its still a valid purchase
perfectly fine on brewmaster
brood - well, idk
ld - must have in any case
mirana - the hero itself is kinda less viable than b4, but her builds didnt change. midas is optional.
seriously I only buy midas for memes on my smurf when I play with my noob cousin and that's about it
also that void build is soooo 6.85
Yeah im with Wolf, more midas means more farm, more single players in jungle, booring game ala waiting all game for your jungler when he get enough and than throw game
Watching the Beat international, you'll see Midas get picked up atleast 2x everygame.
I think even myself understimates the item and the benifit of a later midas (darkseers picking it up after mek)
The idea behind it, If you can't get any game changing item for 2k, you should get a midas.
Eg. A Nyx it is perfectly viable in slower games as opposed to rushing blink, you have to think of the game (We aren't searching for solo pickoffs yet, my team is still farming, therefor its better to sucure that *guarenteed* aghs for later stages of the game.
If I've done well as brood but not optimistic I can get my team together to take HG, I'll retreat to their jungle, go midas and start farming manfight items.
sup midas is viable only when the team has early game and when u get midas before 13-14 min mark. Also consider that there should be no more then 2 midases on the team, otherwise your early game will suck.
Nah from what ive seen in competitive midas is fine on supp at any time until maybe 20 mins (as peekaboo said) if your team is playing a bit more passive, not planning to close the game before it goes late, and dont need you to buy a force or some shit. Or you're just snowballing
Weve seen plenty of midas pickups last tournament such as warlock midas if going for aghs and the disturptor one as well.
Also support can barely ever get midas until 13 wtf?
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I think that it needs massive buff cuz this item is only for 2 heroes in the entire doto and thats not ok