General Discussion

General DiscussionMegas vs megas

Megas vs megas in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Hypothetical situation, say both sides have mega creeps but t4s and throne full hp. Creeps are equal paths right now meeting in the river so everything is equal. What would be your ideal 5 man team in this situation?

    I think I'd want Naga to push out, wyvern and drow to defend any enemy pushes and then idk. Maybe another high tower dmg hero like meepo or TB or a cleave hero like Sven.


      Trust me u want medusa at this situation coz no one is gonna get past after that point :)
      Had this experience with medusa mega vs mega and 2 hours 4 mins game at the end medusa won.


        Tiny with aghs ac moonshard deso BoT lvl 2. Clear heroes, towers, and creeps


          Basically supports who scale really well or r good at defending/pushing. Wyvern scales really well late game i feel (better ideas lmk cuz im bad). Drow aghs + mjollnir is nice. Dusa. Cleave (tiny, sven, kunkka, ember). Sk (caustic and burrowstrike initiation). And a good tower pusher. Lycan, tb, jakiro, tiny (again), dk, clinx, beastmaster, arcwarden, invoker one of the best lategame heroes. Naga wud win u the game unless they have good clear like sk or cleave.


            I agree with sadist, Medusa is pretty much the best carry vs Megas. Luna and Sven are decent too though.
            For my midlaner, I'd probably want TA since she can deal with megas pretty well or Alch since the free aghs will become significant at this point. Tinker probably also good.
            Best offlaner is undoubtedly Underlord. he can tank enemy megas for his creeps, Can nuke down waves and he gives his team a huge splitpush advantage.
            KOTL is the one of the few supps that can slow down megas plus Recall is another great tool in lategame splitpush. A support mirana with Aghs would be by second choice.

            Naga Illusions are less effective against megas than you would think since they're so tanky (I think they have like 1200 HP each) so the radiance burn and Her splash don't kill them off fast. She can push every lane at the same time however which is a big advantage.

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              I'm beginning to think that is actually you in your profile pic Daddy

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                La Lumière

                  Personally, a base camping techies with aghs and octarine. Like srsly, he can plant so many bombs that can ultimately demolish a team if he gets the time.

                  casual gamer


                    you want heroes like sniper void drow medusa sven omni


                      Medusa, omniknight, sven, tide, sniper

                      Dire Wolf

                        Guys this is all for shits and giggles, pick any 5 you want, you're all 25 and have normal amounts of farm for that late (ie supports have 3 or so big items, carries are 6 slotted, offlaners are close to that). You don't need to worry about lanes. You can go 5 carries if you want. I'm just wondering what you think is ideal to end the game megas vs megas ignoring the previous ~50 mins of play.

                        Omni is pretty good but his ult is long. I think necro ult with aghs and refresher could be game breaking as you remove two heroes from play for along time. I think drow with aghs mjollnir defends a tiny bit better than medusa but medusa is good.


                          melee team with a magnus?


                            Im brown just not african brown fyi. Dude u need a couple things (from my limited experience ive had one game go 1 hour 51 min). Creep clear. Tower push. Crowd control. Here is a hero with all of those things (tiny). Wow.


                              Or leshrac actually


                                Your 2 best throne sitters are Dusa and Sniper

                                Your best lane clear/hero killer is Ember spirit,

                                youll want a big aoe ulti, and/or two of them - Magnus, Darkseer, enigma come to mind. take your pick

                                you need some hard disables for pickoffs - Tinker, shadow shaman, Storm spirit, Disrupter

                                Alchemist is the top of the - Utility picks for the extra slot, however Treant for vision, beastmaster for hawks and roar, and Centaur for straight up beastmode.


                                  Or u cud set up pickoffs with tiny, clear creeps and heroes with tiny, and kill buildings with tiny. He is just bad if they highground u, but then just split push an aghs ac moonshard tiny destroys towers and creeps like no other. And he has a stun, and a way to enable initiations.

                                  casual gamer

                                    tiny is rekt by sniper for sure, other heroes like drow and medusah ave much higher potential im pretty sure


                                      Tiny is rekt by sniper in this situation. However, if tiny gets blink, then sniper is just food early on. Especially in the shit tier when there is rarely any wards, and never where u really need em.

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        tiny, dusa, wyvern, shaker, underlord


                                          any hero that cleaves



                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                              Heroes with AoE right clicks, and techies.

                                              Cannot tell you how many 80 minute games I have lost due to that little bastard.


                                                I think if game realy Pass 2 hours and everyone have items id like To have: tinker for mobilty Medusa carry underlord for passive treant for Vision and ogre for the buffs.


                                                  Tink is disgusting


                                                    Medusa and Sniper are the biggest throne defenders but I'd rather like to have a team with Magnus + a melee carry(say Juggernaut or DK for instance).

                                                    Sugar Show

                                                      rat teh ancient with Nature

                                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                                        Omni, Medusa, Techies, Alchemist, Underlord

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          I completely forgot ember and dark seer, though dark seer may only be spectacular vs melee heroes. Ranged ones might be too farm from wall. But with aghs those ult illusions actually do more dmg than the real heroes, imagine getting an aghs illusion of a 6 slotted sven lol. Would just wreck everything.

                                                          And ember, some of the highest late game dps there is. So my new lineup:

                                                          Naga - will just split push all the lanes out like a boss, can D well too
                                                          Dark seer - I need some team fight and disable
                                                          Wyvern - good wave clear spam and team fight ult
                                                          Drow - mjollnir, aghs is some of the best wave clear, aura for wyvern and medusa
                                                          Medusa - combo'd with drow some sick dmg


                                                            Ye but sven is all plus dmg he would cleave his own illusion down. Dark seer wud counter a morph or drow or other manta carriers. Also alch late game is not as good as u think @abadass the whole point of alch is to get 6 slotted by 30 min and end early. Late game he isnt tanky enough and gets out dpsed and his regen matters less cuz dmg goes up.

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              Alch late game sucks, I think they are just picking him for the 7th slot aghs for everyone, which would be pretty awesome on heroes like jug, sven, drow, tiny. If I were making an alch lineup it would have to be something like that, heroes that have aghs upgrades like alch, tiny, sven, dark seer, maybe warlock.

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                                                              casual gamer

                                                                6 slot drow with alch aghs is some real shit

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    drow lost because she didnt buy 1-2 mjolnirs

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      uhhh why the fuck did drow build mkb with no dodge on other side? Only thing I can assume is medusa had dodge and sold it for ac cus ac is showing up as a super late addition? Either way I don't see diffusal on drow very good, better to just get the mjollnir.


                                                                        At some point I was 20-4 then game dragged out, we couldn't finish because were actually behind as a team. I believe I bought back 6 times that game, dusa did have butterfly at some point, that's why we built Mkb, at about 45 min I bait all of my enemy team to rosh pit, and took Megas myself. Also I stopped farming after getting 7 slotted at 50 min I let my team farm, that was a mistake. Should've farmed a shadowbalde and try to make one last play.

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                                                                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                          Tiny is too kitable, doesn't scale as well compared to most carries into late game, and would need a dedicated wisp support if you really want him to be comparable to most carries. Even those other carries with a wisp would be already a shitton better than tiny without wisp.

                                                                          Plus that tniy build without BKB=CC pin cushion.


                                                                            That roshan bait was pretty sick tbh, everyone was typing Dota WTF after I took Megas


                                                                              Late game tiny is a powerhouse. He isnt a pos 1 like sven, but he can still do a lot. The reason tiny is good is he has enough burst to easily destroy a support with an initiation, turning it into a 4v5 immediately. If u want late game u cud go manta bloodthorn aghs on him. With blink and silver edge. He likes bkb but i consider him more of a hero who wants to burst someone down and not chase as much. Being kited is fine as long as those spells r used on u instead of ur carry or to gib ur supports. Ur tanky enough against stuns (usually) and good at standing ur ground against slows.


                                                                                Drow can split push using aghanim scepter and mjonir. 3 hits kill just buy durability afterwards or slark, pudge, antimage, legion commander, nature prophet, lina, abaddon, alchemist or any heroes will kill her. no noobs plays her right and her turn rate has been buffed and now you can move freely just dont play her with decent lag.


                                                                                  Tiny isn't lifesteal dependant and he's squishy after you gank him together or with high burst damage.


                                                                                    Who was talkimg abt lifesteal on tiny?

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      Uh tiny is pretty squishy vs ranged heroes tbh. His craggy exterior makes him very good vs melee but ranged crush him. Suffers same issues as sven but sven has warcry. Tiny does better tower dmg, especially with manta since his ult dmg is added to illusions. I don't think tiny is that great late at team fighting but he will absolutely crush a base.


                                                                                        Simple: WK with aghanims + Underlord = tp full team = bb throne (given there's no fortify available)
                                                                                        Add naga with ult for uber rat doto

                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                          Ye i said tiny cuz he clears towers. He is decent enough at fighting late, but that can be supplemented with ur team. When enemy has tiny and ur even a bit late to a BoT u can easily lose a tower before he blinks away. The threat of him just soloing the t4 towers while u fight is really scary.

                                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                                            drows really squishy actually

                                                                                            like with full slots you have 3000 hp good armor and do a fuckton of damage but if you get jumped ur going to die unfortunately, shit like dusa is so tanky that she can turn a fight even if she gets gone on

                                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                                              yeah but who's going to land on a hurricane pike drow, especially before she drops a dozen mjolnnir procs on you and wipes your team? I mean she's probably attacking at 3 or 4 times a second, plus aghs split is 9-12 attacks a second with a 25% shot that's 2-3 mjollnirs a second, easily a thousand or more magic dmg to your entire team in a few seconds.

                                                                                              Anyway if I knew how to make custom games I would totally make this. Regular dota map, only t4s and thrones left, all pick, every hero starts with 20,000g. That's enough for say drow to get mjollnir, bots, hurricane pike, aghs but only ~3300 gold remaining, can't finish manta or butterfly or bkb or whatever else. So there's incentive to get out and farm jungle but you're 4-5 slotted depending on hero.

                                                                                              casual gamer


                                                                                                it seems to me that she suffers from minor ember spirit-itis, shes great if people clump up but if theres 1 tanky high damage hero with no creeps ur going to accomplish much less

                                                                                                heroes like this: wk, ls, storm, pa, slark, FV, sven

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