General Discussion

General DiscussionCode of Conduct needs to be more specific.

Code of Conduct needs to be more specific. in General Discussion

    Let me break it down point by point.

    "Racial or Ethnic Hatred:Do not make any posts or links to websites containing language or images that promote racial or ethnic hatred, use a recognized racial/ethnic slur or allude to a symbol of racial or ethnic hatred."

    While things such as "Kill all blacks" or "Gas the jews, race war now" are obviously inappropriate, discussion about genetics may fall under "racial/ethnic hatred". More relevantly, making fun of racial characteristics such as slant eyes may fall under this. For instance, I worry that someone making fun of Asians in a benign manner may get banned or suspended. Take this for instance: "I suppose that slant in your eyes makes you TILT." Coming from an Asian, I would consider this as just a pun - a type of joke that may fall under "promoting language that promote racial or ethnic hatred".

    "National or Geographic Hatred:Do not make any posts or links to websites containing language or images that promote national or geographic hatred, use a recognized national or geographic slur or allude to symbols of national or geographic hatred."

    Take Polandball jokes for instance. "Polan cannot into space", "xaxaxa Polan I trik yuo", "Stupid shit rectangle" and even "Bolivia cannot into sea". These seem harmless, but these can also be interpreted as images that promote national hatred. Take the "stupid shit rectangle" comment in particular. The joke derives from a comic by FVBLT mocking Portugal for its irrelevancy and poor state in Europe. However this joke may be taken seriously and create a hatred towards Portugal, therefore falling under "images that promote national hatred" and an offense of the code of conduct. The mods may then choose to selectively enforce these two rules mentioned to censor people they dislike should they make a single ethnic/nationalist/cultural joke, or limit the scope of humor in this forum.

    "Do not make posts or links to any websites that insult another player or person, or which would result in the harassment of a player or person by others. Harassment comes in many forms and is not limited to specific words or behaviors. Repeatedly targeting a specific player can lead to more severe action being taken."

    This is alright in principle, but it should explicitly state that "doxxing" in particular is frowned upon and will result in a permaban/long ban. I am in favor reinforcing this idea through repetition. However, note that "harassment" as used by many feminists means that "I disagree with someone and don't wish to hear him/her because it hurts my feelings." Please ignore this vocal minority of people as they tend to be extremely toxic, perhaps adding a sub-point for these types of people. Also, if someone makes a website like (doesn't exist at the time of typing) where he/she ironically (cough*jokes*cough); I wonder whether or not this counts as linking to a "website that insults another player or person". In addition, there's the Pandora's box of "hate speech" and its correlation to "harassment".
    Whilst I abhor things like "Women are sexual objects" and "Blacks are slaves, nothing more.", It is possible in today's society in Germany and the United Kingdom to think negatively towards topics such as immigration and radical feminism and then be branded as one who practices "hate speech" whilst others saying more outrageous things such as "Whites should be genocided", "Fuck white cis males", "Islam will take over the world" and not be categorized as "hate speech", which itself is a vague term that is used to describe words and phrases that may be used to harass others. As such, examples of harassment here should be provided, with case by case dissection as this rule will become prone to abuse should the rule remain vague.

    "Sexual Orientation:Do not make posts or links to websites which insultingly refer to any aspect of sexual orientation.
    Gender Identity:Do not make posts or links to websites which insultingly refer to any aspect of gender or gender identity."

    I think these two points should be revised to: "Keep sex and sexuality off the forums. Do not promote or insult sex and sexuality."

    "Real-Life Threats:Do not make any posts or links to websites containing violence or threats of violence against other players or Dotabuff staff."

    Doxxing is bad. Death threats are bad. Standard forum rule. Things like "fuck you" should be limited.

    "Distribution of Real-Life Personal Information:Do not make posts or links to any websites which release any personally identifiable information about another player or Dotabuff staff without their expressed consent."

    No complaint here - doxxing is BAD.

    "Extreme Sexuality or Violence:Do not make any posts or links to websites which refer to extreme or violent sexual acts, refer to violent real life actions, or contain pornography."

    No porn, no gore.

    "Cheats, Hacks or Malicious Programs:Do not make posts or links to websites containing game cheats or malicious programs, including making posts that exploit other forum visitors on the website."

    No malware.

    "Selling or Boosting Accounts:Do not make posts about or links to websites that advertise account selling, boosting or trading services, commercial or otherwise."

    No problem, I hate boosters and this is a forum for self improvement not large egos.

    "Inappropriate Language:Do not make posts or links to any websites containing language that is hateful towards ​a specific person or group of people or bypass the language filters in place on these forums. Cursing is allowed but words or phrases that are racially charged or may be perceived as hateful or intolerant toward another person are not."

    Here we have the problem of "hateful words or phrases." What exactly would constitute that? If a phrase offends one person yet does not offend others, is that phrase in violation of the code of conduct? This is especially important when concerning the case where that person offended is a mod. Should someone disagree or speak an opinion that offends a mod, they may find themselves banned as they are likely hurting the mod, which can be perceived as "hateful".

    Advertising:Do not make posts or link to any websites for the purpose of advertising any commercial or non-beneficial website, business or organization.

    There's no problem here.

    TL;DR, the word "hate" is used far too often and is not specific enough as it is not defined within the code of conduct, leading to potential abuse. In addition, some jokes about race/religion/sexuality/nationality may fall under "hate" for some people, leading to a potential violation of the code of conduct due to lack of clarity of the definition of the word "hate" in context of the code of conduct.

    Edit: The word "f**got", whilst a slur against gays, is also internet slang originating from chans. It is primarily used as a word to mock the Original Poster (OP) for making a terrible original post or to mock a specific group (usually "normies") or even to mock other people on the board for being a general piece of shit. This has spread throughout the internet and contextually may refer to other people without its original meaning of being an insulting way to call a gay/lesbian.

    Bu konu düzenlendi
    Guess who

      I'm afraid this topic is going to be ignored/receive a generic meaningless response/deleted by mods.


        Trying to cater towards tumblr users is not a good idea when most of your users are redditors/channers.

        disgusting weebs

          will anybody even read that?
          u need a tl;dr of ur tl;dr

          Riguma Borusu

            dude learn to use fucking paragraphs

            that wall of text is unreadable



              Riguma Borusu

                much better, will read up and comment on it if I have time, but from the TL;DR and the first paragraph I've read I gotta agree people are too easily offended nowadays and that site's regulations in general get overly butthurt over anything, not to mention that the context is too often ignored in favor of some arbitrary rules that are not really what the users want

                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                King of Low Prio

                  Codes of conduct are vague for the reason that people will just try and find loopholes if you make it too specific. For example most work places will say wear 'appropriate business attire' instead of wear XYandZ leaving the interpretation of what they want into the managements hands.

                  Guess who

                    As it is right now it only leaves loopholes for mods to ban users when they feel like it, and then pretend that that it totally wasn't unjustified.

                    King of Low Prio

                      It is not a loophole if that was the intent of the code of conduct. You seem to think the code of conduct is there to protect the users, it is there to protect their brand.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        @Guess Who: Nobody is going to hold mods accountable for anything, so it doesn't even matter if there weren't any rules to begin with, you using any aspect of this site (free if you do not go +) is a luxury, not a right.

                        People have trouble grasping this shit in technical terms, but nobody owes anything to you, and you do not DESERVE anything, you can just have it if people who create things permit you to, and that's about it. When you opt for +, you are paying for very specific things, and having uncontested access to the site is not one of them, and even then you can get muted if mods are having a bad day.

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        Guess who

                          It is not a loophole if that was the intent of the code of conduct. You seem to think the code of conduct is there to protect the users, it is there to protect their brand.

                          Thanks, captain.

                          You do understand that you are giving them money just by visiting the site, or do you have difficulty grasping that simple concept?

                          King of Low Prio

                            well you seem so far up your own ass that you dont realize you are just being a whiny child but please continue.

                            Riguma Borusu

                              @Guess who:
                              I do, but I do that of my own accord, there is no contract binding the whole "visit site to see ads" -> "guarantee access to site and assets, as well as an immunity to being stripped off of those rights" thing together. You have difficulty grasping simple concepts, if anything, everything you do on this site is luxury provided to you for free (unless you are +) by the site's owners. Ads do not count as you paying them, you know. And even if you pay for forum membership, depending on what kind of things you sign, site owners can still have power over your rights to a greater extent than you imagine.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                              Guess who

                                You clearly has comprehension problems, I'll try to keep it as simple as possible. There is no luxury for me, neither anything here is "free", everything on this site is made to generate traffic, and thus $$$ for owners, I'm not obligated to anyone, infact I'm making them a favor by visiting these awfuly run forums. And you don't need to tell me that mods can sperg over nothing and ban people because that's exactly that was happening recently if you didn't notice.
                                Also, happy for you that at least on the net you can try to be condesending to someone. Must be such a relief.


                                  The problem is that there are too many loopholes for mod abuse. I suggest looking at spacebattles or even rules on chan boards.

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    "Also, happy for you that at least on the net you can try to be condesending to someone. Must be such a relief."

                                    I am condescending to idiots in general, it does nobody good to put more value in people than they are worth. You were the one who started with condescending remarks, if anything I should've been a greater man and not returned them. And no, you do not understand how internet works at all, your definition of "free" is laughable, and it would appear (to any rational person) that the one who has comprehension problems is more likely to be you.

                                    Guess who

                                      Maybe clear your eyes before you open your mouth first

                                      People have trouble grasping this shit in technical terms

                                      and nice ignoring my entire point to show some virtual teeth (because your cowardly nature won't allow you to show the real ones).

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        You said nothing here is free. You're retarded, please kys, I am ignoring the actual argument you are making because you do not understand what it means for things to be free on the internet. And neither do you understand that getting some value for no money is, in fact, a luxury. You gave 0$ and got a product with some value, that's a luxury.

                                        Now, that you believe you are entitled to more, is a whole different story. Nobody should care, nobody has to provide anything for you, and anything you are arguing for can only be on terms of site creator's good will.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                        Guess who

                                          You're retarded, please kys

                                          Good god, man, you should've started with that so I don't have to waste my time on you.

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            If anything, it's constructive advice.


                                              I'd side with Guess who in this case - there are flaws in the code that need to be remedied in order to improve quality for the few hundred forum users that exist, as the current forum rules are poorly written and prone to abuse.


                                                tl dr sry


                                                  tldr, tldr; code of conduct too vague, can lead to mod abuse.


                                                    I'm wondering what people think of when they call things "Mod Abuse"

                                                    neither I nor any other person is here just as a mod. We build the site, its features and its content. So when we do something, be it deleting a comment or banning a person, it's not because "hurr durr power", it's because we don't find it appropriate for our website and the atmosphere in our forum.

                                                    Like King of High Prio said, the more specific we are in our Code of Conduct, the more likely it is that people will find a loophole and say "but its not on the list!". That's also why there is no list of banned words.

                                                    As always, we trust every one of our fellow mods to act appropriately and we do discuss certain actions as a group, so that we're all on the same page.

                                                    As for the other feedback: As much as you guys want us to, we will not change our policy regarding certain terms and words. If you think that's inconsistent with us letting other things fly (like the occasional "fuck you" or "you're cancer"), then we can look to be harsher there as well.


                                                      posting a joke picture that makes people laugh is megaharsh, demeaning and offensive to everyone, better throw some bans

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        Somebody actually read it WutFace

                                                        Player 215168758

                                                          One day, I'll have a mark of "on the dotabuff for more than 3 years! "
                                                          But still cant reach a blue star