General Discussion

General DiscussionAny tips are welcomed

Any tips are welcomed in General Discussion
Rektdalf the White

    Long story short: I started playing dota like 3yrs ago - building shit like dagon/agha desolator/basher lion and stuff and got around 2,6k mmr as my starting point. With more and more insight to the game mechanics, builds, etc. i slowly rose to my highest point of around 3,5-3,6k mmr which was like 1yr ago. Then I started playing more sporadically due to my concentration on school and rl stuff. But since then my mmr seems to be falling down uncontrollably - atm I'm around the same mmr as when i started out 3 yrs ago, even though my game insight is like 500% better. When i was around the 3,3-3,5k mmr I felt the most comfortable with the game, the players were on equal lvl people didnt do those newbie mistakes and life felt good, sometimes I even played with my mates which was around 3,7-4k I didnt feel like im playing with some ultra good guys, sure they were better but it wasnt by that much. But now, since I have fallen by like 1k mmr I'm starting to get into games where players do unbeliavable mistakes, or has no game sense at all, - f.e - I got streak of 4 games in row where my main carry bought brown boots around 17-20. min mark - I thought thats like sub 1k thing... Needless to say that I've lost those games. When you fall like me you can see these mistakes, and thats incredibly painful to play with these kind of people. Sure I make mistakes in games, but not like that. So I guess what I'm asking for are some tips, constructive help or anything to work with (aside git gud scrub). So thats my rant. Thx guys


      I know that feel. Bump for this.


        i can't read this wall of text, give me a tldr and an actual question to answer

        my internal NS radar is preventing me

        Rektdalf the White

          I've risen from 2,6 to 3,6 and then I fell to 2,6k again and no matter what I do, I keep losing even though i play 100 times better then when i calibrated. Back in 2,6k I see players doing horrendous newbie mistakes which are pain to play with. So any tips to climb back to more comfortable mmr for me - 3,3-3,5k are welcomed. Thats what I'm asking for.


            clearly you don't play 100x better as your mmr didn't change

            if you want actual tips, ask more specific questions

            there's no one on this forum that will give you a different answer from:

            1- pick a couple of heroes and spam them

            2- git gud

            3- analyze games

            4- some NS wall of text from someone who has never moved in mmr

            5- K

            6- some meme

            7- the casual off topic invasion of ''predikt muh mmr" or "muh teammatez retard hurr durr"

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              wow ... u commend good abt 3k mmr game , i suffering ard 3k-3.9k for 1 year ... players sightly better at >3.8k , mostly throw on pick and role , not to mention they don even know how to control a hero . Like one of my recent game (3.6k), enemy pick wk so 1 of my team instant say i need am to counter wk , ok fine ... once started i see his lasthit and control > OMFG

              1. last hit so bad as a am , no deny
              2. don't know how to control creep equilibrium ( of coz , he don even bother deny )
              3. 1 blink = 1 hit or even miss ... ( decent am player make at least 2 hits per blink)
              4. don't how to farm effectively ... its free farm for me but i don't know why its feeding for him went 2-6
              5. brown shoe till end , 35mins free farm > manta,abyss,bf ...
              6. tinker junggle 18mins , pugna solo mid fail like nobody , always walk like a boss ... 0 game sense
              * 3k game just throw at start , it's nvr be pos 1>2>3>4>5 .... every1 is like 1-1-1-1-1 , 5 pos 1 carry, FARM is their hobby but u nvr see items. FML .... should i create smurf to calibrate 4k+ like my frd do... climbing is hard when u bad luck 5 carries team


                Due to my 700 mmr experience I wud say even sub 1k players rnt as retarded as what ur describing.


                  I was about to type git gud but then i saw what cookie typed and luled.

                  The Medic Guy

                    even 4k carry still retard


                      1k swings means u go from alright to monkey really quick and both traits are a part of u. U monkey


                        TLDR: You are trash.


                          Seee iam not joking coz i recently have got from like 2.4 k to 3.3 k in just 4 5 months.
                          So u too need to get gud.. same what cookie said so it's not gonna change.
                          Make forums instead regarding about ur signature heroes and what mistakes u r making that will help u gain mmr..
                          And yes spam only 4 5 heroes to get atleast till 3.5 to 4 k :)