General Discussion

General Discussion2k supports

2k supports in General Discussion
the lil 1k  who could

    to all of you 2k shitlord ultra stains who play support,

    Your garbage and you blame other people cause your a support, but all you idiots ever do is just stand in the lane and don't pull, don't harass, take up all the xp for 10 minutes and steal last hits

    your like a vial parasite and you should be killed off. Learn how to support or don't play


      I'm inclined to k, but I kinda Agree. There's some severe misconception of what a support does in ns it's frustrating.


        At least they are trying to make a team composition that works rather than the shitlords who just pick another carry/jungle lc.

        Wtf do you expect when you are a 2k carry who will feed if they are left alone for 10secs?


          I have to agree though, some supps said ok when i said don't hit creeps,but they keep doing it

          King of Low Prio

            when I was playing my girls account I would just hover over CM and pretend I am playing her to avoid getting support players that trigger me

            the lil 1k  who could

              most games i play shit like sven or wraith king mid, causes it easier to come out with 55 cs 0 deaths and fast levels solo mid vs anything than it is to play safelane while some shitlord ultra fucking stain that cannot be wiped out, stands their and does nothing for ten minutes while I get harassed 2v1, in those situations i still get like 42 cs and maybe 1 death, but its just so much better to jungle or mid, I never want to be in lane with any of you under 4k shitlords

              Zymenth D Hanzo

                teach them how to be a good support then....not everyone came out from godlike support school.....but thats make me wonder...most support are created with low base damage and attack the hell a godly pro carry like u with a good base damage and attack speed get last hit stolen so easily ?


                  Well some carries have really shit base dmg makes it hard to contest a fkn quelling blade treant gaddMmit ptsd

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  Riguma Borusu

                    @Qinetic: It is not really about contesting your support, it's about contesting 3 people in a 2v2 lane, instead of contesting 1, it's actually pretty ridiculous, but if you get used to it and can work around that, it can be fine.


                      Yes. I can manage solo vs 2 but solo vs 3 is too much. I can't contest my own support challenging me for last hits sometimes I end up w less than a solo lane. Tuff life of a carry


                        In 2k sups threaten to report you for not getting wards as a mid zeus no kappa.

                        Zymenth D Hanzo

                          well maybe the play style is regional based...back here in the SEA region...its the all carry shit that bring the cancer....sometimes the support only have 1 boot and 1 branch just to hardcore support the baby carry...but then the carry act all immortal charging without wasnt rare to see some stupid jugger or ursa chasing dying enemy from tier 1 all the way to tier 3 even though all his teammate spamming ping on him to go back...and most of the time the backup teammate that dies trying to keep that idiot alive

                          " ako mid 2 tanggo 1 ward "<====== if u see this just leave the game and search new game

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            Yeah, I'll listen to a core bitch and complain when they actually learn to control their own creep equilibrium. If your support puts the lane in a good place, pulling is just going to force the carry to last hit under tower. Even if the carry player can do that, congratulations the lane is pushing again. I did the climb from mid 2ks to mid 3k as a support. Most of the time it was a solo support. More often than not the creep can be set at the path right after a tier 1. The support can go to zone and within 2 waves the creep is pushing into the offlane tower. Congratulations pro safe laners, you're now feeding the offlaner and putting the support in a position where they can't harass without pulling creep agro. Also consider getting aggressive when you see kill potential. A solo support isn't going to trade with an offlaner forever. You are part of the zoning threat.

                            A support is going to have to ward, stack, pull, and rotate with next to no early game or transition items. They shouldn't be stealing last hits, not just because it's counter to their main role, but because they flat out shouldn't be able to. If you cant out last hit a support, quelling blade is an item. If you still can't outlast hit your support (unless its something like a treant or an ogre with qb), feels bad. Iron talon is also a thing.

                            Complain about support, but a player should evaluate his own play first. Take OP for example, in his last 9 games he had a whopping 38LH/10. Two of those games came on Alchemist where he went for 48 and 49 LH/10. With stats like that, I don't think your support is your problem.


                              and why u get only 70-100 last hitts as middle after 30 minutes?


                                Haven't u guys laned w someone who challenged u for last hits so hard u both end up missing the last hits. LUL. Good example of some game theory right there


                                  @scor there's a reason I don't play core but you'd have to show me that game.


                                    The blaming game.


                                      @followMe i mean TheDengrWarrior


                                        typical carry player who doesn't know shit but blame the support for their screw ups


                                          Back in 2013 i made another account to practice on. Its 2.1k i played on it recently instant picking LD mid just to try him out. almost every game the next 4 picks were all cores.
                                          I feel sorry for people who wanna play serious dota at that bracket and will no longer judge smurfs. My 3.5 bracket is bad but at least the lineup is almost ok.

                                          Just getting a support at 2k is something


                                            Blaming doesn't help you win game. Point out what's wrong so they can correct it. Not only you help the player to be better but make the community much less toxic.

                                            casual gamer

                                              if they sap xp in lane but dont feed relentlessly they are going to do better than the enemy supports

                                              the lil 1k  who could

                                                hahah look at the super ultra fucking 2k shit stains come out, just fyi, I am in high skill bracket which 3.6k after losing 17 games in a row, I was in very high skill bracket, so for the shit lord asking me about my last hits in a games where my team is 1-12 by ten minutes, why are you in normal skill.....

                                                And again shitlord utlras 2k shit stains, you have no fucking clue do you, you think pulling lane is about creep equilibrium............

                                                it doesnt fucking matter where the creeps are to last hit anywhere outside the tower, unless the creeps are under the tower the whole distance of the lane is relatively the same danger level.

                                                The reason you pull the damn lane is to get your own last hits and XP, while your carry gets solo XP so that you can outlevel the offlaner or duo of offlaners.

                                                if you pull the wave 1 to 2x a minute thats 12 pulls in 10 minutes, giving you about a chance at your 30 last hits, and your own solo xp to reach lvl 6.

                                                that way when the offlaner hits 6, your 5-6 and your carry is 7-8 cause you denied 5 waves of creep xp

                                                this is why you are 2k shitlord ultra stains, your too dumb to actually learn anything in 2 years, 2k shitlords abound

                                                the lil 1k  who could

                                                  again, pulling the lane should be happening at minute 1,very few matchups are gonna kill your carry before lvl 3, thats 3 minutes you have to pull the lane 4 times and deny them 4 waves of xp, your carry can hit 4 before they hit 3, and 6 before they are 4 if you pull good. against a solo offlane, you can keep the levels between the carry and the offlaner the same by pulling, and get your own solo xp.

                                                  before 10 minutes XP is almost as valuable as last hits because it snowballs how much you can farm, and shitstain lords of 2k who sit in lane and dont pull and sap all the xp really should just have there mmr cut to 0 where they belong, or permanent low priority

                                                  the lil 1k  who could

                                                    fyi, a 2ker who actually listens is not a shitstain, the shitstains are the ones who constantly act like they are as good as higher mmr players, and refuse to learn or change while being total shit. I would listen to most of what any 5k told me to do regarding game play and mechanics


                                                      i dont think that i need a 8k mmr to see that u have problems with lh.
                                                      i can say also that pulling is a way but not to cure evrything because the enemy offlaners can gain more exp and gold if they get the lh in the jungle and the camp while your carry has to tank creeps and fighting against the own tower or maybe losing the tower.

                                                      Now my friend, u can think about thise and maybe watch some guides "higer" mmr player like i did. But in the end u will see that what we told u is that what u will hear in thise guides.


                                                        2k in general are shit, but on the other hand i do agree with the OP

                                                        Almost every game ive smurfed recently in 2k i asked my team to let me solo vs the offlaners

                                                        Low mmr supports are really just parasites

                                                        But, also the carries are worse

                                                        They literally fail the most basic of basics

                                                        Tldr 2k are shit

                                                        Carry + support in 2k are a simbiotic relationship of a piece of poop and a fly

                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                          hahahah do u love poop like flies love poop?


                                                            i make love to my supports

                                                            Asep Knalpot


                                                              casual gamer

                                                                ya i end up buying crow as mid always in 3k xd


                                                                  I'm sure 2k supports are garbage. But if you are in a game with 2k supports you are also garbage


                                                                    I agree with jdf8
                                                                    1-4k is pretty much a free for all

                                                                    Not a team game, just win for yoirself

                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                    Asep Knalpot

                                                                      1-4k too much account buyer, garbage everywhere


                                                                        Yes the most low mmr players are bad BUT they are low mmr so n my opinion they have the right to be bad. If u are better u will lead your team to victory and rise your mmr and get better players or u are smurf than it was your dicision to play with such low people OR u are bad also but than u shouldnt blame your team.


                                                                          @cookie but a 9k player would say 1-7k is free for all


                                                                            Not really, since 4k++ you can actually use communication to win the game easier


                                                                              Getting a good support in 2k is a luxury. If u think others can't support u properly then try playing as support yourself and see how good u can do. I go support many times if I see full carry team cause having a good stun or heal may change the game totally in 2k trench. Also if they can't stop feeding with defensive wards stop buying more wards cause it's never worth it and get ur core items for better fights.

                                                                              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                I think it's different in SEA server.

                                                                                Here in SEA server, 2k mmr actually play good. Most of my friends are 2k mmr and they play well.

                                                                                In my bracket, 3k supports are not that bad. But ofcourse we still lack skills compare to 4k or 5k. We rarely buy SOD (unless we RS). Dewarding is very rare unless you have slark or zeus.

                                                                                To OP: If you think you can do better job on how to play a support, pick a support.

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                  Had a timber game where I solo safe vs2, then had a mirana come to gank me and all I'm telling my team to do is push towers and farm. Even had 4 in my lane just to kill me, but I had a lc jungle, of and Luna fighting for mid and an solo offlane pudge. Some games you're meant to lose.


                                                                                    Od and Luna *


                                                                                      Support is fucking easy
                                                                                      All you need to do is to
                                                                                      - stack camps when convenient
                                                                                      - make yourself convenient to stacking camps
                                                                                      - pull double camps if the carry can last hit under tower and sustain the damage
                                                                                      - zone the offlaner
                                                                                      - set up kills when available
                                                                                      - giving up kills to carry if possible
                                                                                      - buy wards and sentries
                                                                                      - put wards and don't die
                                                                                      - put wards and they actually give information on the map
                                                                                      - put wards and they don't get destroyed instantly
                                                                                      - deward potential wards from enemies
                                                                                      - buy detection
                                                                                      - restore mana and hp (and prioritize them first)
                                                                                      - drop down ego and beg the rich gods to buy a gem or sentries for you/team
                                                                                      - rotate around the map to catch people in other lane off guard
                                                                                      - make sure their jungler is not too comfortable (especially that jungle lc unless she goes midas)
                                                                                      - make sure their carry doesn't farm well
                                                                                      - call for ganks on their carry if you can't trouble him
                                                                                      - make sure your carry farms well
                                                                                      - extend your carry's life even if it means dying for him when he dived
                                                                                      - soak the least of xp available to the carry if he can make use of it better than you
                                                                                      - solo smoke gank mid at minute 0 to fuck up enemy mid/give your mid an upper hand (and get called tryharders)
                                                                                      - shot caller for when to farm, rs, push, back, def
                                                                                      - spam "X"s on the map when one idi... hero can't resist the urge to farm enemy buildings as all enemies respawned after taking the barracks
                                                                                      - decide how to join in the fight and make use the abilities so you don't die useless (much less not dying at all)
                                                                                      - stand the blame of not helping when you can't help a pick off without dying for nothing
                                                                                      - help your carry by improving his ability to deal damage, sustain or reach his targets
                                                                                      - identify deadweights on your team and solutions which make the most out of the situation
                                                                                      - be mentally positive (and stay motivated) of every single stupidity ever existed (drow sniper rubick enchant lion best pick eu)
                                                                                      - criticize but with nice phrase so your teammates dont get their fragile ego crushed
                                                                                      - give up but in less obvious means

                                                                                      See? It's ridiculously easy. What's so difficult about supporting? OP is so right on this one I don't find any argument disagreeing with OP valid.


                                                                                        If your main account is 2k just spam an op support till u are 3k. Abaddon omni lich. just spam those 3 until r u out of hell. its 5 core teams almost every game at 2k. Get out of that shit asap.


                                                                                          So do you think 2k support horrible, but carry they are so good there....:D just good as you lul

                                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                          remember to drink water

                                                                                            Cookie and JDF8 are correct


                                                                                              Actually carries r slightly better than supports at 2k I think. No one knows how to supp

                                                                                              the lil 1k  who could

                                                                                                at 2k mmr, the only players who actually want to play support are usually the worst players cause they are so bad they admit it.

                                                                                                They usually end the game 1-14 and follow the carry around the whole time taking 1 of every last hit in the jungle and 1 of every last hits he gets in lane, then they walk into the river and wait to be hooked and die, then repeat the process, and never buy wards lol

                                                                                                shitlords omega prime ultra shitstains


                                                                                                  2k support solo push tower while the other 4 are defending against enemy 5 man push.


                                                                                                    that's why it's 2k, bro. you have no business smurfing at our mmr range whose players clearly lack basic mechanics and complain. it is to be expected.


                                                                                                      That incompetence in supporting can actually be seen in other MMR range as well. Most of the time people get stuck with the misconception that supports = suck exp, buy ward, take last hit sometimes (instead of not competing with carry at all), buy blink/meka/hex, do things under the right circumstances (but not create the right circumstances for the team).

                                                                                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                                        Support is fucking easy

                                                                                                        Whoah. Easy? Said someone with a recent games battle pass abuse.

                                                                                                        Support is never easy. Farming gold to buy wards is hard. Your too easy to kill especially if the enemy has spec, slark, or PL.

                                                                                                        Strong supports are hard to play. Elder Titan, Phoenix, Earth Spirit, etc.

                                                                                                        Positioning is very hard in a real time clash.

                                                                                                        When the enemy carry has bkb, your doom.

                                                                                                        Teamwork is a must. But what if your carry playing solo game?

                                                                                                        I admire great support players.