General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion


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    doc joferlyn simp

      Imba snipe 5/7.

      doc joferlyn simp

        Bruh they added Ranked MM. My friend says people are now toxic af


          TF2 ranked? LMAO

          pretty sure im maniacal

            Wanna hear some cringey shit? Just tell me what song you want to hear and I'll sing it if smule has it LUL


              poor jdf swinging to get that 6K but all he gets is the K

              doc joferlyn simp

                Lmao JD's in LP hell, is he even toxic?


                  I miss LP

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    Hola signoris anyone up for a game later? 2-3 hours later. Play core I'm gonna try out JD's build as Treant.


                      yo i got a shit ton of lps in this acc

                      one game i got tilted and quit got 1 abandon
                      next my friend was on my acc and i was on his bc of sd picks and he had to go so he left from my acc > 3 abans
                      next i played on my pc and pc BSODed and i cant play on pc rn so a 24h search ban and 5 abans :D

                      and again we went to gamenet and i switched my acc with a guy in my lp party so i could play meepo and he played "supp" sf :D


                        Treant has high wr. But I never see him in my games

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          I have set up shamefur dispray, I must commit sudoku.

                          casual gamer

                            i deserved lpq sadly

                            ill get 6k eventually. probably actually caring so much about individual +-25 now is impacting performance a bit.

                            itd be easier if my teammates DIDNT BAN TINKER OUT FROM UNDER ME THOUGH :V


                              i want to scream and shoot the me from 5 hours ago

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                Esprit d'escalier.

                                casual gamer

                                  man sf has THREE (3) AOE NUKES at lvl 7. his ult slows and reduces attack damage

                                  how is he not a support???


                                    SILLY ITS CUZ HES AN AGI HERO

                                    INT HERO = SUPPORT THAT IS WHY NECRO/OD/STORM ARE SUPPORTS


                                      did u know? i talked to real 1kers irl and they say the stupidest things


                                      ALSO IT DEALS MORE DAMAGE IF UR NEARER LOWL

                                      BSJ. LGD

                                        i just got turn 6 prince of darknessed LUL GOOD SHIT MAN


                                          T6 SATAN LUL

                                          did u win?


                                            i once beat a T8 satan with a T10 satan

                                            ...i was haven


                                              i was ok with his idea of supp sf at first but when i told him to get mek everytime he pretended he didnt hear me and eventually i forgot the argument in the middle of the game. told him to get a ward, a mek, do smth a sup does but lol no

                                              also the void is 700 mmr he's in the gamenet 24/7 and always is in lp asked me "why? i quit a game just once" then i showed him his summary o boi xd 7 reports ecksdee

                                              and the thing is, he TEACHES others to play dota. i started straight from d2 and got 1200 when i only knew like 10 heroes and their spells and nothing more


                                                dead topic gg we lost middleeasttard gotta keep seatards alive


                                                  hi guys




                                                      sia my gay partner


                                                        Wheres the ayy lmao thread


                                                          try to road fucking 5k help me guys tnx

                                                          i have 5 reports to use

                                                            Of course not he drew 2 of that deal 7 damage card heal 7 bullshit and just killed me

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              "and the thing is, he TEACHES others to play dota"

                                                              it is coaching for lowering mmr, as you listen to him the knowledge drains out of your head


                                                                xd right right


                                                                  A 700 mmr void?
                                                                  Is that me?


                                                                    Also i picked zeus into mid and when my teammate picked pudge AFTER me, my whole team was like "let the pudge mid, ur a zeus u can support"
                                                                    I got so fucking triggered, holy shit.
                                                                    Another time on ember and there were people like sven or a drow who hadnt played in a couple months who wanted mid from me. Why r 1k's even lacking the most simplest of knowledges ffs


                                                                      haha u gotta raise mmr in 1k by spamming riki. no need for lh. no need for hardcore farm. no need to have that much skill. can buy wards and cor. needs just a diffusal and gg end fast


                                                                        I win with necro void
                                                                        U cud say ursa and luna but i dont play em a lot


                                                                          I think the huskar build is armlet solar crest, but do u get lance in between, or after crest?


                                                                            how do u get t6 prince of darkness? dragon orb?


                                                                              ramp + wyvern cavalier

                                                                              SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                                                i wna start tryharding again :(


                                                                                  Has this thread come alive?

                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                    If we have lot of blue start it should,if it's just raj complaining shit it should death xD


                                                                                      also bois use lycan rn he's op and nobody realises and luna has been hugely nerfed and again ppl dont know the nerf effected his wr a lot get offlane weaver carry lycan and ember mid ez winz any bracket

                                                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                        What about jungle Lycan?


                                                                                          good but takes a lot of space is good with a carry like ursa who likes killin more than farming


                                                                                            icetea jackett and other tards when u gon play?


                                                                                              Might play tonight


                                                                                                Give me some meme ideas I'm tired of spamming weaver

                                                                                                BSJ. LGD

                                                                                                  support sfs legit