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General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    inb4 5 man 4k stack
    edit: thnx for reminding me haffy

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      That remind me we still haven't had a 5 man stack

      doc joferlyn simp

        inb4 Renshin looking for a GIF.

        2k indog monkey

          Inb4 4 man 5k stack

          2k indog monkey

            That's because not everyone is having holiday right now
            Some of us can only play at mornings to afternoons (me)
            Some noons to evenings
            Some evenings to nights


              Too bad I wanted to spread my cancer in a 5 man stack


                Thats all the tips you need, glhf figuring it out.

                Ive pretty much almost given you the answer.

                All you gotta do now is figure out the dota eqvivalent.


                  git gud


                    can someone tell me why everyone is letting VP play their exact same favourite heroes?


                      ^^or git rekt

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        *makes a thread about "what makes you lose games" to know what the playerbase find hard to deal with*

                        "omg noob teammates"

                        "my teammates are fucking braindead"

                        "this sniper player maxed headshot and took stats we fuxking lost"

                        "why is everyone in my team retarded"

                        Alice: according to my research, that one thing that sub 5ks cant deal with are these things called teammates

                        so how do we deal with it?

                        through sacrifice. become the second coming of Jesus. remember that am on youtube who went 0/43/0 and won the game? be that guy. he LITERALLY forced his team to worked together, not only against their enemies, but also against AM. so what if you get loathed, reported, flamed, sent to low prio? at least you get that 25 mmr



                          Or just ban BF alice


                            i know what cookie does. he looks at replays at his bracket, and analyses how they play. then he goes up a bracket and tries and see how they play differently, find the weakness of his own bracket and exploit it in his games.

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              Tactical feeding is a strat endorsed by Singsing, a retired professional player who has played for Kaipi and Cloud 9.


                                That can work jacked, except you wont know how to calibrate to a higher bracket than your own to begin with

                                That was one of the key parts of the trick, calibrating high XD

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  Well jacked and haffy I have a question for you, you guys have played with me and gotten tilted at the test of your teammates.Those retards are guys I have to play with regularly, at least u guys had me I m fucking alone and vulnerable in solo ranked


                                    Cookie sensie how to git VHS?

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      Calibrating high is ez pz, I've got a smurf at 4.3k now.

                                      Consistency is what will be needed I guess,


                                        i get tilted of course when teammates are retards. but then it doesnt matter because u just basically focus on playing better. that's how i carry u on my back apoo. u just gotta be better than every1. kek


                                          Harmless, you have the knowledge, yet have subpar execution.


                                            yea cookie u just abused zeus hero dmg to calibrate high luuuul

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              Actually I didn't get tilted because of the teammates. Remember that time I went Centaur mid and still wrecked? I tilted because I had become so dogshit it was disgusting.

                                              Even Cookie's cringe face couldn't help me that time. I felt so frustrated at myself and looked for an outlet of my anger as a coping mechanism.

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                The answer is, obviously, PICK TECHIES. Techies does not play dota - techies plants mines (frey557 ty).

                                                While that's technically comparable to Cookie's example (win by not playing dota at all), I think that the secret to winning most games is analyzing what the enemy wants to do when you see the draft and what your team can doagainst it (but more importantly, do not depend on the team, and try to create a strategy for yourself).

                                                Don't join fights you cannot win (and feed like an imbecile). Know your enemies' TP cooldowns, if you see the committing to something, split push them, tilt them by deceiving their expectations multiple times. Think about how they'd think and act against that. Do not play like you have wards when you really don't. Try to guess where the enemies are without even depending on vision. Play safe especially if you're a core position, realize that the tradeoff of one creep wave for your life is better for you than you NOT getting that creep wave but ALSO feeding.

                                                But fuck, now that I see it, this all boils down to "simply get better at dota in general" and is not a silver bullet for winning games.


                                                  Unlike you guys I can't call mid(I m not the higher MMR always)and being safelane carry or support is a death sentence.
                                                  @renshin I have literally no knowledge and my execution is non existent that's the very problem


                                                    EG Raping shit boys. go artour

                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      @bot: that's why I spammed jungle from 1.1k to 3.9k so far (and rising)

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi


                                                        now i have found my purpose

                                                        my purpose in life now is to make my enemies ask me if theyre still playing dota 2



                                                            @linkins can confirm, I have 60 winrate playing jungle at ranked


                                                              abraham, thats just generic advice that applies to all brackets. i could do all those things in apoo's bracket because i know how they think. so i know the right decisions. but trying to do the same things against better opponents won't work. u have to adjust how u split push, how u decide to join fights or not. eveyrhting has to change.


                                                                actually rip

                                                                my purpose will be deleted on monday

                                                                because by monday everyone will be asking "we league now?"


                                                                  Honestly I would jungle if my team could hold even a single lane down.
                                                                  I have to rotate like a madman with a safelane carry just to enjure thatowr t2 doesn't go down before 15 mins
                                                                  Or maybe I m just wrong I accept that I am retarded(0.5k proves that) so that's probably the problem

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                    ^^^depends with your hero too

                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      @Harmless Bot: No, you are getting it wrong. See, as Renshin said, he has 60% wr with jungle in ranked. So do I. But let me ask you something.

                                                                      Would you rather consistently win around 60% matches (even if the other 40% games are them stomping on you), or have 49% winrate with a strategy that does not work at all?

                                                                      Jungling every game is a sure way to rise your MMR by a fuckton if you have an idea what you're doing, sure, some games are gonna be lost because you weaken your lanes and the draft is too greedy, but as you rise you can recognize those games and pick something that lanes, OR YOU CAN COMPLETELY IGNORE IT and still be at 60% winrate. That gives you 5 MMR average per game, so in 100 games you get 500 MMR.

                                                                      I fucking first pick blood seeker and win 60% of the games. That practically made me go from 3k to 3.9k and I always first pick jungle bs so that my team can pick around that.

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        Should I go for TB Arcana or Juggernaut Arcana?


                                                                          Juggernaut gonna get nerf, Illussion gonna get nerf,
                                                                          follow your heart


                                                                            lol abraham. what about bloodseeker jungle is it that fits so well with you though? some heroes/strats just click better for certain playstyles. i wouldnt recommend following one person's strat to gain 1k mmr. every1 is a little differnt.

                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                              guys lets do a 5 stack soon. i'll do my pos3/4 weaver


                                                                                quickly before the new patch

                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  ^It's not blood seeker jungle dude, it's literally an exploit

                                                                                  basically, getting freefarm in any lane, even in low MMR, requires skill

                                                                                  last hitting in jungle requires you just to be efficient in a PvE, there's about only like 5% games where I have been contested and even then I fight back

                                                                                  So basically, learning to jungle gives your whole team an EXP/Gold advantage which you can then push by killing everyone many times over and securing yourself and your team kills

                                                                                  People are shit at last hitting and farming in general, so nothing really happens in the first 5 minutes of the game

                                                                                  After 5 minutes, you are level 6-7 and combined with any hero you can kill underleveled supports, their safelane carry if he has no escape, or anything else, but at that point this really matters because you are gaining momentum and the ability to create space for your team at a much more effective rate than an underleveled support could have done thus far

                                                                                  and do you know why it works?

                                                                                  because pressuring lanes as a support REQUIRES A LOT OF SKILL

                                                                                  jungling for 5 minutes and then killing everyone requires a fraction of that skill

                                                                                  ez +25, you can thank me later

                                                                                  also I added you lets do some stupid shit

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                    The patch is coming very very soon. Good luck lads


                                                                                      5k im coming



                                                                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                          Alright then, which one of us will play support?

                                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                                            im gonna jungle because I am bad at dota


                                                                                              It seems I m going to be the sub 1k benao fml

                                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                what are your party MMRs? Mine is 2.5k so I can queue with anybody down to 500 and up to 4.5k, my party MMR is ridiculously low so I can queue with whoever


                                                                                                  I can do a lion support


                                                                                                    Guys pls I won't be playing until Monday

